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My Privacy In The Millennium Era

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When I think of privacy in the millennium Era, I am starting to get more concern about the direction it is going in. I can remember using my GPS on my cell phone when I first got it and I found a Google App that was monitoring my location. It would tell me everywhere I had been while driving. I was very concerned and I later found out how to turn that particular setting off. I think it has pros and cons.For instance, this tracking is good for locating love ones and keeping them safe. However as an adult, I did not want to be linked to a setting that followed my every move. It felt like my privacy was invaded. I wonder how many people activate GPS and are not aware that it can track locations if it is linked to location settings.

Radio frequency identification is a bit disturbing to me. It is a technical term that is used to describe radio waves that identify people or objects for business(Turri, Smith & Koop, 2017). I deleted my personal Facebook due to privacy being invaded. People and businesses will look you up on Facebook, and create ideas or solicitations based off suspected financial, education,social status. So, I decided it was …show more content…
Then, I wonder are they finding more about me if I am logged in to my email accounts which at the end of my Web page shows my email and location. These were thoughts before I learned more about marketing strategies. The younger generation are more willing to allow privacy invasion than the older population. Also, the older population are more likely to read and question why someone is not respecting their privacy. The ramification to customers are when the customer finds out how in touch technology is with finding out the latest marketing strategies that sells the businesses products or services. It can become creepy to find out facial or radio frequency is behind marketing

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