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The Pros And Cons Of Being An Organ Donor

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My child is dying and in desperate need of a heart transplant. He is on a waiting list and is set to receive the next available heart, but it does not look like that will be anytime particularly soon. What if that was you? What if that was your child? This was just a hypothetical situation; however, it is a likely situation in this day and age. There are almost two hundred thousand men, women, and children in need of an organ transplant and the list is ever growing (HRSA). Unfortunately, only a handful of those thousands ever receive the organ they need. You should register to become and organ donor because there is a great need for them and many of the statements arguing against being an organ donor are false. Take matters into your own hands to save a life.
When asked, 95% people will say that they support the concept of being an organ donor, yet barely even 45% of those people will end up actually registering to be a donor (HRSA). Why is that? There are many …show more content…
This is an idea made popular by the likes of books and television dramas. It is not true at all. When you go to a hospital it is the job of the doctor to make all attempts to save YOUR life. In addition to that, once they have passed on, organ donors undergo tests to make sure that they are truly dead before any other actions are taken (Cromwell). Other people will not sign up to be an organ donor because they want to have an open casket funeral. The great thing about being an organ donor is that you can do both (Mayo Clinic Staff). At a funeral, the body is clothed and laying down in a casket. If noticeable changes have been made to the body during the removal of the organs (such as bones being removed) adjustments can easily be made so that the body will look normal. Nobody would be able to notice that anything is the slightest bit

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