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Skin Ageing Research Paper

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Skin is a vital organ of the body; primarily composed of three layers continuously exposed to external environment. Exposure to pollution, chemicals, UV radiation etc. damages the epidermis leading to skin ageing. Skin ageing is a natural phenomena which, happens due to intrinsic or extrinsic factors. Since ancient times, people have used different herbs or plant extracts to combat ageing. Curcumin, resveratrol, epicatechin, ellagic acid and apigenin are used in cosmetic formulations to combat skin ageing. These phytochemicals produced by plants reduce the physiological signs of ageing by reduction of ROS, protecting and stimulating matrix-associated proteins, absorption of UV rays, and maintaining the water-balance in the skin. This review …show more content…
intrinsic and extrinsic (10). Intrinsic skin ageing is a natural physiological ageing process that involves the age-dependent decline of cell tissue function, and degradation of fibre network in the skin. Extrinsic skin ageing depends on external factors such as sun exposure, exposure to UV rays, and environmental pollution. This process is also known as photo ageing. Short wavelength UVB penetrate deeper through the skin and damage the dermis while UVA damage the epidermis of the skin. UV radiation also stimulates ROS synthesis that is involved in mutagenesis. Almost 90% of the skin changes occur due to extrinsic factors (11). The importance of skin-ageing related research is to understand the molecular processes that cause ageing and develop the strategies to slow down these processes. The major different types of cellular damages that contribute to skin ageing are aggregation of reactive oxygen species, photo ageing, accumulation of a low-grade proinflammatory phenotype, reduction in age-related autophagy, dehydration of skin, inhibition of collagen and elastin synthesis (12,13). The beneficial effects of dietary nutrients might also be important to reduce health related and intrinsic ageing. This review focuses on the extrinsic skin ageing in humans and their treatments by plant-based bioactives (Fig. …show more content…
Collagen, the most abundant structural protein found in humans, is the primary component of dermis and gives strength to the skin. Elastin fibres mostly increase the elasticity of the skin. The ECM is in a constant state of wear and repair. As we grow older, the breakdown of ECM is dominant. So there is a gradual loss of supportive matrix, thereby decrease in firmness and skin elasticity. Excessive exposure to reactive oxygen species and UV radiation induce pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, which is responsible for matrix damage. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) also stimulates MMP-1 by UV radiation that finally damages the matrix. The bisabolane sesquiterpenes from Curcuma xanthorrhiza rhizome have shown to inhibit the MMP-1 expression induced by UVB radiation (14). UV-irradiation increases metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, -3, and -9 that causes collagen and elastin degradation. Thus it leads to increase in wrinkles, sagging skin and other age-related phenotypic effects. Arctiin present in the Greater burdock along with Arctium lappa fruit extract have dual effect of inhibition on cytokine induction and stimulation of collagen synthesis thus, improving the clinical signs of aging skin (15). Ursane, class of terpenoids in Centella asiatica stimulate collagen I synthesis (16). Phytoactives isolated from Moringa oleifera leaves reduced the levels of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), a

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