...Motivational Theory Analysis 320 December 15, 2014 Sandra Branton Motivational Theory Analysis Motivational Theories and Their Application in Construction The democratic leadership style is a weakness of most construction managers and supervisors. A higher performance and better results are achievable through research for democratic supervisors. Managers have to possess an understanding of the concepts and theories of motivation to create a motivational environment for construction workers. A significant role in workforce motivation is the leadership style of the building manager. Construction workers possess frustration and gain lower productivity with a lack of organization at the job sites. Management must provide direct support and provide feedback on performance for the construction workers by recognizing them for their achievements. The management staff must understand the needs and expectations of construction workers. Negative consequences may result in the misuse of some theories and techniques. Use of Management and Ethical Case Studies to Improve Decision- Making Skills in Senior Nursing Students The effective mode in achieving a desirable goal for the project was group work. The most desirable outcome involves active interaction with appropriate social actions in groups. The graduates of baccalaureate nursing programs possess little opportunity for socialization into their nursing roles of their education process. Role confusion and role conflict is present...
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...The motivation theory that is used in Two Men and a Lot of Trucks is Job enrichment theory. I believe this is the theory that best describes this case study because Sheets realized that to be successful in her franchised company she needed the other owners to feel in control of their own success. Sheets established Stick Men University to help the owners of franchised locations and new employees of every location learn the different aspects of the company, and learn from some of the mistakes made early in the company’s history. From the beginning, Sheets wanted the customer experience to be exceptional. To do this she used a directive approach in providing guidance and training, teaching franchisee’s to use work performance standards, and creating clear work rules and procedures. Even from the beginning of his time with Siemens Medical, Klaus Kleinfeld created a supportive approach to win over the employees, and supervisors to establish new working conditions. Kleinfeld was careful to include employee concerns when implementing or changing working procedures. Later he used a participative approach by instituting One Siemens to include all company units to cooperate better to win more business. I believe that Kleinfeld personally used Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory to achieve everything he wanted in life. He showed that he was able to set goals and reach them with the right motivation. This leads me to believe that he also employed the expectancy theory. He used multi-tasking...
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...Wk 2 App. Theories of Motivation Jennifer Bauer Walden University Organizational Behavior 4100-1 Dr. Margaret Kalina July 25, 2015 Wk 2 App. Theories of Motivation The concept of motivation varies between employees. As one may be motivated to succeed with high level goals to achieve, others have a low exertion level of their job performance. Motivational theories delve into different behavioral factors and personal attitudes that contribute to job performance, managerial success, and achieving professional goals. This paper will provide motivational theories related to the scenario provided that relates to Susan Smith, a Senior Director of Human Resources in a healthcare organization. In Abraham Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs, there exists examples that apply to Susan Smith and her staff. Safety in this theory is defined as security and protection from physical and even emotional harm (Robbins & Judge, 2014). In the scenario, Susan would exemplify safety by not wanting to offend her administrative assistant with her lower than average performance evaluation coming up. Her administrative assistant is a loyal, long-term employee but is not working at a level that is accomplishing necessary work on a deadline. Another factor of Maslow’s theory that plays a role is self-actualization. This is defined as the internal drive to become what we know we are capable of and achieving our potential and self-fulfillment (Robbins & Judge, 2014). This need is...
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...George Steins’ Ethical Dilemma * Discuss all of the reasons why you believe George might act unethically and remove the filters, allowing the maggots to remain in the mix. The first reason George might act unethically is due to Social Learning Theory. “Analysis revealed that perceived learning opportunities were shaped, enabled, and constrained by a variety of social, cultural, structural, and process-related imperatives. This was manifested through two learning systems: (1) a formal learning system directly managed by the organization and (2) an informal system that was fostered through strong social networks and driven by the organizational culture. From this investigation, we posit a social theory of learning, which encompasses sharing knowledge and experience through social interaction” (O’Toole, 2011). This is an article for developing learned systems by the Australian Army in their ‘fighting for knowledge’ campaign to understand learned systems in a military setting. Using a focus group of over 150 armed personnel to understand some of the cultural and social systems enforced. Social theory is a theory that states that we learn through observation and our direct experiences with others (Robbins. 2013). The social learning theory is enacted by both formal learning systems, decreed through management, and informal social networks. In the case George is faced with an ethical dilemma. There is an informal social network and management system, Paul that oversees the night crew...
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........2 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................3 2 Discussion ........................................................................................................4 4 Conclusions ......................................................................................................9 5 Recommendations ............................................................................................9 6 Bibliography .................................................................................................... 10 Appendix A –Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg model of motivation diagrams........... 12 Appendix B --Overview at a glance comparison of motivation theories………….13 Appendix C – Mind map of motivation in public sector……………………………..14 . Academic Development Assignment one- part two Brian Vanhinsbergh Ricochet Introduction All over the world we are coming to terms with the effects of the biggest global economic slowdown since world war two! As part of the UK’s spending review during October 2010, the country was plunged into further misery, by the coalition government commitment to repay the country’s £900 billion debt! Chancellor George Osborne predicted that 490,000 public sector jobs would go as a result of the severe £81bn cuts over the next five years outlined to Parliament during his comprehensive spending review announcement. ‘The coalition expects 490,000 public sector jobs...
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...Motivation 1 KEY THEORIES OF MOTIVATION Motivation is the driving force behind human behaviour. Motivation and human management Motivated people are those who have made a conscious decision to devote considerable effort to achieving something that they value. What they value will differ greatly from one individual to another. There are a variety of ways to motivate people, including the fear of losing a job, financial incentives, selffulfilment goals and goals for the organisation or groups within the organisation. The traditional view - finds some of its origins in the work of Taylor and the school of scientific management. At its most extreme, this view postulates the following: people dislike work people will only work for money people are not capable of controlling their work or directing themselves simple, repetitive tasks will produce the best results workers should be closely supervised and tightly controlled extra effort must lead to greater reward people will meet standards if they are closely controlled firm but fair supervision will be respected Taylor took the view that there is a right (meaning best) way to perform any task. It is management’s job to determine the right way. Workers gain from this approach because the ‘right way’ is easier and pay is enhanced as a result of increased productivity. The human relation view - originates in the work of Mayo, known as the Hawthorne Studies. The series of studies essentially concluded that the strongest motivational force behind...
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...Motivational Theories and Education Amanda R. Davis Grand Canyon University: EDA- 575 April 16, 2013 Motivational Theories and Education Creating a plan that can motivate and encourage students is necessary for any teacher in today’s day and age. Most teachers are extremely busy and always striving to have their students achieve their goals and meet the standards, while at the same time monitor behavior around the room. Having a motivational plan that works in the classroom and/or school will help any teacher or administrator accomplish their lesson or school goals with the utmost efficiency. Motivation is what makes a person engage in an activity or uphold expected behaviors. Once an educator learns what motivates his or her students, everyone will benefit from the process. This paper will discuss a tentative motivational plan for Hinman Elementary School in Henderson, NV. In an elementary school setting, the children may have a hard time settling down to actually learn. The lack of student motivation in schools is a major concern for modern educators. Teachers and parents alike are trying to find the best ways to motivate their children to do well in school. Educational researchers have accepted four parts of motivation while studying student learning. They include: behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, and social aspects of motivation (Glynn, 2005). Because all children are somewhat different, it is important to find what each child would be motivated...
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...Motivational Theories Motivational theories are theories on how and why people act. It is what drives a person to extend their abilities and perform what is expected. These theories are based upon several mechanisms such as basic needs, state of mind, goals and desirability. These theories usually explore direction, intensity and persistence. Primary motivational theories include Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs which is based on satisfaction as a means of motivation. He represents these needs in the form of a hierarchy known as a pyramid. The bottom of the pyramid is the psychological level, then going up, the next level is safety, social, self-esteem and self-actualization is at the top (Maslow, 1943). Maslow believes that once a person’s lower level needs are met than the higher level needs are triggered. Organizational Behavior Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of how individuals and groups act in organizations. It does this by taking a system approach where it interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization, and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives. OB is concerned with group dynamics, how individuals relate to and participate in groups, how leadership is exercised, how organizations function, and how change is effected in organizational settings. References Schermerhorn, J.R., Hunt, J.G. & Osborn...
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...We must realize that we do not exist within a bubble. With the rapid advance of technology the world is getting smaller. More and more organizations are taking a global approach to their businesses, expanding not only their reach but their footprint as well. This forces organizations to tailor their method of doing business to a certain degree to the area in which they are doing business. Culture plays a large role in the motivational scheme, weather you look at America as a salad bowl or a melting pot the country has applied its own influences upon different ethnic groups as to what works for motivation and what will not. Knowing this now tells us that we must examine what works for the cultures in the purest sense on their original soil. This will not only help us in the sense of a global expansion, it will allow us a basis of comparison back at home as well. In recent years when someone mentions manufacturing, invariably China comes to mind. This manufacturing powerhouse boasts a labor base of almost 1.3 billion people. With a limited infrastructure they have been able to undercut most developed countries bids when it comes to manufactured goods. When it comes to motivation the strict structure of the government and more importantly Chinese culture come into play. It has been noted that while China focuses on moral motivators for the average worker, “that extreme reliance upon nonmaterial incentives causes morale and production to suffer” (Riskin, 1973). As the...
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...Ishan Shah S.Y.B.A A-94 Paper III Public Administration Topic : Motivational Theories. Introduction: Motivation is one of the most important managerial and human factor affecting human behavior, performance and attitude. Motivation has called as “the core of management”. For this reason managers attach great importance to motivation in organizational activities. Effective directing of people leads the organization to effectiveness, both at individual and organizational level. Definition of motivation: Motivation is the willingness to exert high level of effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts ability to satisfy some individual and group need. Motivation is the driving force which help causes us to achieve goals. Robert Dubin defines Motivation as “the complex forces starting and keeping a person at work in an organization. Motivation is something that moves the person to action and continues him in the course of action of action already initiated”. Characteristics of Motivation: On the basis of above description, we can find out some characteristics of motivation. The characteristics of motivation are: 1) Motivation is a continuous process. It is not a time bound program or a touch-and-go affair. Human needs are infinite. A soon as one need is satisfied new ones arise. 2) Motivation is a psychological concept. It is based on human needs which generate within an individual. Needs are feelings influence the behavior...
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...Motivational Theories Colorado Technical University Motivational Theories In the business structure, there are different theories on the best way to increase productivity and an important factor regarding the outcome is motivation of the employees. Over many years, there have been varied perspectives on this yet they all seem to center on the theory of efficiency, whether it be through machine productivity or employee productivity. The focus shifted and management became aware that the motivation of employees was a key element in the level of both efficiency and productivity. (Sarker, 2013) The Equity theory of Motivation is the consciousness that employees value themselves with comparisons of workers with similar jobs. They will also compare how they are rewarded for their efforts and if comparisons are equal. When the comparisons are equal, there is equity within the organization if it is not fair there is inequity and unhappiness among the workers, which decreases morale and effects the workers ability to produce. Workers can adjust their own inputs or outcomes and can also adjust the inputs and outcomes of other employees therefore it best benefits the company to seek to motivate. If workers decide, there is inequity it can result in their resignation. The history of the equity theory of motivation in that in 1963 John Stacey Adams decided fairness and equity are factors to motivate an individual when inequity is determined and individual’s will seek to adjust...
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...Motivation Theories Taxonomy J. Shan PSYCH/700 June 27, 2011 Instructor William Shriner Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Abraham H. Maslow Jex, S. M. (2002). A Scientist-Practitioner: Organizational Psychology. Retrieved from the University of Phoenix eBook Collection Heylighen (1992) explains in 1954 Maslow published his theory of Need Hierarchy. Maslow believed that a person's needs are the most important stimulant driving individuals (p. 20). Maslow labeled these necessitates in five stages, physiological, security, communal, regard, and self-actualization needs (Heylighen, 1992). Jex (2002) is of the opinion that Maslow tried to construct a general hypothesis that could clarify the influencers regarding decided behaviors (p. 241). Important to mention is that Maslow build up theory founded majorly on quantifiable study more willingly than organized experimental study (Jex, 2002). Regardless of this qualification the theory has grown to be significant organizational psychology. Jex (2002) states that in Maslow’s assumption, inside the five levels, once a person satisfies one level the individual will then pursue attaining the next level, so on and so on until they attempt to attain the top level of self- actualization (p. 242-243). When viewed as a complete theory, Maslow's Need Hierarchy is certainly intuitively appealing and represents an insightful statement about human nature. Jex (2002) believes Maslow’s hypothesis has proved inadequately as an interpreter of occupation...
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...Pg. 1 Motivation Theories Paper Sara Reinhardt Pg. 2 Motivation is a highly researched topic it encompasses a very large and broad range, for the purposes of this paper we will focus on the different aspects of Organizational Behavior motivation, and the many different methods and theories that are frequently associated with it. What is motivation? Motivation is described as to the extent of a person’s persistence, direction, effort and intensity that they display in the process of obtaining their goals. When we first look at a person that is motivated we often think of how hard they are trying to reach that goal, this would be an example of the persons intensity. Along with intensity a person must put forth the effort to stay on task and reach their goal as an individual or a team, and have the persistence to stay with that task until the goal has been reached. There are different theories of motivation that can help a manager or a team of people understand different aspects that keep people motivated to fulfill a task. One of the theories that are often looked at when researching motivation is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory, this theory stems from the needs that people have in order to stay motivated and move forward in life, or in a work situation. The theory starts with the most basic of needs and then begins to move forward into more complicated or complexed needs of self fulfillment. This theory is often shown in a diagram in the shape of a pyramid,...
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...Motivational Theories Seven people were chosen who were thought to be representatives of a diverse work force. The data was compiled provided by the Work Motivation Survey found on the University of Phoenix resource page to determine what the individual strengths and weaknesses were of the team. Next, four motivational theories were chosen that were believed to be the best motivators to help the team through the changes caused by the merger/acquisition. The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of the data that was gathered on employee job satisfaction and motivation. Personality Profiles Data, from the following individual surveys, is compiled in Table 1. Individual #1 Team member #1 is male and has worked with the company over 10 years as a professional. He is highly motivated by completing difficult challenges. He has a strong need to be liked by others and enjoys building close relationships with his co-workers. However, he would much rather work by himself. He is not motivated by setting and achieving goals and is only moderately competitive. He does not prefer an authoritative role and enjoys feedback on his work progress. Individual #2 Team member #2 is a male who has worked with the company less than two years in production/assembly. He is not motivated to improve his work performance and prefers little or no competition. He has problems focusing on the task at hand because of socializing with fellow co-workers. He desires...
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...| | | | | | | | Nearly all the conscious behavior of human being is motivated. The internal needs and drives lead to tensions, which in turn result into actions. The need for food results into hunger and hence a person is motivated to eat. A manager requires to create and maintain an environment in which individuals work together in groups towards the accomplishment of common objectives. A manager cannot do a job without knowing what motivates people. The building of motivating factors into organizational roles, the staffing of these roles and the entire process of leading people must be built on a knowledge of motivation...
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