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Natural Identity Research Paper

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The natural world was a formation of God through his words because he spoke about the universe and everything that is contained in it. This is clearly established from the book of Genesis. God’s eternal and supernatural powers remain at the center of everything and humans should pay respect to God’s creation because there is a space for every creature he created. Paul writes in the book of Romans that the eternal power of God and His divine nature is clear enough for everyone to understand and without excuse. In other words, God Speaks through His creations and so he does not need to be seen to be concluded that he is there. Faith is what is expected of humans (Wolters, 2005). Natural identity is another missing piece in the biblical worldview. The identity of humans can be found through a constant interaction with God and believing in Him. It is because we are made in the image of God despite the fact that human beings are completely destitute of each other. As put forth by Paul in the book of Romans that man should not start to think that they are wiser than God and so they do not need him anymore. It is important to recognize that God is there for …show more content…
A criminal justice professional should be adept at ensuring that human beings in whichever geographical location are freely interacting with one another in order to lock out any chances of the development of animosity that could lead into conflicts. This comes into play in terms of getting those that are a threat to the public peace and security taken behind bars. However, this can only be achieved through ensuring that fairness is highly observed to ensure that only those who are found to be guilty are taken in. Human interaction as provided for in the bible can be enhanced if people have a peaceful

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