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Myth 21: A Short Summary And Analysis

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In myth 21, Lilienfeld, et al, discuss why it is not possible to learn complex information while asleep. That particular myth, as well as other myths discussed in their book, illustrates people’s misunderstanding of how human memory works. For example, one difficult-to-dispel myth held by very many students is the idea that cramming is an efficient and effective way of studying for exams. Another myth is the notion that one can study effectively while watching TV or surfing the net. Many students will acknowledge having ‘successfully’ engaged in both techniques throughout high school and even in college. How would you convince those students that such study methods are most inefficient?
Going through high school in a college-based program, I thought cramming and multitasking were okay while I studied but I didn’t believe that it was effective or …show more content…
In my first semester of college I thought that I would be capable of studying while watching television, but that was not the case. When it came to studying and watching television, I found myself paying more attention with to the show than I was to the study guide for my biology exam. Same thing would happen when it came to halt my studying to answer a text message, I would have to read the same question 5 times because I forgot what I read. Of course it showed in my Biology grade, but also in my other classes and then it was time to change my study habits. My study method I have now seems to be effective as well as efficient because I haven’t received anything lower than a B as an overall grade. When I study, I study for 2 hours with no television, computer, or phone and then take a break, then go back and study for another 2 hours. It helps if you sit in a quiet place and have no distractions involved. Especially for people who think that multitasking is the best way to

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