Premium Essay



Submitted By kalaniwijesinghe
Words 2218
Pages 9
NDAS starts their long journey since 1985. Currently state of NDA office automation, system integration and networking differs from one department to another while some departments work manually. The payroll department currently carries out its own data processing using a mini computer. Due to expansion of the business and complexity of the billing process these processes are automated throughout Florida offices.
The marketing and sales department which is headed by Bob Jones runs as a Local Area Network limited the sales and marketing division itself. This connects every personal computer of each account representative. When we come to Accounts receivable division which is headed by Jane Van Dyke, a powerful microcomputer server provides database for both customer billing and bad debts. The accounts payable division that is led by john Lawson functions with its own vender data base stored on an old minicomputer server. This data base holds billing details such as billings of ODI to NDAS and also this division is responsible for the payroll process. A LAN can be established as well since employees here also got PC’s on their desk similar to accounts receivable division.
Peter Browne, the maintenance supervisor of the fleet maintenance division refuses to automate his division’s record keeping processes and satisfied with the usual way. Therefore this division has no computer capability. Fleet maintenance division has another part which is ‘Dispatch’. This section also processes its work manually. What is task is to bundle incoming packages. At present this is done twice a day. The off-loaders mark the arrival time and their own initials on the tag when the bundles arrive at the respective delivery points. And then returns the tags to corporate headquarters.
When we come to ways and methods of communication in NDAS the Communication with corporate

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