...his/her information including a photo stored in a database replacing the current manual recording in books. ▪ The application will generate a receipt and a report about a resident when prompted ▪ The accommodation fee paid by a student to be fed into the database ▪ Any penalty fee to a student to be recorded and for a student to clear with the system they must compensate the penalty ▪ Any complaint concerning the room raised by a resident will be stored in the system which will constantly remind the janitor until it is sorted out. ▪ The application will be updated with information from booking of rooms database when a student books a room The tools that will be used in developing and running the system are; 1. Netbeans IDE 2. J2SE 3. MySQL(phpMyAdmin) 4. Windows xp,7,8,8.1 The deliverables of this application will be; ▪ There will be accurate storage of a resident’s...
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...Compraline [ Especificaciones Suplementarias del Sistema ] Versión 1.0 Revisión y Aprobación Histórica Versión | Descripción | Autor y fecha | Aprobación y fecha | 1.0 | Versión inicial para su aprobación | Equipo 4 17/07/14 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Tabla de Contenido 1. Introducción del documento. 3 1.1 Propósito del documento. 3 1.2 Alcance 3 1.3 Definiciones, Acrónimos y Abreviaturas 3 1.4 Referencias 3 1.5 Vista General 3 2. Funcionalidad 3 2.1 Pedidos en el sistema. 2.2 Ventas en el sistema 2.3 Catálogos de productos 2.4 Registro Cliente 2.5 Acceso al sistema 2.6 Consulta del Sistema 2.7 Factura del sistema 3. Usabilidad 3 3.1 < Requerimiento de Usabilidad Uno> 3 4. Confiabilidad 3 4.1 <Requerimiento de Confiabilidad Uno> 3 5. Desempeño 3 5.1 <Requerimiento de Desempeño Uno> 3 6. Soporte 3 6.1 < Requerimiento de Soporte Uno> 3 7. Restricciones de Diseño 3 7.1 Herramientas (Dirigidas al desarrollo de la aplicación) 3 7.2 Tipo de Desarrollo (Arquitectura) 3 7.3 Plataforma HW y SW del equipo cliente (orientados a la aplicación) 3 7.3.1 Software 3 7.3.2 Hardware 3 8. Seguridad 3 9. Requerimientos de Documentación de Usuario y Sistemas de Ayuda 3 10. Componentes Adquiridos 3 11. Interfaces 3 11.1 Interfaces de Comunicación 3 11.2 Interfaces de Hardware 3 11.3 Interfaces de...
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...Cover/Front Page Web Applications Task | Instruction | A. Setting Up a Web Application Project. | 1. Choose File > New Project (Ctrl-Shift-N) from the main menu. Under Categories, select Java Web. Under Projects, select Web Application then click Next. 2. In Step 2, enter HelloWeb in the Project Name text box. 3. Specify the Project Location to any directory on your computer. For purposes of this tutorial, this directory is referred to as $PROJECTHOME. 4. Click Next. The Server and Settings panel opens. Select the version of Java EE you want to use with your application. 5. Select the server to which you want to deploy your application. 6. Click Next. In the Frameworks panel, click Finish to create the project. The IDE creates the $PROJECTHOME/HelloWeb project folder. | B. Creating a Java Package and a Java Source File. | 1. In the Projects window, expand the Source Packages node. Note the Source Packages node only contains an empty default package node. 2. Right-click the Source Packages node and choose New > Java Class. Enter NameHandler in the Class Name text box and type org.mypackage.hello in the Package combo box. Click Finish. Notice that the new NameHandler.java file opens in the Source Editor. 3. In the Source Editor, declare a String variable by typing the following line directly below the class declaration. String name; 4. Add the following constructor to the class: public NameHandler() { }...
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...Database connection /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package scholapaymentsystem; import com.mysql.jdbc.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; /** * * @author ferdie_amy */ public class DBConnection { private Connection DBConnection; public Connection connect(){ try{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); System.out.println("connection succed"); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe){ System.out.println("connection failed" + cnfe); } String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db_login"; try{ DBConnection = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection(url,"root", ""); System.out.println("database connected"); } catch (SQLException se){ System.out.println("connection failed" + se); } return DBConnection; } } LOGIN FORM /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package scholapaymentsystem; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql...
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...JAVA KE ORACLE Yufis Azhar, S.Kom – Teknik Informatika – UMM Untuk mengkoneksikan java ke oracle dibutuhkan suatu lib tambahan yaitu “ojdbc14.jar” yang bisa didapatkan di folder “C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\jdbc\lib”. Import lib ini di project Anda atau letakkan lib tersebut di folder jdk yg terinstal di computer Anda. Misal copykan lib tadi di folder “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\jre\lib\ext”. Pertama-tama buatlah sebuah database di oracle dg nama “praktikum”. Kemudian buat sebuah table dengan nama mahasiswa beserta atribut-atributnya seperti gambar di bawah : Mahasiswa NIM char(8) Nama varchar(50) Tgl_lahir date Alamat varchar(100) Koneksi java ke oracle bisa dilakukan dengan GUI (melalui editor semacam netbeans) atau dengan menggunakan code. Untuk tutorial kali ini kita akan menggunakan kode agar lebih fleksibel (tidak tergantung editor yg digunakan). Untuk itu,buatlah sebuah file dengan nama “koneksi_database.java” kemudian tuliskan list code berikut : import java.sql.*; public class koneksi_database { String db = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:praktikum"; String user = "sys"; String pass = "bismillah"; Connection c = null; Statement s = null; public koneksi_database(){} public Statement koneksi(){ try { Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } try { c = DriverManager.getConnection(db,user,pass); } catch (SQLException...
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...1. (25 pts) Java Application GUI and JDBC Create a Java Application GUI SimpleGUI.java using Netbeans/Eclipse IDE to query author names from the book database (the same database used in the assignments). The Java Application GUI should consist of a JList, a JComboBox, JTextArea, and a JButton. The application will display all the author names of the books in a JTextArea if the book’s copyright year is 2005 or later (the book names are selected by the user in the JList, the copyright year is selected from the drop-down list of the JComboBox). The JDBC code should be in a separate class. The SimpleGUI will call the JDBC functions in the JDBC class. Submit your java application project files and a Microsoft word report with the full screen shots (with the date and time stamps) of the major steps of your GUI program development in Netbeans/Eclipse, and run results. You must test your program with a selection of multiple books. 2. (25 pts) HTML GUI and Servlet Write a HTML5 form SimpleServlet.html and a Java Servlet SimpleServlet.java to query the author names same as in the problem 1. The Servlet should call the JDBC function from a separate JDBC class. Host the Servlet in an external Java Web Server (Don’t run it inside Netbeans/Eclipse IDE.) Submit your SimpleServlet.html and Java Servlet project files and a Microsoft word report with full screen shots (with the date and time stamps) of the major steps of developing and deploying your Servlet program, and run results...
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... What is IDE? Integrated development environment (IDE) is a programming environment integrated into a software application that provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) builder, text or code editor, a complier (this analyses and executes each line of source code (look below for a diagram)) and/or interpreter (This executes instructions written in a high level language (Java, C++, etc.) and a debugger (This is a program that finds errors in other programmer, this allows the programmer to stop a program at any point and examine and change the values of the variable) This is a diagram of a complier Examples of IDE’s are: * Visual Studio * Delphi * JBuilder * FrontPage * Dreamweaver What Is NetBeans? NetBeans is a Java based IDE NetBeans is designed to limit coding errors and facilitate error correction...
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...CS 157B / SE 157B Database Management Systems II Spring Semester 2013 Department of Computer Science San José State University Instructor: Ron Mak How to Run Hibernate in NetBeans and Eclipse NetBeans 7.1.1 and later NetBeans appears to have support for Hibernate built in. You need to add several libraries and the Log4J jar file to your class path: • • • • Select the Projects tab in the left panel of the NetBeans IDE. Open your project tree. Right-click the Libraries node and select Add Library… from the context menu. Select the following Global Libraries and click the Add Library button: o Hibernate JPA o MySQL JDBC Driver Right-click the Libraries node again and select Add JAR/Folder… from the context menu. Navigate to the folder NetBeans 7.1.1\ide\modules\ext in your NetBeans installation folder. Select log4j-1.2.15.jar and click the Open button. • • • Your project should look like this: 1 Eclipse 4.2.0 and later Supposedly, there are Hibernate plug-ins for Eclipse, but I haven’t tried them. I zipped up the jar files that you’ll need. • • Create a subfolder named HibernateLib in your project folder (or anywhere else). Download HibernateJars.zip (6.4 MB) from http://www.cs.sjsu.edu/~mak/CS157B/projects/1/HibernateLib.zip and expand its contents (9 jar files) into subfolder HibernateLib. (Don’t try to click on the URL. Copy and paste it into your browser.) Open your project in the Package Explorer panel on the left side of the Eclipse IDE. Right-click the...
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...and develop algorithms, your proficient use of data structures, and your ability to use the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to communicate and develop object-oriented designs will help you design and develop applications to meet customer requirements. A solid understanding of object-oriented concepts will help you develop applications that are maintainable and extensible. Strong competence in software testing and troubleshooting will allow you to validate and verify your applications to ensure you are delivering a quality product that meets all requirements. You will need to develop a Java application to meet the requirements of this assignment. It is recommended that you use NetBeans as your integrated development environment. To download this program, follow the instructions found at the “Netbeans Download” web link below. Use the following scenario to...
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...The highest netbeans version supported by the integrated software manager appears to be 7.0. For some reason the installation guide was also fraught with problems for my platform. Fortunately, there was a recent combination download available through Oracle which installed smoothly. This 8.0 version appears to be stable even though it isn't officially sanctioned for my platform. If problems arise I can probably fall back to Version 7.0, since it is doubtful we will be utilizing any advance options or functions in this class. Programming...
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...credit hours. The tuition is calculated for undergraduate, graduate and part-time. The program is to provide a tool to add, modify, query and delete student records. There are many methods of testing software applications. The testing performed in this documentation is to test the functionality of the program. The testing did not go in depth as far as looking at the specific code. The testing checks the user interface, which is command line in the program, database(MySQL), client and server functionality. The testing is performed manually from the end user point as documented in the herein contained Test Cases. The following requirements must be met to run the program: Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE), MySQL database. Netbeans 7.0.1 was utilized in making the program and testing it . MySQL is open source SQL database. They both can be downloaded for free of charge. Windows 7 OS was used to host both pieces of software. There are minimum requirements that can be referenced on download websites. Each option available in the program will be tested. The Use Case Diagrams may be referenced for further details on functions of each option. The test will test each available selection. The selections to be tested are as follows: 1-Add Student Information 2-Update Student Information 3-Query Student Information...
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...IMPLEMENTATION OF PACKET SNIFFING IN JAVA USING JPCAP LIBRARY Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Engineering of Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidalaya, Bhopal (MP) By Siddharth Pateriya Swarna Swaminathan (0131CS081077) (0131CS081084) Department of Computer Science Engineering Jai Narain College of Technology, Bhopal June – 2012 DECLARATION We, Siddharth Pateriya and Swarna Swaminathan, the students of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science Engineering), Jai Narain College of Technology, Bhopal hereby declare that the work presented in this Major Project is an authentic record of our own and has been carried out taking care of Engineering Ethics under the guidance of Prof. Manish Mishra. Siddharth Pateriya Swarna Swaminathan (0131CS081077) (0131CS081084) CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the work embodied in this Major Project entitled “Implementation of Packet Sniffing in Java using Jpcap Library” has been satisfactorily completed by the students of final year, Mr. Siddharth Pateriya and Ms.Swarna Swaminathan. The work was carried out satisfactorily under the supervision and guidance of the undersigned in the Department of Computer Science Engineering, Jai Narain College of Technology and Science, Bhopal for the partial...
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...Using Google Code and SVN to Manager project Source Code Sep. 3 Project Source Code Manager on Google Code Using NetBean IDE and SVN 1 MrToanDH * C0907i * FptAptech Using Google Code and SVN to Manager project Source Code Sep. 3 Contents I. Google Code là gì? ............................................................................................................. 3 II. 4 bước để tạo Project trên Google Code:.......................................................................... 4 III. Thiết lập các chức năng cho project : ............................................................................. 7 1.Trang chủ project (Project Home) : ................................................................................ 7 2.Thêm và quản lý các thành viên của 1 project : ............................................................. 8 3.Chức năng download : .................................................................................................... 9 4.Xóa project : ................................................................................................................. 11 IV. Giới Thiệu Về Subversion: .............................................................................................. 12 V. 2 cách cơ bản để quản lý Source code với SVN : ............................................................ 13 1.Thao tác với file và Folder : .............................................................................................
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...Jamie Fagerholt – University of Minnesota Crookston Help student study the Java programming and calculus course, not only help my knowledge of courses, but also practice my teaching skill, my patience, know new friends and get the approach to work with different people who comes from diverse countries. This work can help me find which parts or sections are hard to understand, and alert myself it is easy to make a mistake. In the freshmen year, I work with a lot of different countries students to accomplish a "bank system" by using the "NetBeans" software. My responsibility was to develop GUI and code for homepage and withdraw of bank. In the sophomore year, I changed to different students group to complete the "restaurant online reservation system" my job is to lead and analysis how to build it by using "Visio" software to create UML diagrams, activity diagrams, Entity Relationship diagrams, class diagrams, pseudocodes, and used "NetBeans" software to create GUI parts. In this experience, it can help me to master the skills about how to communicate with stakeholders, and over came a lot of obstacles of working with some people who has different characteristic. This semester I changed my position to other groups again,and we are trying to figure out how to manipulate and use Database to built a...
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...algorithms is made to find the best one. 3.2 Non-functional requirements 3.2.1 Resource requirement Hardware requirement PROCESSOR : Intel or AMD x86 processor supporting SSE2 instruction set RAM : At least 2048 MB SPEED : 750MHz HARDDISK : 5GB Software requirements FRONT END : Netbeans 2012,R-studio OPERATING SYSTEM : Windows Vista and above 4.0 SYSTEM ANALYSIS 4.1 DATAFLOW DIAGRAM Use-Case Diagram: 5.0 DESIGN 5.1 FRONT END DESIGN The interface between user and back-end is called front end. Here NetBeans and R-studio are used as front end.JDK is used to do all the preprocessing work and classification is done using R-studio. NetBeans is an Oracle’s software developer which is written in Java. Which is supported in windows, Mac, Linux and Solaris OS. NetBeans IDE(Integrated Development Environment) which allows the user to build java based application ...
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