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Nascar Person Research Paper

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Nascar drivers are what inspired my name. My mom and dad wanted a boy and they received one. My parents never had a girl name picked out before I was born. But the name that they were dead set on was Jarrett. Inspired by the famous retired race car driver Dale Jarrett. My middle name is my dad's first name Gregory. My My Name Means Spear strong and I love my name and I would never change it.
I have completed one of my goals I have wanted to do for a while and that is to become pretty good at longboarding. I have made friends that have made the same interests as me and do fun things together.
My favorite hobbies are longboarding,parkour,soccer,swimming,and video games. I like anything with speed and love salty and spicy food but I dislike sweet …show more content…
For fun I play video games,longboard,and parkour. All of these things are stuff I love doing and I do It every single day.
My Grandma Is my hero. She taught me an important lesson to not take life for granted and to make it the best it can possibly be.
Let's make a long story short my grandma was diagnosed with cancer and it had an effect on all of us and she told me life's too short and to keep making your life better. These were her last words to me and she died and had an impact on my whole family,This is what made me realized that good grades do matter in school cause this is my future and it can help me out in the long run or make my life miserable
She is my hero and will always be my hero and I will never forget her.
If I could time travel I would go in the past and stop my mom from smoking. My mom has tried and tried to stop smoking but she hasn't and it is bad for her. I want my mom to live long and her smoking each day is making that chance being tinier and tinier. She has done so much for me and this would mean a lot to me and her she is supposed to stop again soon and think she will do it. I hope one day she will but if not this would be my only option to stop it from happening. So I know what I would do but what would you

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...citations has three parts. ❑ The first part is the type of resource (for example, “Book, one author”). The BOLD Comic Sans font in 14 pt identifies this part of each citation. ❑ The second part is a template containing the components needed to cite the resource. The grey boxes       identify the template in each citation. This part is in 12 pt Times New Roman. ❑ The third part provides an actual example of a resource found in a Lexington County District One Library Media Center. The red font in 12 pt Times New Roman, double-spaced lines and hanging indent identify this part of each citation. II. To use the citation template, highlight the template for the resource you need to cite, then copy and paste into your paper. 1st_Author's_LastName, 1st_Author's_FirstName, and 2nd_Author's_FirstName 2nd_Author's_LastName. Title. City_of_Publication: Publisher, Date_of_Publication. III. Select one of the grey boxes and type the correct information. As soon as you click on each grey box to select it, it is highlighted—do not delete the grey box—just start typing. Notice in the sample below, “Warhol” has replaced the grey box that said “1st_Author’s_LastName” in Step II above. Warhol, 1st_Author's_FirstName, and 2nd_Author's_FirstName 2nd_Author's_LastName. Title. City_of_Publication: Publisher, Date_of_Publication. IV. The punctuation, italics, and underlines will be inserted automatically as you type. Warhol, Tom, and Chris Reiter. Eagles. Tarrytown: Marshall...

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