...Modernisation emphasises the point that western capitals, values and practises are the basis for “modernising” 3rd world countries by helping them become sustainable .However this can only widen the gap between first and 3rd world resulting more 3rd world countries to depend more and more upon the first world for sustenance Modernisation is defined as the transition from the traditional society of the past to modern society as it is found today in the west .Modernisation presents the idea that by introducing modern methods in technology ,agriculture production for trade ,industrialisation dependant on the mobility of the labour force thus 3rd world countries will experience a boost in their economies .Many proponents of the modernisation theory were there such as Walter Rostov, Talcott Parsons Daniel Lerner felt that the rest of the world especialyy3rd world had to adopt the Western ways of life. As research was taken further into the modernisation theory it is seen that development could worsen women lives probably more than anything. In 3rd world countries women have been seen as major contributors to their household as primary subsistence farmers, producing crops for their families. However now, industrial societies due to modernisation, women are not able to own land and thus their rights are taken away by their husbands hence losing the important economic and social roles as subsistence food producers. Their household craft productions also decreases as the lose a significant...
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...with vast resources and inhabits more than 12 percent of the world’s population. Although we know that the continent has plenty of resources, Africa remains the world’s poorest and most undeveloped continent. [1]Poverty is widespread, there is a great threat of communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. Politically, I would say that the country is unstable as there were civil and liberation wars. The lack of development in africa is closely linked to the phenomenon of state weakness which underlines the need for improvement governance as prerequisite for development in Africa. And so corruption is widespread and human rights abuses are a norm among many governments in Africa. When we read about these two nations we see that, South Africa and Nigeria have a lot of influence on African Affairs. Nigeria and South Africa both are blessed their ethnicities and races, an asset to national and economic development. Nigeria and South Africa are both stratified societies. Both the countries were shaped by assumptions and definitions imposed by the British rulers. British imperial rule in both countries provided identities, languages and symbols for ethnic and racial groups. [2]In South Africa, for example, the colonists' policies deepened the differences between Zulus and Xhosas, Ndebele and Vendas, Tswana and Qwaqwa, etc. Also, those of mixed race were segregated from the white groups through culture, residence, occupation and status. These differences benefited...
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...contribute to this company through this topic? * Country signing United Nations agreement, further reinforcement through conferences * Contribute funds for research on the potential impact of climate change * Promote emissions trading and partnerships between countries * Reduce the use of carbon-rich coals * Research and develop renewable energy sources (solar, biomass) * Develop alternative fuel technology for automotive applications (hydrogen) * Explore commercial potential technologies that help absorb greenhouse gas emissions * Adopt gas-fired power generation (electricity) during operations * Produce/provide lower carbon fuels (natural gas) * Establish policy that provides incentives to all practising parties * Terminate the continuous disposal of unwanted gas during oil extraction What are the strength and weakness of the course you’re about to take Strength * Changes in policy direction would serve as a guideline to all organisations and individuals operating in a country * Intervention of cleaner technologies allows human to adapt to it slowly and understand the benefits behind using these technologies * Promote stronger partnership between countries through agreement * Promote awareness among humans that it is our responsibility to start practicing sustainability Weakness * Policies made may not be beneficial, or even detrimental, to the 3rd world countries when they need coal to fire up their power plants ...
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...Levin Human Capital Consulting Group Macro Environmental Study in China Macro Environmental Study in China 40 Yr-on-yr % Change of GDP Executive Summary The National People's Congress The People's Republic of China The Chairman The Central People’s Government The Central Military Commission The Supreme People's Court The people's procuratorates 30 20 10 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2004 507 2265 32132 1500 Categories Low-income country $ Medium-income country $ High-income country $ China $ 1990 356 1170 19617 320 2000 383 1723 26528 930 2002 394 1770 26130 1100 2003 439 1938 28195 1270 GDP in Expenditure 10000 8000 6000 4000 billion RMB Private Consumption Government Expenditure Gross Dom. Fixed Capt. Local Congresses and Governments Autonomous Regions Economic Scenario Gross Domestic Production 2000 0 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 -2000 Pillar Industries GDP 25000 20000 15000 10000 Billion RMB 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 Billion RMB Types of Industries 2005 Net Im & Export 1st Ind. 2nd Ind. 3rd Ind. 5000 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2000 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 % Share In Different Areas Southwest 9% CentralSouth 16% Northwest 11% North China 22% Northeast 18% East China 24% 2006 2006 2005 580 2640 35131 1740 -1- Levin Human Capital Consulting Group Macro Environmental Study in China...
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...Nigerian Colleges of Education for Sustainable Development in the 21st Century Eyiuche Ifeoma Olibie, PhD Department of Educational Foundations Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria Lilian-Rita Akudolu, PhD Professor of Curriculum & Instruction and Commonwealth Fellow Department of Educational Foundations Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria Abstract This study was carried out to identify basic components of civic awareness, civic knowledge and civic dispositions needed by youths in two Colleges of Education in Anambra State of Nigeria as a basis for a functional Citizenship Education curriculum. Three hundred students were randomly selected from the two Colleges of Education in Anambra State. A 50-item questionnaire survey method was utilized based on five research questions. Findings indicated that in the perceptions of the students, it is ideal to incorporate several civic components, skills and dispositions into the citizenship education curriculum. Recommendations were made for revamping of the citizenship education curriculum in Colleges of Education in line with the identified civic components, skills and dispositions so as to ensure the establishment of education for sustainable development in the country. Keywords: Citizenship education, functional curriculum, sustainable development, teachers. Introduction Since the declaration of the years 2005-2014 as the United Nations (UN) decade of Education for Sustainable development (ESD), UNESCO in particular has organized...
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...Poverty in India Absolute poverty or destitution is the term used to describe deprivation of basic human needs i.e. food, water, sanitation, clothing, shelter, health care and education. While relative poverty refers to economic inequality in a particular location or society in which people live (The Economist, 2010). India has 1/3rd of World’s poorest population according to World Bank and it has been facing significantly high levels of poverty with most people living in agrarian and rural communities where 77%of poor Indians live. India is amongst the globally largest countries and thus poverty has a considerable pressure and weight on the country; about three-quarters of India’s population reside in rural areas and suffer higher levels of poverty regardless of efforts and policies being implemented from the past four decades (Prato & Longo, 2012). The rates of poverty in the country are affected by issues such as presence of factors, population density, ecological conditions and irrigation facilities etc. While there are other factors too that influence the level of poverty in rural areas of India i.e. caste, land ownership, literacy and gender (Yusuf, 2014). Impacts of Openness and Literacy rate on poverty in India Degree of openness refers to an economic metric, calculated as the ratio of country's total trade, the sum of exports plus imports, to the country's gross domestic product. The interpretation of the Openness Index is the higher the index the larger...
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...ISSN: 2319-5894 Pharma Utility Volume 8, Issue 1- 2, 2014 Brief Report Indian Chemical Industry: A Potential Chemical Hub for Exploration at World Market Authors: Amrit B Karmarkar*1, Avinash D Deodhar1, Aditya A Holikar2 Affiliations: 1. Director, InClinition, Dombivli East, Mumbai Area, India 2. Research Associate, InClinition, Dombivli East, Mumbai Area, India Email: amrit@inclinition.com Cellular: +91-8898904115 Introduction of Chemical Industry Chemicals are the basic necessity of day to day life for creature to survive on earth. The chemicals whether being natural or synthetic they are helpful to each and every creature for the survival. Right from the food we eat, clothes we wear or the cars we drive all the things are significantly based on the chemicals which helps to enhance the quality of life through various new innovations. The use of chemicals is mentioned from the ancient time to the modern era. As the development on earth started from the ancient era to modern era for the survival and the enhancement of the chemicals, their forms and their uses changed. Development of synthetic chemicals took place by setting up the chemical factory in countries and then export and import of chemicals from country to country. As the modern era is concern, the chemical industry has acquired the special attention by Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) at 5.9% for the revenue generation of $ 3,519 billion till year 2010. It is expected to grow up to 8.1% generating $ 5,185 billion...
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...REPORT ON THE INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON WOMEN AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT BEIJING, CHINA 9 – 11 NOVEMBER 2011 BACKGROUND International Forum on Women and Sustainable Development was organized by the All China Women’s Federation in Beijing, China. The All-China Women’s Federation (ACWF) was founded on April 3rd, 1949. It is a mass organization of Chinese women of all ethnic groups in all walks of life, striving for women’s advancement. Its mission is to represent and safeguard women’s rights and interests and to promote equality between women and men. ACWF is also a member of the National Working Committee on Women and Children under the State Council. It is in consultative status with the ECOSOC of the United Nations. INTRODUCTION Sustainable development, as a visionary development paradigm shift, represents a big step forward in the progress of human society. It demonstrates the resolve and efforts of people around the world to ensure sound development and the well-being of the current and future generations. Sustainable development can neither be achieved nor sustained without the participation of women who are an important driving force. The United Nations and member states have already initiated different kinds of activities to prepare for the Rio+20 Summit. Both sustainable development and empowerment of women are considered a priority of the United Nations in 2011. As such, it is of special significance to reflect women’s needs and concerns and heed women’s...
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...strong transatlantic partnership, which is underpinned by the bilateral relationships between the United States and the governments of Europe” (QDR, 2010). As the United States military undergoes sequestration, we will become increasingly more reliant on the support of our strongest allies to deter our enemies and, if necessary, project the international will to our collective enemies. In order to fully understand their system, it is important to understand their current force structure and the radical changes they are making under Army 2020, their current manpower reduction plans, their equipment capability development and material development systems, and the documentation methods. British Military as our Strongest Ally Over the last decade, the British has been our strongest ally in Afghanistan and Iraq. Currently, the United Kingdom is one of only three countries with a brigade deployed to Afghanistan (US, UK, and Germany) (NATO, 2013). They currently have 7900 personnel deployed to Afghanistan which is more than 9% of the coalition total. As Force Managers, it is important for us to have an understanding of the force structure, personnel, and equipping plans of our strongest ally in order to have an appreciation of what they will be able to bring to a future conflict. As President Obama stated in the 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance, “Europe is our principle partner in seeking global and economic security, and will remain so for the foreseeable future” (DSG, 2012). ...
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...(SAARC) is an organization of South Asian nations, which was established on 8 December 1985 when the government of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka formally adopted its charter providing for the promotion of economic and social progress, cultural development within the South Asia region and also for friendship and co-operation with other developing countries. It is dedicated to economic, technological, social, and cultural development emphasising collective self-reliance. Its seven founding members are Sri Lanka, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Afghanistan joined the organization in 2007. Meetings of heads of state are usually scheduled annually; meetings of foreign secretaries, twice annually. It is headquartered in Kathmandu, Nepal. The combined economy of SAARC is the 3rd largest in the world in the terms of GDP (PPP) after the United States and China and 5th largest in the terms of nominal GDP. SAARC nations comprise 3% of the world's area and contain 21% (around 1.7 billion) of the world's total population and around 9.12% of Global economy as of 2015. SAARC also home to world's 3rd & 7th largest Economy of world in GPP(PPP) & GDP(Nominal) terms respectively as well as World's fastest growing major Economy, that is India. India makes up over 70% of the area and population among these eight nations. ...
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...42 per cent of the vote while his rival bagged 44 per cent votes. Pakistani youth support Malala Yousufzai Pakistani teenaged rights campaigner, Malala Yousafzai, who was on 14th October 2012 shot by the Taliban for publicly opposing them against the girl education.She got the support from all over the world. Ali Zidan elected Libya PM Libya’s 200-member General National Congress has elected a former congressman and human rights lawyer Ali Zidan as the country’s new Prime Minister on 14th October 2012. Austrian skydiver breaks sound barrier Austrian national Felix Baumgartner, who jumped from a height of 39 km, became the first skydiver to record the highest ever freefall and also the first human to go faster than the speed of sound. Five New Non-Permanent Member Countries Elected to UN Security Council UN General Assembly elected five new non-permanent members to the Security Council. The New Members are South Korea, Luxembourg, Argentina, Australia and Rwanda. Iran bans export of 50 basic foods to preserve supplies Iran has banned the export of around 50 basic goods in order to preserve supplies of essential items in the wake of tightening Western sanctions. INDIA & WORLD India, Australia signs MoU to strengthen bilateral cooperation India and Austrlia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 1st October 2012 for strengthening long-term relationship and bilateral Cooperation on...
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...It is a way of helping people to be more advance, well prepared, and to widen up each and every individuals mind setting about our society now a days. This comparative study is about the Reproductive Health Bill 4244 vs. Catholic Social Teachings. As we all know the RH Bill is an act providing for a comprehensive policy on responsible parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development, and for Other Purposes. For me the RH Bill can be both good and bad for our country and us human beings. It has also been said that the Catholic Church is against the RH Bill, because they said that it can harm us people. There is this top agreement about its provisions on maternal and child health care, there is great debate on its proposal that we taxpayer and the private sector will fund and undertake widespread distribution of family planning devices such as birth control pills (BCPs) and IUDs, and as the government continue campaigning to broadcast a good information’s and effect on its use through health care centers nationwide. Being able to live is a great thing to have in the world. Everyone has been talking about this RH bills, for some agreed and some don’t. I could say that in some part of each individuals, RH bills may help and it may brings into some point also that it may trigger to do such thing that will ruin someone’s life. But as the saying goes that every ‘lil thing that is too much is not good. So, it depends on how we’re going to take it and treat it...
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...GATs and TRIPs) - Dispute resolution - Monitor national trade policies of members’ country For WTO to achieve the above mandate efficiently and effectively, the WTO uses the trading principles below (Justin, n.d) - Trade without discrimination - Freer trade: gradually, through negotiation - Predictability: through binding and transparency - Promoting fair competition - Encouraging development and economic reform The purpose of this assignment is to write a brief note on these identified principles. Trade without discrimination Trading without discrimination has the following principles It is expected that country should not discriminate against her trading partners - Most favored nation (MFN) which focusses on ensuring that country does not discriminate between countries by favoring one country to the other. It is expected that countries shall be treated equally. This principle is applicable to GATTs, GATS, TRIPS. Even though, there exist 3 exceptions free trade agreement between goods traded within groups, granting of market access to developing countries and raising barrier against products that are traded unfairly by a country e.g. counterfeiting and dumping. The general principle is that same treatment is applicable to all trading partners. - National treatment focusses on ensuring that country does not discriminate against country and this means same treatment is given to services or goods from a country and goods and services from a trading company. These...
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...is a challenge of Chinese encouragement of export policy. But the other Chinese experts argue that we can not decrease the export, because China is a developing country which is mainly rely on export and we can not ignore that the export brings China a lot of opportunities. Though export is still exist a lot of problems, but we can use some theory to find the solution. The government can use the methods of increasing the domestic consumption spending to keep the growth of GDP and keep the employment rate. The government should encourage the residents to increase the consumption and enlarge the domestic demand. And government should encourage the export the advance proprietary technology products and restrict the export of low level technology products to eliminate the barriers of trade Introduction Nowadays, export plays an import role in the development of economic. General Administration of customs of the People’s Republic of China announced that Chinese trade surplus arrived 31 billion American dollars in July of 2011 and it is more than 9 billion in Jun of 2011. It is the highest point of trade surplus from February of 2009. The data is a new history record. Because the world demands the Chinese lower price and higher quality products and China mainly rely on the export of products to support the development of...
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...UNIT 1 V1. Introduction: The EU in the New World Order (3 Videos) Questions: 1. Who has the power to represent the EU internationally? The president of the European Commission, the high Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the head of delegation of the EU to third countries (e.g. the US),and the president of the European Council. 2. Of which of the following international organisations is the EU a (full) member? The FAO and WTO, two conditions need to be fulfilled: 1) The EU must have the power (as conferred by the Member States in the Treaties) to become a member, 2) the international organization must allow the EU (which is not a state) to become a member. Consult, for instance, Art. 4 of the UN Charter 3. What is the EU in international law? Rights and obligations. It is not a state or is a regional integration organization with a very extensive measeur of international legal personality (at 47 TEU) 4. Who represents Europe in the world, in external affairs and treaty negotiations with 3rd countries or international organizations, High representative of EU for foreign affairs and policy: created by the Lisbon treaty , it is also the vicepresident to the European Comissions. Head of state, Europe is represented by 2 persons: permanent president of European Council and President of the European Commission (more for classical competences of the EUUU). And Rotatic council. World wide diplomatic network of the European Union:...
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