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Narrative Essay About Moving To America

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I was 10 years old, I had a very normal calm life in my home country India. I was extremely sociable and had a lot of friends. At the age of 11, all of this changed when my parents decided to move to the U.S. At first I was excited, I’ve watched numerous amounts of Hollywood movies during my childhood. Of course, I had no idea about what they were saying but the people depicted always seemed happy. Then as time went by the day came, the actual move from across the sea was about to take place in a few days. As I thought about how life was going be after the move I finally had a reality check. For so long I was daydreaming every day about the pros of moving but I finally started thinking about all the cons. First and foremost the most important thing that is essential for all humans is the ability to be able to communicate, I realized that I would not be so great at that since I didn't really practice English at my home country. …show more content…
It was just me and my mom who traveled that day since my father was already here a month before us for work. My mom and I both are not very literate in English. But we had to move out all our luggage so we needed to find someone that could help us. Now I know that they are called either called “skycaps” or “baggage handlers” but at that time all me and my mom knew was “luggage man”. We looked for the luggage man for a while and I finally found one, I was speechless when I saw him since I did not know English, so I just stood there. My mom forced me to go talk to the man, so I had no other way to escape it and when I finally did I had to use signs and actions to tell him “We need help with the luggage.” This day definitely holds the spotlight for one of my most embarrassing and scariest days that I’ve been through in my whole

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