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Narcissism Basics In Psychology

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Narcissism Basics
Narcissism has expression on different levels and each has a slightly different twist to it. They are all equally relevant and applicable. The approach to dealing with each is a little different. They are all rooted in the same thing.
Basic definition of narcissism - excessive interest in oneself and one's physical appearance. This is pretty well understood by most, "it's all about me, always." Self absorbed.
In Psychology the definition is similar - extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration. This is now beyond self absorption, interest has turned into a strong self bias creating personal beliefs that are inflated over reality. Self attention is no longer sufficient, …show more content…
This makes an incorrect self image, a false self, or false persona that is shown to the outside world and to ones self. It is made up of only the good and desireable. The bad and the ugly are ignored. The real persona still exists, good, bad, and ugly together as one, but is locked away and its existence denied. The false self is not connected to the conscience, heart, soul, or to true emotions. Connection is partial at best because they all required the good, bad, and ugly to form a complete …show more content…
The core root of using narcissistic thinking outside of the context of taking risks is a fear of vulnerability. Feeling vulnerable is scary. Too scary for some. In order to never feel vulnerable, the self is view from a perspective where only the pluses and no minus are seen. From this vantage point, one feels more in control of their emotional state, and safer from the pain that can accompany vulnerability.
These descriptions are from the perspective of what on the inside causes the external characteristics and traits seen in narcissism. It is an important viewpoint mainly because to effect any type of permanent change, it is the internal motivations that must be adusted. If they remain the same, behavior will not change. The focus is on existing narcissistic traits and how to adjust them for a better life.
The reverse direction, or from an external viewpoint and its effect on the inside, is equally valid to understand how narcissism develops. It explains why narcissism can increase without there being a subjective change in self perception, how it takes hold without one realizing it.. If you choose to ignore your undesirable traits, the mind will adjust and begin thinking narcissistically - it will focus on what you like, and ignore what you tell it to ignore. Narcissism develops due to a choice of

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