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She's The Man Film Analysis

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2. Gender has been a classic problem for as long as anyone can remember, gender is a working progress “The concern with gender relations in development”(200,pg 2)
There have been many performances that centre around the trouble that people face because of gender, e.g the big bang theory, Macbeth etc. there are real life issues of gender discrimination still going on (Turner,2013) agrees. 'we need to get over the assumption that it's all improving'. I have chosen to write about the movie 'She's the man' (2006) which is based around Shakespeare's the twelfth night. Amanda Bynes plays a boy convincingly “ Bynes pulls off the transformation to a boy nicely”(Nevius,
2006).The sexist coach doesn't believe that woman can play soccer the way men
can …show more content…
The representation of gender is highlighted right from the beginning, it's a positive representation though as we see a girl win at a casual game and no one being surprised because she has talent. But when it comes to playing in a league she is discriminated against. Extreme actions are taken and the movie interoperates gender by Byne's character having to be a man just to play a game, having to push the boundaries to prove she can be as good as men. Before all this take place there are stereotypical gender related scenes that expect females to dress up in gowns, be lady like and take part in beauty pageants, it's all forced upon by her own mother. When she does disguise herself as a boy she has to have a manly voice, walk like a man, check out girls, general boy behaviour. It's in relation to how society has in my opinion created the male behaviour to be like this. Although the character is playing a boy it's not your usual 'lad' like behaviour. because of 'his' physical appearance he was never accepted in the group of males as he wasn't seen as masculine or manly in any sort of way, until a man's voice is put on, an act

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