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Beacon Health Options: Business Analysis

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In December 2014, Value Options and Beacon Health strategies merged and rebranded to become Beacon Health Options. Based in Boston, Massachusetts, Beacon Health Options is one of the nation’s largest Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse care management companies, serving over 50 million people in the United States and the United Kingdom; in addition to establishing partnerships with commercial and government sponsored health plans, Beacon clients includes 41 Fortune 500 companies. (Beacon, 2017)
Beacon Health Options has taken great strides in upholding and carrying out its mission to “help people live their lives to the fullest potential” (Beacon, 2017) and putting words to action by upholding the corporate values of Integrity, Dignity, …show more content…
Values allows an organization to distinguish itself from others. Values truly represents the core of an organizations existence through the strategies, objectives and policies set in place. It serves as the central point of reference for things that will and may take place within an organization.
Corporate Practices are the procedures and processes a company follows to pursue its objective. These practices are watched closely because it generally requires balancing the interest of stakeholders, community and the government. While Corporate Practices may dictate how much capital is generated, the practices must be ethical.
People can make or break an organization. The people you employ must share, understand and carry out the mission and vision of the company. People are such a vital component of an organization because they represent the values, beliefs, behaviors and culture of the …show more content…
Although this is the first lay off in this young company’s history, I am certain there are seasoned staff persons who could have better facilitated this process.
In lieu, of a lay off executive level management could have considered a few alternatives. Telecommuting has become very popular. This is a cost effective measure that will reduce real estate spending, grounds upkeep if applicable and eliminate some vendors; such as trash and recycling. Implementation of an alternate workweek may also be an option. Many employees may be interested in working 4X10 or 3-12 hour shifts. These type of arrangements save money, boost morale and make employees feel valued and wanted.
After all options were reviewed if staff reduction was still the only option there are some suggestions management could have considered and implemented, such as providing employees with a written staff reduction plan. This document should have included the need for the layoff, employee selection criteria and the corporate lay off policy. Also, providing assistance with resume writing, interview skills and also providing information to area employment agencies, even outreaching other major area

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