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Napster 7-Step Business Ethics Case


Submitted By praveennithi
Words 6133
Pages 25
7 Step Case Analysis

Copyright infringement has been a recurrent ethical issue that has revealed its presence in a multitude of industries throughout the realm of business for numerous years now. Of the thousands of products that have been reproduced and distributed without the authorized use of the copyright holder, it can be argued that the downloading of music is one of the most controversial matters pertaining to this era of mass internet usage. One of the most significant examples of such a case can be found in the Napster copyright infringement that occurred early in the twenty-first century. Napster proves to be a unique and worthy example for the reason being that the online file sharing service had been recognized to directly infringe the exclusive rights of artistes by freely distributing their musical projects online. Napster was developed in 1999 by Sean Fanning and Sean Parker, and it served as an independent, internet-based peer-to-peer file sharing service. The service used digital technology that created the opportunity for users to transmit and retain sound recordings. The service quickly gained immense popularity especially among students across the United States, who became the largest proportion of Napster’s subscribers. As Napster’s reputation grew, several recording companies such as A&M via the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) began to contest Napster, in order to regain dominance in the music industry. This caused Napster faced many allegations and lawsuits stating that its operations revolved around the commercial recording, distribution and sale of copyrighted musical material and sound recordings. Thus, one of the most significant arguments that were brought up during these objections against Napster, was the fact that the artistes who produced the musical compositions that were being

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