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Narrative Essay On Homeless

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I woke up and it was the first day of summer. I’m usually rapturous for the summer break but for my first day I had to go to the homeless shelter to earn service hours. Dreading the thought of going, I swiftly got ready and left to go to the homeless shelter. I arrived at 8 o'clock and had to stay until 1 o’clock but, I was hoping they would let me leave early. As I walked in the man in charge appointed me to the bread and told me to gently put them away. It was trouble-free but, extremely boring but; I there was nothing I could do about it. Than I was sent to the cafeteria to pass out morning breakfast to the homeless people. While passing out the food to everyone I noticed how happy the homeless people were even though it was such a small portion of food. Some haven’t eaten a plate of food in days. Still passing out the food, I was feeling miserably sorry for them and finally realizing how horrific they have it. After passing out the food I talked to a couple of the homeless people. Sitting side by side next to one, he was telling me how he became homeless. He got divorced and his wife took everything, leaving him to become homeless. While telling me the story the man showed much grief and he was in tears by the end of the sorrow story. During the time spent here, it showed me how …show more content…
I am very lucky to have all the things I currently possess because one day I might get everything taken away. Going through the homeless shelter, I have seen people at an all time low so when I have a problem I need to remind myself that I could have it much worse. I have also learned that these people are just like everyone else but just not as grateful, so in no way do these people deserve to get mistreated. If I have a chance to help a homeless person out in anyway I will because they deserve things the most and they have the hardest

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