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London Attack Case Studies

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On 2-27-2017 at about 1150 hrs I was dispatched to contact the owner of AM PM at
2790 Auburn Way S, Apurva Patel. Enroute dispatch advised that Patel believed that the suspect of an armed robbery, Auburn Case # 17-02227, had returned to the store a few hours prior and his face was now visible.

I arrived at the location and contacted Patel at the back of the store where the surveillance hard drive is stored. Patel explained that when he came into the store this morning he contacted the working employee Pawanpreet Singh. Singh explained that the suspect from a previous armed robbery had come back into the store (Auburn Case #17-02227). Singh was the employee working the night of the previous armed robbery and stated that the male that had come in this morning
was …show more content…
I quickly observed that this was an unreported robbery with the same suspect as the previous robbery that Singh had never contacted the police for.

I observed, from the footage, that the suspect entered the store with his face and head exposed. The suspect quickly approaches Singh at the cash registered.
The suspect stands there momentarily as another patron exits the location. Once that patron leaves, the suspect lifted something over the lower half of his face and tells Singh to "open the till" and says "I have a gun this time". The suspect repeats those phrases several times. However, the suspect leaves his hand in his jacket pockets as to conceal or suggest a weapon. However, from the footage, I did not actually observe him remove or show any firearm.

Singh is then seen grabbing a golf club from behind the counter and confronting the suspect. The suspect repeatedly says "I have a gun", while Singh says "show me". The suspect then says " I will fucking blow your fucking face off". The pair exchange some more words then Singh chases the suspect out of the store.
Patel was told by Singh that the suspect ran toward the Sherwood Gardens

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