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Muscle Building Research Paper

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The Best Muscle Building Exercises

Everyone wants a healthy, good-looking body. And the truth is, you'll have to work hard in order to achieve this. Bodybuilders share two goals; stronger and more clearly defined muscles. The ways in which they choose to go about achieving those goals, however, can be extremely varied.

The very best body building exercises are those in which the largest numbers of nerves are communicating with the largest numbers of muscle fibers to enable the bodybuilder to lift a weight. A leg press, while a great muscle building exercise, is less effective than a free weight leg squat.

Think about what you wish to accomplish and what it is going to take for it to happen. You need to learn the dietary needs for muscle building as …show more content…
You want to have at least one day of rest for each muscle group before you work it again. Continue to increase the amount of weigh you are using in your workouts as you feel you can. Push the number of repetitions as well so you can see significant changes with your muscle building exercises. You may find you can fit more with certain muscle groups than others.

Don't worry about that as you will improve as you get healthier and stronger in those muscle areas.

In order to prevent injuries you need to learn the right way to do your muscle building exercises. If you don't have a friend or a trainer to show you then turn to other resources. Many books have illustrations that show you how to position your body. You can also watch videos on the internet for step by step instructions. Each of your workout sessions should be short but very intense. You want to really work your body as you do the exercises.

Make sure you are working on specific target groups of muscles at different times during your work out session. You don't want to spend too much time working on just one specific area of the body. That way everything will be proportional and in

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