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My Persuasive Speech Analysis

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I feel extremely relieved to be done with my persuasive speech in communication arts class. I thought that I did a wonderful job and that I put in a lot of hard work and practice into my speech. My topic was violence in video games and why it should be drastically reduced or prohibited completely. My persuasive speech had numerous points in which I excelled in, some points in which I improved in from my impromptu and heritage speech, and some items that I still need to work on in upcoming speeches.
First off, my persuasive speech had numerous points in which I excelled. While I was listening to my speech, I saw that I had a solid and strong appearing physical stance. Furthermore, I also noticed that I had good content in my speech and went in depth into all of my points. I also talked with a loud voice and did a good job of walking and talking in my speech. These are items that just seem to come natural to me when I am speaking in public in front of an audience. Overall, my persuasive speech had a variety of points in which I excelled. …show more content…
While I was listening to my speech, I noticed that I had more gestures that looked more believable compared to my heritage speech when my gestures looked more awkward and robotic. Additionally, I saw that I had more vocal variation in my speech and that I displayed more enthusiasm than I did in my heritage speech. I believe that I made this improvement because I practiced my persuasive speech more times in comparison to my heritage speech. To conclude, my persuasive speech had a variety of points in which I improved from my heritage and impromptu

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