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What Is Panera Bread?

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Louis Kane and Ron Shaich started Panera under the name Au Bon Pain Co, Inc. in 1981. During the 1980s and 1990s, Au Bon Pain flourished in its industry, spreading up and down the east coast, and reaching internationally. With their success, Au Bon Pain acquired Saint Louis Bread Company, which included 20 locations. Synthesizing the two companies, the “average unit volumes increased by 75%” between 1993 and 1997. Saint Louis Bread Company’s name was officially changed to Panera Bread in 1997, and, by that time, Au Bon Pain was positioned among the leading brands in the nation.
Au Bon Pain’s locations were eventually liquidated in May 1999, but Panera Bread’s locations remained profitably functioning. Worth $4.5 billion currently, this rebranding

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