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What Is Wrong With Abortion: Her Body, Her Choice?

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Her Body, Her Choice?

Abortion, which is terminating a pregnancy, has been a controversial issue since the 1800s. There are two different ways that abortions can be handled which is surgically or medicinally.In the late 1800s, the United States provided women with abortions which then led to them teaching other women as well. By 1880, majority of abortions were illegal unless the mother’s life was in danger. At that time abortions were crimes and a sin because it was a very dangerous procedure involving crude methods and high mortality rates. It is a fragile topic to talk about since it touches on religious, moral, and ideological points. Taking away this right would be invading on a woman's constitutional liberty. Abortion allows a woman to retain her constitutional rights although women should not always turn to abortion when carrying an unwanted child. On these grounds, abortion should be kept legal and should be able to be performed on a women only if her life is in danger.

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The two sides involved in the debate have been pro-choice which is the right of the women to decide whether she wants to terminate her pregnancy and pro-life which is the right of the fetus or embryo to grow and be born. In the late 1800s, the United States provided women with abortions which then led to them teaching other women as well. There weren’t much hospitals and antiseptics were not well known. Drugs that would terminate a woman's pregnancy were booming business. Newspapers were advertising them and women were able to buy them from pharmacies. In 1803, Britain was the first Country to pass the anti abortion law which then influenced the United States along with other countries to do the

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