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Sunspot Research Paper

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Sunspots are dark spots seen on the surface of the Sun. They vary in size and have been identified since Galileo observed the sun with a telescope for the first time. Sunspots appear dark as they are cooler than their surroundings.4
It is believed that sunspots are actually locations of disturbances in the magnetic field lines on the surface of the Sun, as they are linked by magnetic loops that extend upward into the solar atmosphere. Sunspots normally travel in connected pairs and the area around them is surrounded by powerful activity known as the active region.7
As there is intense field activity within a sunspot, the convection of heat to the surface is prevented, therefore reducing the sunspot’s temperature. This is why sunspots are about 1500 degrees Kelvin (K) cooler than their surroundings.4
Sunspots normally last several days or weeks and there is a sunspot cycle that occurs as the solar cycle is carried out. The frequency of sunspots increases and decreases in a cyclical pattern. Sunspots are the easiest features to observe and so the sunspot cycle is closely monitored in order to track the solar cycle. 4 …show more content…
We are shielded from the space weather by the Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic fields, keeping us safe. However, in space, satellites are vulnerable and when solar explosions are directed at the Earth, they can produce geomagnetic storms and alter the terrestrial ionosphere which affects radio communications.7 They also create havoc with electrical grids as the equipment monitoring the voltage and current on the lines is muddled up from the low frequency end of the electromagnetic

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