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Narrative Essay On Military Life

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Scott finally got his ETS approved by the VA from his Vietnam wounds that had kept him in; he moved in with us on Stamper Rd. Then managed to get a job from the placement center working for some painter from California named Danny. It was job training and was designed to prepare Vets for civilian life.
One night we were chilling out as Sgt. Jim was away on leave. We had been partying for days, and I was feeling under the weather and decided to crash out early. However, before I got the chance the phone rang and to my surprise it was Jimmy’s girls calling to find out if they could come over. I remember thinking that was strange since they had never been to Stamper Road, but I gave them the address anyway.
The girls arrived in Jimmy’s car a red Olds 442 convertible and when I inquired as to his whereabouts they said that he was playing poker out of town. He played a lot of poker, so it did not sound out of the ordinary. I asked if they would like anything to drink, they grabbed some beers, and the party kicked off. After a while, one thing led to another, …show more content…
Jap was busted in one of the bars downtown for carrying hand grenades in his field jacket. However, the worst was still to come. It was 6 A.M and so I went to the mess hall for breakfast, paid my $0.50 since I was now on separate rations, and housing as a result of my recent marriage. Debbie had stayed over last night with Scott so we could get an early start to meet Tom and the gang at Hope Mills Lake for a party.
We were back at the house and I was wired from speed when the phone rang. It was Jap. He was downtown and going to meet with John the Baptist; a local dealer who we didn’t get along with on the strip. Jap asked if I could come down to meet and back him up, I’d just gotten off all night guard duty, and so I asked him to give me an hour. Scott asked where I was going, and whether he needed to come along as

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...                    Pre-Colonial Period -          Consisted of early Filipino literature passed down orally; oral pieces have a communal authorship – it was difficult to trace the original author of the piece since oral literature did not focus on ownership or copyright, rather on the act of storytelling itself; -          Many oral pieces became lost in the wave of the new literary influence brought about by the Spanish colonization; however, according to the Philippine Literature: A History & Anthology, English Edition (Lumbera, B. & Lumbera C.), the pre-colonial period of Philippine literature is considered the longest in the country’s history; -          Literature in this period is based on tradition, reflecting daily life activities such as housework, farming, fishing, hunting, and taking care of the children as well; -          Oral pieces told stories which explained heroes and their adventures; they attempted to explain certain natural phenomena, and, at the same time, served as entertainment purposes; -          Pre-colonial literature showed certain elements that linked the Filipino culture to other Southeast Asian countries (e.g. oral pieces which were performed through a tribal dance have certain similarities to the Malay dance); -          This period in Philippine literature history represented the ethos of the people before the arrival of a huge cultural influence – literature as a cultural tradition, than a form of art that had a particular...

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