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Privacy Invasion on Facebook and Twitter


Submitted By Hooyah
Words 4711
Pages 19


2:00 – 3:30/ TTH


Having online accounts is common to every individual today. Most have established their social life in the internet. However cyber bullying is very common. In 2011, Zottola and Tenenbaum explain how a person can destroy your privacy on the internet. Some Kidnapped because of the information see in one’s personal account on the internet. The problem of many online users’ right now is how to avoid the so-called “privacy invasion” particularly on Facebook and Twitter. According to Tagvoryan & Briones in 2009, the explosion of social networking sites on the Internet has raised many questions regarding this expectation of privacy for users. Recent legal developments around the world provide insights into the future interpretation of the Fourth Amendment’s “expectation of privacy” as it applies to the users of these websites. Hughes, Horn, Debatin and Lovejoy in 2009 illustrates particularly how useful Facebook and Twitter for viewing this evolving legal landscape, two of the most popular social networking sites. Specific privacy concerns of online social networking include inadvertent disclosure of personal information, damaged reputation due to rumors and gossip, unwanted contact and harassment or stalking, surveillance-like structures due to backtracking functions, use of personal data by third-parties, and hacking and identity theft. Facebook and Twitter are the two of the most widely used social networking sites by millions of people around the world. Without Facebook a life of a student is almost unthinkable. Research found that Facebook is deeply integrated in users

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