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Native American Neglect Research Paper

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Americans tend to have a negligence towards Native Americans, today’s society can not ignore this fact as it is a bigger issue than people assume. Certain Native Americans have begun to notice this neglect, and took action on it. As Chief Tecumseh promotes, “The way, the only way to stop this evil, is for the red people to unite in claiming a common and equal right in the land, as it was at first, and should be now -- for it was never divided, but belongs to all.” Tribes such as the Cherokee, have felt this neglect in past times such as with the Trail of Tears, where Natives were deprived of the land they had. What is astounding is that in today’s times society still chooses to ignore the fact that tribes such as the Cherokee are being mistreated. …show more content…
The Cherokee tribe appears to be irrelevant to people in America, because of the reason that many do not care about the way Natives are treated, and never really did since the past. As Michael Dorris, an American novelist exclaims, “Such honoring relegates Indians to the long ago and thus makes them magically disappear from public consciousness and conscience.” Ignoring the fact that tribes such as the Cherokee were forcefully taken away from where they lived only makes their existence even more absent to American society today. Many decide to not discuss how Americans overtook certain tribes land, and leave it in the past, only leaving today’s society with history books to read of these Native American people. As depicted in a comic strip entitled ‘Herman”,”We've learned not to insult other minorities, but Indians are still considered fair game—perhaps because people wrongly think they're

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