...die? Over the years many facts have been shared by well-known scientist, Egyptologist and historians attempting to find out if King Tut was murdered or if his death was accidental. Egyptologist Bob Brier is a strong advocate of the most popular theory, “The Theory of Ay”. He believes King Tuts servants Ay killed him out of greed in order to take over his throne. Another fairly popular theory is the theory that King Tut died from infection due to a broken leg after falling from his chariot. Although both theories have their valid points only one can be true. The most plausible theory is definitely “The Theory of Ay”. According to http://www.kingtutone.com/tutankhamun/murder/ Ay had the motive to kill Tut considering he would be next in line to the throne as long as he married Tuts wife Ankhesenamun. In 1997 Mr. Brier revealed that the ring he found in Cairo proved Ay and Ankhesenamun did indeed get married after the death of King Tut and along with that he also became the new pharaoh of the land. Many people believe the marriage was forced despite Ankhesenamun’s attempt to wed the son of the King of Hittites who was assassinated on his way to wed Ankhesenamun. In addition to “The Theory of Ay” It was also discovered by Bob Brier that there had been a hematoma at the lower base of King Tuts skull, probably caused by a blow to the back of the head. A trauma to the back of the head where the neck meets the skull is highly uncommon considering the area is well protected...
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...that is certain; there will always be many theories as to how King Tut died. One popular story that stands out is based on the relationship between King Tut and Ay. This story is popular so much so, that It was said that Ay killed King Tut out of greed. Ay knew that by killing King Tut he would inherit the throne. In 1968, Ronald Harrison, a British scientist took x-rays of Kings Tut’s skull. During his examination he discovered fragments of bone inside the skull possibly indicating trauma to the head. The damages to the head could have been caused after death, during the mummification process; however, it is highly unlikely. A trauma specialist from Long Island University by the name of Bob Brier insisted it could not have been caused naturally. He stated, “The blow was to a protected area at the back of the head which you do not injure in an accident, someone had to sneak up from behind.” Bob Brier revealed his findings January 17, 1997 in a conference held in California. He believed the motive is obvious and is more logical than the other stories surrounding King Tut’s death. Also, Mr. Brier points out a ring that was discovered in Cairo in 1931. This ring showed that Ay and Ankhesenamun were married soon after King Tut’s death. Mr. Brier believes Ay forced Ankhesenamun to marry him because if she didn’t, Ay wouldn’t have been able to inherit the throne....
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...the bone condition alone would not cause death but in addition to a malaria infection, death is highly probable. "These results suggest avascular bone necrosis in conjunction with the malarial infection as the most likely cause of death of Tutankhamun”, (Covington, June 2005). Was it murder? One popular story that stands out is based on the theory that King Tut was murdered with a blow to the back of the head by a member of the royal court in order to inherit the throne. In 1968 and 1978 x-ray examinations were performed on King Tuts mummy which revealed a mysterious dense spot on the lower back of the skull believed to be a blow to the back of the head. It was said that Ay, who was next in line to become pharaoh, killed King Tut so he could become King. Coincidently, King Tut does die at around 18 and Ay is given the throne (Kmtsesh, 2014)....
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...situations both good and bad. Pharaoh Tutankhamun and President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt are two examples of leaders. Different actions define what makes that leader a good or bad one, to be a good leader you must have a strong foothold and understanding on what’s best for your people. Tut knew this and did his best for his people even though he was restricted, and Sisi knows when to take immediate action for his people. Tutankhamun ruled as a young pharaoh in ancient Egypt, his ruling was short and a little bumpy at first. Tut’s life was short and interesting as he was thrust into the title at the young age of eight. His childhood was cut short because of this, he was helped through this by military general Horemheb, and court official Ay (“Tutankhamun(ca 1345-ca 1327 BC.)”) Later on in his life Tut married Ankhesenamun who was four years his elder, then suddenly just after his eighteenth birthday he dies. There is a shroud of mystery surrounding his sudden premature death, theories arose that it could have been something as horrible as murder or something as tragic as a simple accident. It was found that at the time of Tut’s death he was in perfect health, this being said the theories came forth trying to explain what may have happened. Another odd thing was what happened after his death, Horemheb took the throne then stripped and destroyed all historical documents of Aten, this included anything about Tut (“Tutankhamun(ca 1345-ca 1327 BC)”). While Tutankhamun ruled most of...
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...King Tutankhamen Essay Christina Wells Professor Susan Galasso Humanities 111 July 24, 2013 King Tutankhamen King Tutankhamen is known to many as King Tut, the boy King of Egypt, the Boy King, The Boy Pharaoh, and Boy Pharaoh Tutankhamen. The mystery of the death of King Tutankhamen has never been completely resolved. Did his death happen due to illness? Or, was young King Tutankhamen murdered or was his death simply an accident? King Tutankhamen ruled Egypt as Pharaoh for 10 years until his death at age 19, around 1324 B.C. After his death at age 19, he disappeared from history until the discovery of his tomb in 1922. There are several different theories regarding the death of King Tutankhamen. Some historians seem to think that because a hole was found in the back of his skull that he was murdered, which through recent test was determine that the hole likely happened doing the traditional fashion of mummification. King Tutankhamen also had several different illnesses, one being a crippling bone disease in his clubbed left foot. King Tut was tall and physically frail his poor health could have also been the cause of his death. In the Egyptian royal family traditional inbreeding could have also played a role in his death along with the Kings’ poor health. There have been DNA tests published in 2010 that revealed that King Tutankhamen’s parents were brother and sister and that his wife, Ankhesenamun, was also his half-sister. Also...
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...Tut’s life and death. There have been many theories surrounding his death. Two theories I find interesting are that an accident caused the untimely death of teenage pharaoh King Tut. The other theory is that King Tut was murdered by his advisor Ay. King Tutankhamun's mummy has been X-rayed three times, in 1968, 1978 and in 2005. (ancientegyptonline.co.uk) But these scans have not been able to confirm the cause of his death. The first theory is that King Tutankhamun was genetically inferior. In 2010 DNA tests published revealed that Tutankhamen’s parents were likely brother and sister. (www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/tutankhamen) This left King Tut with a bone disease in his clubbed left foot. It also made it difficult for King Tut to stand in the chariot while performing his Kingly duties. Theorist believe that King Tut may have crashed his chariot leaving him with a broken leg. (www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/tutankhamen) In 1995 CT scans showed that the king had an infected broken left leg and multiple malaria infections, all of which may have possibly contributed to the early death of King Tut. (www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/tutankhamen) The second theory is that King Tut was murdered by his advisor Ay. Ay became pharaoh upon the death of Tutankhamun and therefore undoubtedly profited from his demise. There is...
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...their early 30s. There are two strong theories, King Tutankhamen died from his illness and was he murder. King Tutankhamen has been described as a “frail boy" in need of a cane and found to have had the oldest genetic proof of malaria, this is the best theory surrounding his illness. There are quite a few theories that I have read about. But the experts found he had malaria and due to an infection he died not murder. They also found he had a crack on the skull along with a broken leg, which may have also been a contributing cause to his death. Some have even suggested that the King fell from his chariot while hunting (Ker Than, 2010). I choose to believe the King was murdered because there was so much at stake. And that the theory of Ay killed King Tut out of greed. In this theory, the motives behind his murder were substantial. He was the son of Akhenaton who changed the practice of worshiping many pagan gods to worshiping one god which was a new environment for the people of the Egyptian dynasty. References King Tut Death Remains a Mystery www.kingtutone.com Retrieved 11/2/2012 Bio TRUE STORY www.biography.com Retrieved 10/31/2012 THE HUMANITIES CULTURE, CONTINUITY AND...
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...Tutankhamen Cadice Goldsboro Dr. Alan Rogers Lithonia Campus HUM 111 May 4, 2014 Strayer University Tutankhamen, a king of Ancient Egypt most people called him King Tut. Some researchers say they have resolved the mystery surrounding the death of the Egyptian boy-king Tutankhamen, who died in about 1324 B.C. at 19 years of age. The question was his death a mystery? As of today, historian, Egyptologists and even scientists are still trying to figure that out. There are several theories around his death but no facts. One of the theories is he had a broken leg, and an infection caused him to die, and the other is he was murdered, and another is that he had Malaria, Kohler, and Sickle cell disease English Archaeologist Howard Carter and his colleagues studied X-rays of the mummy that indicated a swelling at the base of Tutankhamen’s skull suggesting, “King Tut” as he was known, was killed by a blow to the head. Carter states “it was like stepping into a funeral of a 3,200-year old king”. “It was no longer just scientific research that bought out the human aspect” (Howard Carter, 2011). This theory concludes King Tut may have been murdered as the result of blunt force trauma (Lovgren, 2006). This theory was later ruled out, and it was determined that the hole to King Tut head was a result from the mummification process. King Tut had a foot disorder consisting of a low arch and a deformed structure within the bone density supporting bone necrosis. Dr. Hutan Ashrafin...
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...detectives, who strongly believed that death of the king was an assassination, tried to prove the theory of king Tut’s assassination with the modern forensic techniques. They believed that Tutankham was god king, and there should have been extra care for him if he was sick, and the fact that he was too young too die makes it hard to believe that he could have died naturally. When the researchers examine the x-ray they found out that there was an uneven bump in the bottom of the skull, which they assumed was the sign of blood clot because of the head injury. The x-rays also revealed a broken bone fragment in the top left corner of the skull. The detectives then profiled that when king Tut took over the charge he was too young and was mentored by Ay (aayee) the prime minister of that time the, second highest authority after king, but when he realized that the king has started to gain confidence and control, he eventually killed him. The other theory about king’s death is that, he died because of sickness. The x-rays revealed that the mummy had patchy skin on the face...
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...The Mystery of the Death of King Tutankhamun Many believe that King Tutankhamun was murdered; others believe he died of natural causes deriving from an insect bite. According to a two-year long study conducted by Zahi Hawass of the Secretary-General of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), scientists now believe that he likely died of a leg injury, further complicated by an attack of malaria (HASAN, 2010). Having different theories and no concrete evidence, the death of King Tut has always been and continues to remain a mystery. The manner, in which King Akhenaten (father of King Tutankhamun) died, brought concern to suspect that Tutankhamun would become a political target for assassination. King Akhenaten yielded a religious revolution creating a world filled with chaos and during this pandemonium, Tutankhamun was born. The religious uproar that he caused led to several attempted assassinations on his life, and after 17 years of reigning, he died. The cause of his death was unknown but was suspected to be murder. At the young age of 9, Tutankhamun was made king but it took him several years to mature and rise to power. King Tutankhamen then experienced an acute early death at age 19 leaving people to believe that his death may have been a politically motivated assassination. Since the discovery of his tomb in 1922 by British archaeologist Howard Carter, many theorized that the cause of Tutankhamun’s death was murder because of the hole in his skull. This was later...
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...Latasha Rudisill Hum 111 Assignment 1 Gail Geregory Hum 111 Assignment 1 Gail Geregory 2014 2014 * Tutankhamen died young, at around 18 years of age. However, his cause of death has not yet been confirmed. Did he die of an injury, of illness, or was he murdered? King Tutankhamen was a young when he became king he was about eight years old. Since the new king was so young the commander of the army Horemheb ruled for him while he was growing up. Someone else important helped him also a man named Ay. When King Tut became king he was already married to his queen Ankhenpaaten which was his half-sister. Back then they liked to keep all the power in the family so that it was hard for anyone to gain power and royalty. The main job for the young king was to keep the country stable and to make sure that everyone was safe by keeping the army ready to defend his country. King Tut also had to keep the gods happy that is why he had help from Horemheb and Ay. (Hawass, 2005) What I think happened to King Tutankhamen? Everyone is still trying to figure that out. According to the National Geographic Center King Tut could have died of a possible disease, but there is no evidence of that death. Some say that he was murdered because of some old x rays that shows a place in the back of this skull that might be damage of a blow. 2005 a CT scanner was done on the mummy of King Tut what they found out is that Tutankhamun did not die from a blow to the head, and there...
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...SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE SHOWS THAT KING TUTANKHAMEN DID NOT DIE OF NATURAL CAUSES - HE WAS MURDERED. ~KING TUT~ Tutankhamen, king of Ancient Egypt (often referred to as King Tut), died at the early age of around eighteen. To this day, his death remains a mystery that has brought many historians, Egyptologist and scientist to many theories as to how King Tut died. Two theories in particular are the theory that he succumbed to a broken leg that became infected, and the theory that he was murdered. The latter theory holds the most weight. In 1968, while performing an x-ray of Tutankhamen's mummy, scientist found bone fragments in his skull leading to the conclusion that he was murdered by blunt force trauma. (Lovgren, 2006.) However, later research lead some to say that the most famous pharaoh likely died of a leg injury which was complicated by bone disease, malaria and/or infection. (Tutankhamen CT scan Press Release, 2010.) The theory that the "boy king" had been murdered because of a hole in his head was ruled out and determined by many Egyptologist to have been the result of the mummification process. To be sure, homicide police in Ogden, Utah have been requested by a British film producer to apply modern forensics to the ancient case. According to their studies, they believe that they have proof of murder. Prominent Egyptologist, however, says that those conclusions are nonsense and based on hearsay. They argue that if in fact King Tut was murdered, then one would have...
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...leg, refuting murderous theories about the famous pharaoh’s demise 3,300 years ago, according to Egyptian radiologists” (Hayes, 2006). Everyone believed that King Tut was killed by a blow to the back of his head, “however recent medical imaging of the mummy refutes this widely accepted theory, present today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North American” (2006). They said King Tut did not experience any violence during his death. “There was no evidence of violent premortum trauma to the skull”, according to Ashraf Selium, from the Cairo University in Egypt” (2006). Another theory is saying that King Tut was murdered by Ay because he wanted the throne. “It was said that Ay killed King Tut out of greed; Ay knew that by killing King Tut he would inherit the throne and became pharaoh” (King Tut one, 2005). It was said that Ay killed King Tut by a blow to the back of the head. “What also makes this story interesting is that a crack was found on the base possibly indicating that...
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...members and the spirited PTA Officers. J & M: ladies and gentlemen, good evening! Welcome to the search for MISS SSG 2011-2012 and the induction ceremony of Tugdan National High School. M: as we commence this momentous event, may I request everybody to rise for a soul warming doxology to be lead by selected students. J: please remain standing for the Philippine National Anthem to be conducted by Mrs. Rachel Fesalbon. M: the world is proud of having its great leaders. From ancient times up to present, good leaders foster the rest of the world to stand firm, to dream big and to take the highest flight man could ever take.. good leaders prepare people to survive the realities of life !ladies and gentlemen, let us hear from our loving Madam Melicia Galicia for her opening remarks. : and at this moment, may I call on Mr. Christian Solidum to introduce the board of judges for tonight’s affair. J: thank you sir! And now let us all welcome our candidates in their production number. J: now, we have the induction ceremony of the newly elected SSG Officers who will be presented by Mr. Randy A. Musa, SSG Adviser and to be inducted by Hon. Herman Galicia, ABC President.. may I request all the officers to come on stage. M: folks, let us be entertained as the selected students set on stage in their modern dance presentation. : thank you guys!! J: ladies and gentlemen, a big round of applause to the candidates in their fashionista...
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...home after the previous governess died. Douglas begins to read from the written record, and the story shifts to the governess’s point of view as she narrates her strange experience. The governess begins her story with her first day at Bly, the country home, where she meets Flora and a maid named Mrs. Grose. The governess is nervous but feels relieved by Flora’s beauty and charm. The next day she receives a letter from her employer, which contains a letter from Miles’s headmaster saying that Miles cannot return to school. The letter does not specify what Miles has done to deserve expulsion, and, alarmed, the governess questions Mrs. Grose about it. Mrs. Grose admits that Miles has on occasion been bad, but only in the ways boys ought to be. The governess is reassured as she drives to meet Miles. One evening, as the governess strolls around the grounds, she sees a strange man in a tower of the house and exchanges an intense stare with him. She says nothing to Mrs. Grose. Later, she catches the same man glaring into the dining-room window, and she rushes outside to investigate. The man is gone, and the governess looks into the window from outside. Her image in the window frightens Mrs. Grose, who has just walked into the room....
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