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National Health Insurance Model Paper

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National Health Insurance Model
There are four basic insurance models adopted by different countries in the world: the Beveridge Model, Bismarck Model, National Health Insurance Model, and Out-of-Pocket Model. This paper will focus on the National Health Insurance model and will discuss the meaning of the model, the countries that use the model, who funds the model and discuss the strength and challenges of the model.
The model.
The National health insurance model is a form of insurance that is run by the government with the taxpayers’ money (Wallace, 2013). In this system, every citizen is free to seek medical services anywhere throughout the country without concern of being denied. The providers of care in this type of insurance model are …show more content…
As stated earlier, a country with National health insurance has the government as the controller of the insurance activity and payment for services received by all citizens in the country regardless of the type of facilities (private or public) they received health care or treatment. This section will look at the data set for obesity rate, percent of GDP spent on health care and unemployment in Canada.
Obesity: According to Statistics Canada (2015), 20.2% of Canadians aged 18 and older, an estimate of about 5.3 million adults, reported height and weight that classified them as obese in 2014. Over the years, the rate of obesity among the men have increased from 20.1% in 2013 to 21.8% in 2014. This represents the highest obesity rate reported for men since 2003 (16.0% of males were obese in 2003). The obesity rate among the women is also on the rise with 18.7% obese in 2014, an increase over 2013 and up significantly from 2003 when it was 14.5% (Chart 1).
The rate of adults who reported height and weight that classified them as overweight in 2014 was 40.0% for men and 27.5% for women. The percentage of men who were overweight was about the same as 2012 but was a decrease from 41.9% in 2013. The rate among women has been stable since 2003 (Chart

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