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My Mentor Experience Paper

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a) Did you feel your mentor was committed to your growth as a person? Why or why not? I felt like my mentor was prepared and ready for each mentorship meeting we had. He would challenge me to get out of my comfort zone and apply what I have learned.
b) How did your mentor share his or her own personal life experiences within the mentoring relationship? Within each topic, my peer mentor would share his experience in ministry and give some insightful tips of what not to do (not what to do?). He is really real when it comes down to difficult areas in ministry.
c) Briefly describe any unique ministry experiences in which you participated or that were new experiences to you. During the segment of Level 2, I participated in offering messages and announcements. Both of these were new experiences. I …show more content…
One of the questions that always comes to my mind is about what they will think of me if I tell them about Jesus. Are they going to completely reject me because of what I believe or are they going to stay? I must constantly battle those thoughts and remember that people’s opinions shouldn’t matter that the only approval I need is God’s approval. I need to stop worrying about what people think and focus on pleasing God. Instead of thinking that way the motives should line up with faith and believe that they are willing to listen to the Good News that through Jesus they could be in a good relationship with God.
c) How did you prepare for these evangelism encounters? I prepared for these evangelism encounters by praying and deliver the Good News. I focused on their needs and provide for them what Jesus could accomplish those needs. I would begin by first to get to know them and build a relationship while at the same time talking about my testimony to them so they could see that God is really moving in my life.
d) Share your personal observations of how the Holy Spirit participated with you in representing Jesus to

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