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Student Hate Speech Analysis

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The majority of students attending Sam Houston State University are familiar with the hate preacher, he stands in the mall area and condemning people to hell. The First Amendment protects the preacher allowing him the freedom of speech. He only shows up to campus about once a month and students stand around amused by his yelling and ranting until they grow bored and walk away. But imagine if instead this was a daily occurrence and its multiple people verbally harassing an individual based on nothing more than their race, gender, or sexual preference; three factors about a person that cannot be changed. Charles R. Lawrence III appropriately calls for regulation on racist speech, as it is becoming a serious issue on college campuses and its effects on victims.
One recent incident of racist speech happened in March of this year at Oklahoma University. A posting of a video of one of the university fraternities, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, showing the fraternity on a bus chanting racial slurs targeting blacks. The song included lynching and that the allowance of blacks in the fraternity’s chapter would never happen. The University President …show more content…
According to Lawrence “Racial insults are particularly undeserving of First Amendment protection because the perpetrator’s intention is not to discover truth or initiate dialogue but to injure the victim” (Lawrence III, “The Debates over Placing Limits on Racists Speech Must Not Ignore the Damage It Does to its Victims.”). Most victims remain silent, considering they believe if they speak up against the antagonists, they will likely lose the fight. This type of harassment can cause fear and anxiety for the victim. A student should not have to fear for their safety every time they leave their home, out of concern they might become a target of harassment. Universities need to impose policies where their students will feel

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