...north, and calling for action against the cruel institution of slavery. Employed as a teacher by Pace University in 1968, Jean Fagan Yellin wrote and published her dissertation. While re-reading Incidents in the 1970s as part of the project and to educate herself in the use of gender as a category of analysis, Yellin became interested in the question of the text's true authorship. Over the next six-years, Yellin found and used historical documents including the Amy Post papers at the University of Rochester (Post was a close friend of Jacobs), state and local historical societies, and the Horniblow and Norcum papers at the North Carolina state archives, to establish both that Harriet Jacobs was the true author of Incidents, and that the narrative was her autobiography. Her edition...
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...A Tale of Tribe and Family : A Look at Opposing Thoughts on the ICWA through the Court Case Brackeen v. Haaland. The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) was passed in the year 1978 as a solution to the overwhelming amount of Native American children being removed from their homes and families by both public and private organizations (). It is approximated that between 75-80% of families living on reservations had lost at least one child to the foster care system prior to the passing of the ICWA (). The ICWA is in place today to prevent Native children from being raised away from their culture, which is known to be a major contributor to these cultures ultimately fading away. The following essay will discuss Chad and Jennifer Brackeen’s family interview with their attorney, and their challenge to the ICWA on the basis that it is unconstitutional and discriminatory, and compare it to the thoughts of Shannon Smith, the Executive Director of the ICWA Law Center in Minneapolis. The discussion will follow how the Brackeens use narrative and classical arguments, emotional appeals, and syntax/tone in their case to challenge the ICWA. Additionally, the discussion will analyze Smith’s logical application and classical argument for upholding this act for the continuation of tribal sovereignty, and then compare her argument’s...
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...Mothers and Children 10 Referências 13 Women we know: a biographical critical analysis on Unless by Carol Shields Introduction Unless is the last novel written by Carol Shields, before she passed away of breast cancer in 2003. The novel is structured in a first person narrative; the narrator is Reta Winters, a 44-year old writer and translator. Throughout the narrative, the reader follows a linear chain of thoughts by Reta on the central theme of the novel, which is her quest to find out why her daughter Norah decided to drop out of university and live on the street with a sign on her chest written "Goodness". The essay will be developed through research in primary sources – interviews – in order to analyze Carol Shield’s work using mostly, but not only, her own concepts and reflections on Literature, writing and being a writer, and composition process of Unless. Many scholars have made researches on the novel, especially about language resources, metafiction and gender issues. The most cited work is Nora Foster Stovel’s ““Because she is a woman”: Myth and Metafiction in Carol Shield’s Unless”. By investigating her compositional process in interviews, the intention of the essay is to create an analysis on the novel; the focus of the analysis will be on the preoccupation of showing and perceiving the human conditions, society and the individual, as well as portraying women in a broad range of age. During the late twentieth-century, literary criticism...
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...Fredrick Douglass final essay Subpoint 4: The Christianity of the slaveholders is hypocritical and used to justify their actions. There are two forms of Christianity represented in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and each are described and function differently throughout the text. Based on Douglass’ personal recollections and thoughts in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, there are both real and false versions of religion and generally, the real or “true” form of Christianity is practiced by himself as well as some whites who are opposed to slavery. The false form of religion, or what the author explained in one of the important quotes in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave, “the hypocritical Christianity of this land” (95) is practiced by whites, most notably Mr. Covey, and is a complete bastardization of the true ideals behind genuine Christian thought. Through his discussions of religion that are interspersed throughout The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, the reader gets the sense that slavery and true Christianity are opposing forces and one cannot be present while the other exists. Not only is the simultaneous existence of the true version Christianity with slavery impossible, it appears that even if real Christianity does exist in a pure form, the introduction of slavery corrupts it inevitably and...
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...building’s exterior. Her vantage point is from the outside of the established patriarchal institutions and from there her critical work interrogates the structures that lock her out. The narrative essay A Room of One’s Own begins at Oxbridge, a mythical institution based on Oxford and Cambridge. There, being a women means she is physically prohibited from entering the library and the chapel. Even the bounds of the university lawns are restricted to her when a flapping, irate beadle responds automatically to her presence by ushering her from the grass to the gravel path. These white haired old dons, men with “tufts of hair growing on their shoulders,” run when another whistles and unthinkingly defend their stronghold of learning against the presence of a woman. In a Room of One’s Own, Woolf progressively unfolds an allegory of two sexes, both trapped in cages, where being locked in or out is detrimental to the society. The thinking of the hairy old dons at Oxbridge is set in stone, like the foundations of the great buildings at the university. To them men and women have different and separate roles to play– men in the public sphere and women in the domestic. The skeleton of the meta narrative which informs their thinking continues thus: men create and build empires; women support and nurture men in the home, men are the bastions of truth, knowledge and the rational; women are ruled by emotions and are equated with nature. For the preservation of patriarchy, it becomes the interest of...
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...Questions for review A well-thought-out orientation program is essential for all new employees, whether they have experience or not. Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement. I totally agree with the above statement that state "A well thought out orientation program is essential for all new employees whether they have experience of not". The Orientation Program anticipated the new employee will feel more at home with the organization in a shorter period of time. The new employees have an opportunity to adjust in a supportive and risk-reduced environment. In this orientation program also the new employee begins to add value more quickly, leading to increased confidence and self-esteem and new employee are more actively involved in making the organization a better and more productive place to work. John Santos is an undergraduate business student majoring in accounting. He just failed the first accounting course, Accounting 101. He is understandably upset. How would you use performance analysis to identify what, if any, are John s training needs, At the beginning John must pay more attention for training on studying skills. Moreover, it is also possible that John really does not have the necessary basic skills that he needs in order to be successful in this course. I think in this situation, remedial training or courses would be appropriate. Also John simply does not really have the interest or natural inclinations that would make him successful in the accounting area...
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...William Thompson Professor Tatum ENGL 200 26 May, 2013 Dear Professor Tatum: For my final essay I am writing a revision of an earlier essay that I wrote. The previous essay that I am choosing to rewrite is What You Pawn I Will Redeem written by Sherman Alexie. I chose to use the first topic choice because the first thing that came to mind when I read the topics choice was my first essay. I feel that I barely scratched the surface when I wrote my first essay when the topic was over relationships within the story. Now that I am revisiting the original essay my thoughts have changed but only in that I have grown more intrigued into the life of Alexie and his character Jackson Jackson from the story What You Pawn I Will Redeem. The thing that I found to be hardest about the rewriting of the essay was to substantially change the essay, and expand on it but to stay focused enough to give clear and concise subject matter for the topic at hand. The strengths of my new essay are that I was able to expand and elaborate on my previous work while the weakness may be that I was not as focused on the main subject topic as I would have like to have been. I did try to incorporate as much information that I could from the new resources that I found from JSTOR, EBSCO, ProQuest, and Google Scholar. I do think that I did pick great resources to gain insight into the mind of Mr. Sherman Alexie. I would like to know if the research that I chose to write about piqued more interest...
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...Diasporic Cross-Currents in Michael Ondaatje’s Anil’s Ghost and Anita Rau Badami’s The Hero’s Walk HEIKE HÄRTING N HIS REVIEW of Anil’s Ghost, Todd Hoffmann describes Michael Ondaatje’s novel as a “mystery of identity” (449). Similarly, Aritha van Herk identifies “fear, unpredictability, secrecy, [and] loss” (44) as the central features of the novel and its female protagonist. Anil’s Ghost, van Herk argues, presents its readers with a “motiveless world” of terror in which “no identity is reliable, no theory waterproof” (45). Ondaatje’s novel tells the story of Anil Tessera, a Sri Lankan expatriate and forensic anthropologist working for a UN-affiliated human rights organization. Haunted by a strong sense of personal and cultural dislocation, Anil takes up an assignment in Sri Lanka, where she teams up with a local archeologist, Sarath Diyasena, to uncover evidence of the Sri Lankan government’s violations of human rights during the country’s period of acute civil war. Yet, by the end of the novel, Anil has lost the evidence that could have indicted the government and is forced to leave the country, carrying with her a feeling of guilt for her unwitting complicity in Sarath’s death. On one hand, Anil certainly embodies an ethical (albeit rather schematic) critique of the failure of global justice. On the other, her character stages diaspora, in Vijay Mishra terms, as the “normative” and “ exemplary … condition of late modernity” (“Diasporic” 441) — a condition usually associated...
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...Sleight of Hand, Sleight of Mind Orson Welles' F for Fake and the Art of the Cinematic Con Orson Welles' 1974 "film essay" F for Fake opens with a scene of Welles, in the role of a magician, performing a sleight of hand trick with a young child, "transforming" the key the young boy has presented him into a coin and then showing how the young boy had the key all the time in his pocket. The magic was the perfect illustration of Welles' purpose in the film. F for Fake was a film about fraud and deceit, about how the makers of art (and, in particular, film) use "trickery" to fool their intended audience into believing something that is not true. The film focuses on three known "charlatans" (Elmyr de Hory, Clifford Irving, and Welles himself) who used their talents to produce such magnificent forgeries that they were able to fool everyone (even so-called "experts") into believing in the truth of their claims. Despite the status of this film as one of Welles' "minor" films from late in his life (it was one of the last films he completed prior to his death in 1985), it has had a tremendous impact on filmmaking, both in a technical sense (the film's complex editing of various film stocks and styles) and in a textual sense. Welles' identification of the ways in which an audience can be manipulated into believing anything as long as it has the "air" of authenticity has had a tremendous impact on current filmmaking, especially in the realm of horror filmmaking with the current crop...
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...Woman was idealised: the angel in the house, the wife complementing her husband, the helpmate of man. Social conditions offered the Victorian woman little in occupation so her aim in life was to secure a husband, succumbing to the political propaganda. As Foster states: Because so much importance was attached to the roles of wifehood and motherhood, marriage was deemed the apotheosis of womanly fulfilment, alternatives to which were regarded as pitiable or unnatural.( Foster 1985: 6) In this role of wife, woman's great function is to praise her husband and, in return, she shall be praised for ruling inside the home where she can be 'incapable of error' (Ruskin 1865: 149) In Ruskin's lecture his view is that a husband is a chivalric knight guarding his wife from the 'peril and trial' he encounters. For the 'noble' woman, her true place is in the home, an 'incorruptibly good household nun', praised for choosing 'self-renunciation' over 'self-development'(D'Amico 1992: 69). This could also be viewed as oppression. Rather than the female 'complementing' the male, she is oppressed by him, and the praise offered by Ruskin could be viewed as a weapon, lulling the female into a false consciousness, trapping her inside the home. For the Victorian woman, serving man's desire appears more important to serving her own. In these social conventions an unmarried woman, virginal, innocent and ignorant of sexual matters, is defined as pure, well situated for marriage. The woman not wishing...
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...substantially since his death. The son of actors, Poe never really knew his parents. His father left the family early on, and his mother passed away when he was only three. Separated from his siblings, Poe went to live with John and Frances Allan, a successful tobacco merchant and his wife, in Richmond, Virginia. He and Frances seemed to form a bond, but he never quite meshed with John. Preferring poetry over profits, Poe reportedly wrote poems on the back of some of Allan's business papers. Money was also an issue between Poe and John Allan. When Poe went to the University of Virginia in 1826, he didn't receive enough funds from Allan to cover all his costs. Poe turned to gambling to cover the difference, but ended up in debt. He returned home only to face another personal setback—his neighbor and fiancée Elmira Royster had become engaged to someone else. Heartbroken and frustrated, Poe left the Allans. Career Beginnings At first, Poe seemed to be harboring twin aspirations. Poe published his first book, Tamerlane and Other Poems in 1827, and he had joined the army around this time. Poe wanted to go to West...
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...SPM ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1119 SMART MODULE 2 2011 [pic] SPM ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1119 SMART MODULE 2 2011 Patron En. Mansor bin Lat Director of Kedah Education Department Advisor Tn. Hj. Asmee bin Haji Tajuddin Head of the Academic Sector Coordinator Pn. Hjh. Zaliha bt Ahmad The Principal Assistant Director (English Language) Committee Members Pn. Wan Aisyah bt Haris (Assistant District Language Officer for Language, Kota Setar) Pn. Hjh. Fadzillah bt Selamat (Assistant District Language Officer for Languages, Kubang Pasu) En. Yong Kooi Hin (Assistant District Language Officer for Languages, Baling Sik) En. Nordin bin Mohd. Noor (Assistant District Language Officer for Languages, Padang Terap) En. Azmi bin Othman (Assistant District Language Officer for Languages, Kuala Muda Yan) En. Nagaiah Velu (Assistant District Language Officer for Languages, Langkawi) En. Md. Zahir bin Husin (Assistant District Language Officer for Languages, Kulim Bandar Baharu) Pn. Nadia Normala Vimala bt Abdullah (Assistant District Language Officer for Languages, Pendang) Cik Farha bt Sobry (Assistant District Language Officer for English (Secondary), Kuala Muda Yan En. Oslan bin Yum (Assistant District Language Officer for English (Secondary), Kubang Pasu Panel of Smart Module 2 2011 (SPM 1119) 1. Pn. Farah Ikhmar bt Jafri (SMK Sik) 2. En. Lim Swee Teong (SMK Simpang Kuala) ...
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...Shopping for healthcare and grooming products in India is a completely different experience to what it is in the United Kingdom. There are not any dedicated stores for healthcare products such as Boots, Super Drug. The differences in such consumption patterns can be better understood through the concept of Sociohistoric Patterning of Consumption, which suggests that the institutional and social structures systematically influence consumption, such as class, community, ethnicity, and gender. I had never seen, until then, a store with such collection of healthcare products. It was a totally new experience for me. Maybe it was also the reason because of my excitement. As evident in Thornton’s studies, experiential consumption activities foster collective identifications grounded in shared beliefs, meanings, mythologies, rituals, social practices, and status systems. (Thornton 1996.) Also supporting my eventual habitual consumption pattern, of consuming healthcare and grooming products, is Maffesoli’s (1996) ideas on...
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...re tu ra li CAPE Modern te ng Languages Literatures nE e siniEnglish ur e at l er g it En sin ur e at er it L Caribbean Examinations Council ® SYLLABUS SPECIMEN PAPER CSEC® SYLLABUS,MARK SCHEME SPECIMEN PAPER, MARK SCHEME SUBJECT REPORTS AND SUBJECT REPORTS Macmillan Education 4 Crinan Street, London, N1 9XW A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world www.macmillan-caribbean.com ISBN 978-0-230-48228-9 © Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC ®) 2015 www.cxc.org www.cxc-store.com The author has asserted their right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988. First published 2014 This revised version published 2015 Permission to copy The material in this book is copyright. However, the publisher grants permission for copies to be made without fee. Individuals may make copies for their own use or for use by classes of which they are in charge; institutions may make copies for use within and by the staff and students of that institution. For copying in any other circumstances, prior permission in writing must be obtained from Macmillan Publishers Limited. Under no circumstances may the material in this book be used, in part or in its entirety, for commercial gain. It must not be sold in any format. Designed by Macmillan Publishers Limited Cover design by Macmillan Publishers Limited and Red Giraffe CAPE® Literatures...
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...Warning Concerning Copyright Restrictions The Copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyright material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction not be "used for any purposes other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement. CHAPTER ONE Once There was a Time An Introduction to the History and Ideology of Folk'and Fairy Tales To begin with a true story told in fairy-tale manner: Once upon a time the famous physicist Albert Einstein was confronted by an overly concemed woman who sought advice on how to raise her small son to become a successful scientist. In particular she wanted to know what kinds ofbooks she sll ould read to her son. "Fairy tales," Einstein responded without. hesitation. "Fine, but what else should I read to him after that?" the mother asked. "More fairy tales, "Einstein stated. "And after that?" "Even more fairy tales. " replied the great scientist, and he waved his pipe like a wizard pronouncing a happy end to a long adventure. It now seems that the entire world has been following Einstein's advice. By 1979 a German literary critic could...
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