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Natural Law Theory Essay

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Natural law theory states that moral values are both natural and universally valid. Moral relativism states that moral values are conventional and are not universally valid. These conventional values vary and change across cultures and nations. While natural law theory acknowledges that conventional values exist, it does not accept that these values are always moral truths. It is important to distinguish that simply because an individual or culture believes something to be right, does not make it true. A moral truth is an objective fact, whereas a moral belief has no concrete foundation for being universally valid or true.

4. Discuss the distinction between first precepts and derivative precepts of natural law. To begin with, a precept is principle in the form of a general command, the way something ought to be done. Aquinas states that all precepts are based on character of one natural law. From this one character, a first precept is formed. Reason directs everything regarding humans. Because humans are ruled by reason, we thus belong to the natural law, which is associated with the first precept. This natural law is common to all nations; it is universally valid. As a result of being ruled by reason, practical reason is one way that guides humans. Practical reason is associated with the way we ought to act, which would be …show more content…
Derivative precepts are little different than the first precepts. They are not always known to be fully correct or true. There can be consequences and circumstances that could make the derivative precept invalid. Derivative precepts are also not always known by all. This can be a result from corrupted reason, either due to overindulgence in animal passions, or a social and cultural environment that accept moral defects. However, these derivative precepts are still considered to be universally right and known for the most

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