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Mozart Descriptive Writing

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The forest that surrounded me was like the Garden of Eden benefiting to all the inhabitants. The water on top of the leaves stayed there until a strong breeze wooshed by and rhythmically dropping on the forest floor. The treetops represents Atlas, carrying all the weight of the damp leaves on its trunk. The sun rising in the distance ahead was crafted beautifully by Vulcan, setting the sky on fire that warmed the air.
The car passing, Brutus, betrayed the natural silence of the growing forest, The swift stream of the creek delivering dead leaves to the pond at the end of the creek like Hermes sending messages to Hades. The dog bark in the distance irritates the forest in its past accomplishment of a lullaby throughout the whole forest. God …show more content…
Geese, essential to nature, zooming over the treetops, honking loudly; squirrels scattering, semiconscious, scavenging for sustainable shelter, thinking they are being attacked from above.
People wonder why the birds chirp in synchrony, maybe after the influence of Mozart? My interpretation for the perplex people of society, is to not interrogate the natural allurement of nature, but relish nature for as long as you got.
Later in the the forest, the sun sun creeped higher up in the sky. exhaustingly weaving through the pillow of clouds. The little sun beams peek out of the clouds and playful shine into the little cracks of the tree lines. The inviting sun soon dries up the damp log that lies lifeless in the middle of the forest.
In the many times I have stayed a little while and been one with nature, I can say the most relaxing thing is the rhythm the forest produces. This rhythm can only can be sensed if you are dead silent and you close your eyes and have patience. After a while, the first symphony of the angelic wind will blow in first, then the second symphony of the leaves rustling along with the winds. The final part is when the bird join in with their tweets and chirps, making it one delightful

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