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My Heritage Research Paper

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The Impact of My Heritage and its Effect of my Career Path When addressed with the topic of my how my heritage molded me in to the person I am today, I had to first address how my upbringing and location made me Anne O’Hara. Now that’s not to say I wouldn’t be Anne O’Hara if I didn’t grow up the way I did; but it’s safe to assume I wouldn’t be the same person. Most of my family is relatively new to the United States. Being a genetic “mutt” might have skewed the way I view my heritage. My family comes from a complex network of countries and their experiences have unintentionally trickled down into the teachings of what my mom and dad teach me. My surroundings growing up was superior to most Virginians. I was born and raised in Fairfax …show more content…
Growing up, I never really saw my family have a different set of rules for me than my younger brother, Garrett, did. We are two very different people. A lot of people say the first born in a family is an extrovert, I think this applies to me. I’m outspoken, growing up I would talk to any stranger who would listen. I was in every theatre, music, and dance class my parents could find to keep me entertained. I couldn’t live without being the center of attention. My brother grew up 100% the opposite. He’s shy, he loves being by himself. His favorite thing to do growing up was take apart the VCR and put it back together again. The only thing different about us is my parent’s expectations. We both had ADHD, but mine presented a lot stronger and at a younger age. We both got IQ tested. Garrett’s IQ test said he was a genius. Mine said I was slightly above average. Both of my parents have Master’s degrees and they both have genius IQs. They were both engineers when they met each other. While I was a fast reader -I tested at a college level reading comprehension in only 4th grade- I was terrible at math and science. I was good at so many things, but I could never get math. My brother loved math and science, though he hated reading. He was quickly pegged as the next family engineer. I grew

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