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Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

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The advertisement for Mr. Clean Magic Eraser reinforces negative stereotypes about women’s roles in society. The appalling thing about this ad is that it is not from the 1950’s, but an ad that was created in 2011. This indicates how sexist beliefs are still perpetuated in corporate America and modern day society.

In 2010, the United States Department of Labor stated that women comprised 47 percent of the labor force. And women are projected to account for 51 percent of the increase in total labor force growth between 2008 and 2018. Also, 66 million women were employed in the U.S.--73 percent of employed women worked on full-time jobs, while 27 percent worked on a part-time basis. These facts alone indicate the importance of women in the labor force, yet the Mr. Clean ad suggests that women should “… get back to the job that really matters”. This trivializes the impact women have in the labor force and suggest they should go back and do more important things like clean. …show more content…
Their ad campaign is centered on women cleaning and teaching the next generation, in this case a daughter, that cleaning makes women happy and is “what really matters”. This thought would have been acceptable from corporations in the past, but not from a company of current, which has a corporate slogan of “Touching lives, improving life.” Stepping back into time where women’s role was diminished does not sound like it would improve a life of a woman

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