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Narrative Essay About Being Cut Up

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have a small story to share and the reason for why I am so against people telling others to "SHUT UP" or why I have no respect for people who remain silent and ignore wrong doings. The picture below is from my hometown. In my hometown, there was a concentration camp. My grand-parents lived in that town and THEY KNEW. But yet they didn't say anything. They lived their life despite what was going on in their hometown. Growing up in my family, no one ever said a word about the HOLOCAUST. When I was old enough to have learned about the history, I wanted to know more and asked my grandparents. As I asked my granddad, my grandma just repeatedly said, it was a terrible time and we shouldn't talk about it. But I kept asking because I wanted to know. …show more content…
She saw one of the trains and started telling everyone in school. THE NEXT DAY, her whole family disappeared. NO ONE knows what happened. Did they flee, were they deported???? To this day my grandfather doesn't know. As he started telling me, I suddenly heard a sound that I have never heard him make. It was the deepest weep, I have ever heard. An uncontrollable weep full of pain, guilt and devastation. My grandma kept repeating herself "We shouldn't talk about this" I wanted to know more, but my granddad was not able to talk. After his weeping stopped, he changed into a different tone again. He also said again it was a terrible time and we shouldn't talk about it. He suddenly ignored the entire conversation, like nothing happened. We never talked about it again. I understood. The pain was just too deep. My granddad never recovered from that incident that he kept quiet for years. He is dead now and took this pain to his grave. Even though, I didn't live in his generation, but, I too feel immense guilt. Guilt because this would have never happened if more people had spoken up before it could get out of hand. This could have been avoided if people would have had the right to speak

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