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My Conflict Story: A Public Safety Career

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My Conflict Story When working in a public safety career you will be faced with conflicts on a day to day basis, and sometimes you may be faced with more than one conflict in a day. With that being said, it is important to understand the meaning of conflict, as well as the steps that should be taken when a conflict occurs or when there is a reoccurring conflict. In this paper, I will be talking about a conflict I have faced and the events that took place, analyzing the conflict, and an assessment of the conflict.
Description of my conflict
My conflict story took place in my place of work. To protect the identity of the individuals I have changed the name of my place of work, as well as the names of the individuals involved. However, my name …show more content…
I also showed the emotions I felt and how it was resolved. I will now be doing a personal analysis that will answer some questions. The first question is, was the outcome for this conflict the best solution? I believe the outcome in my situation was the best solution. It gave me the chance to speak with someone else about what had been going on. As well as give me the opportunity to get what I had to say, in a calm and collective way. Talking to someone else instead of going directly to the person worked better for me. This way my emotions were not all over the place and I was able to keep myself together. Since figuring out the solution to my conflict, which was talking to Cassidy about how I felt and what had been going on for the past year. Since then things have changed for the better and I feel comfortable going in to work and feel comfortable speaking to Cassidy if another issue arose. I also believe it was the best solution because, if I would have went and talked directly to Vanessa I believe It may have created a bigger conflict between us. It could have as well hurt Vanessa feelings if things were to come out the wrong way. Overall, I believe this was the best solution for my occurring conflict. The next question is, were other outcomes possible for this conflict? What are they? and were they better or worse? I believe there were other outcome possible for this conflict. The other outcome …show more content…
From this I have learned that conflict can occur in many ways and not all way is solvable. Since I have now broke m conflict down step by step I was able to see a few things I wasn’t able to before. I have learned that I am the type of person who would rather take a flight and not say anything about the problem until it gets worse. I also realised I care about how peoples feelings may affect what I do. As an example in my conflict I was always nervous to say something because of what she might think or how it may affect her. from what we have learned in class I realised its better to say something rather then holding off and waiting until it gets worse.In class, we talked about the different types of ways people can react to conflict. From that I have realised I am the type of person who would rather take a flight and ignore the problem. Some people when conflict occurs tend to be more aggressive and assertive when dealing with things however I am not. I would rather sit back and wait for it to resolve itself rather then getting involved. In class, we also talked about positive and destructive conflicts. Before going in to this class I had the view that all conflicts were negative. When in reality not both positive and negative things can come from them. The negative in that may being that you have to address the conflict in a way that may make you feel uncomfortable. The

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