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Submitted By Benson01
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Pages 2
I did not pursue nursing because it’s my parents who want that for me. That time i decided to give way but the time I graduated and passed the board exam I di not practice nursing. What I did, is I apply for a customer service job and promoted as a Trainer. There I realized what I really want, that is to manage people. Tita yolly who knows my potential as a manager wants me to pursue further education abroad so I can help them in their business, which is not bad at all. I want to put up my own business someday so I think this is a good investment. I really like studying I graduated with honors and I feel if I study something which really fascinates me then there will be a good outcome as well.
Why Zarah institute it’s because of their quality academics and work based training which I think are one of the best qualities I should look for a school. I got a friend Jeffrey gupit who recommended this school and I have done my own research as well and see a lot of good feedback about the institution. When I enquire online they responded really quick and answers all my questions and addresses all my concerns. This school is affordable compare to other business schools abroad.
My sponsors will provide for my accommodation and school fees. My mom is also very supportive she is working overseas and can support my other expenses, so clearly I think I can get by with my studies without worrying about the finances.

My sponsors tito arnel and tita yolly are close family friends ever since. My dad passed away and my mom works abroad, so both of them stand as our guardians here in the Philippines. They have been guiding us in our endeavors like what parents are doing to their own children. They treat us like their own. They got only one child. And I’m close friends with her

Australia based on some materials I read is a country with diverse culture, with this I think I’ll not be having trouble in terms of discrimination which is apparent in the US so if I am to choose id rather go to Australia which embodies fair go and equal opportunity no matter what country you came from. This is an English country where I can practice my communications skills. And it is known for its beauty so I am pretty much excited to see these personally.

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