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Research Paper On Religion In America

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Historically, Christianity has been largely practiced in America. Christianity, and branches thereof, has been the leading religion in America။in terms of numbers. Although this is still true in modern day, as America becomes an increasingly diverse country, a myriad of different religions are brought into our culture. In respect to this, is America a Christian nation? As America continues to develop as one of the most diverse, advanced countries in the world, religious presence and affiliation develops as well. Definitively, America is not strictly a Christian nation. First off, America was not founded upon Christian values; also, the government has established clear lines between itself and religion; and there has always been much religious diversity in the country. …show more content…
In saying this, one could conclude that America was not founded upon Christian values. Certainly, religion was present in the lives of our Founding Fathers, but they did not want to push their own views on their nation of religious freedom, and assuredly did not want America to be founded upon them. Religion in America, a book describing different viewpoints about religion in the country, speaks on how Thomas Jefferson viewed religious independence in his country, stating “Thomas Jefferson didn’t mince words when he gave his views on religious freedom: “It does me no injury for my neighbor to say that there are twenty gods or no God,” he once wrote.” (Haugen, Musser, and Book Editors, 35). The Founding Fathers wanted freedom within their newly founded country. They did not want to enforce their own personal religious beliefs on their citizens nor did they want America to be established upon them. America was not founded upon Christian beliefs, this is central to the religious freedom in American democracy that we have

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