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The Parthenon Marbles

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What makes the history of an individual nation often are the legacies and remainings of its ancestor. These could come in forms of intangible works such as literature, music or art and tangible objects like monuments, architecture, and sculptures. No matter what form they are, it could not be denied that those pieces of history are invaluable parts of that nation, creating its cultural heritage and values. They not only provide a glimpse into the past of that nation, but also play a vital role in the creation of the history of mankind as a whole. However, when individual historical pieces originating from one country but are held abroad without the former’s approval, controversies occur. In 1801, Thomas Bruce, seventh Earl of Elgin, serving …show more content…
In fact, it is the British’s strongest argument that the Marbles remain in London in order to be protected from the atmospheric pollution in Athen. Notwithstanding, the existence of the new, state of the art Acropolis museum has made their argument no longer valuable. The 226,000-square-foot museum was placed near the Acropolis, angled to mirror the Parthenon, which gleams through wraparound windows. The location would create the best possible context for the Marbles to be studied and understood, considering the fact that they could not be reattached to the Parthenon. Moreover, the Greek government has taken considerable measures to reduce the air pollution in Athens, including banning the use of cheap heating oil and low-grade diesel have gone some way to improving the air quality in the city. Athen’s efforts resulted in the decrease of sulphur-dioxide levels, from 200 micrograms per cubic metre to less than 40. Smoke and nitrous-oxide levels are also falling. In contrast, the Parthenon Marbles have not always been safe in the possession of British Museum. In 1939, The Duveen Gallery admitted that the sculptures were damaged when molded for plaster casts, which removed all of the remaining polychromy and some of the patina. The most serious damage done to the Marbles, however, was caused by several “cleanings” during 1937-1938, when they were employed abrasives and copper chisels to remove “London grime” due to the perception that the sculptures should be white. (However, it has been investigated by scholars that the Marbles were originally painted with color.) The cleaning scandal was kept in secret by the British Museum for sixty

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