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H3C零售业无线解决方案培训 ---2012年

商业技术部 杭州华三通信技术有限公司

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零售业概述 百货、购物中心无线解决方案 超市无线解决方案 案例 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 #


百货:统一管理、分区陈列、 统一收银、销售分成 典型案例:银泰百货、翠微百 货、武汉中百、SOGO、长春 卓展 购物中心:购物、休闲、餐 饮一体化,租金收入 典型案例:大悦城、盾安新 一城、德基中心、华润万象 城

大型超市:门店面积5000平米 以上,多店连锁 典型案例:福建永辉、浙江联 华、华润万家、武汉中百、山 东家家悦

连锁业:餐饮、食品、医药、服 饰、便利店、汽车、电器、家居 建材 典型案例:海底捞、百胜、来伊 份、中升、百安居 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 ã



零售业概述 百货、购物中心无线解决方案 超市无线解决方案 案例 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 #


1、商场无线收银:SOGO、翠微、银泰 促销时人流大,作为有线收银的补充 专柜无线开票 2、商场无线服务:SOGO、大悦城 无线上网提升购物体验 商场基于无线进行增值服务 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 #


产品 出口路由器 核心交换机 汇聚交换机 接入交换机 无线控制器 11b/g AP 11n AP 网管软件 推荐产品 MSR50 S10500/S7500E S5500EI/S3600EI S5120EI/S3100EI WX3024E WA2220或WA2220E WA2620或WA2612 iMC+WSM 加相关安全插卡实现业务隔离 视预算考虑千兆/百兆 同上,如有AP接入,选择PWR 系列 备注 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建


1、品牌优势: 无线第一品牌: 产品线最齐全,累计200万台出货,市场份额第一,运营 商集采份额第一 专业网络设备供应商,国内网络市场第一品牌,IDC数据:交换机34.4%, 企业路由器46.9% 2、丰富的零售业经验: SOGO、银泰、翠微、当代、大悦城、德基广场 3、服务优势: 专业无线工勘、网络优化、定制服务(重大节庆保障) 4、方案优势: 1、提供促销等特殊场景的针对性解决方案 2、收银业务和客人上网隔离,保证业务安全 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 #


业务: 1、无线收银 200多台移动POS终端通过 无线网络实现收银 2、无线上网服务 商场内无线全覆盖 实名认证 我司方案: 1、WX5004*2+WA2620 2、千兆POE 3、IMC+WSM 4、短信认证 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 #



业务:无线收银 1、支持了店庆的大量收银业 务,单日收银过亿。 2、一期:台式POS机加装无 线网卡 3、二期:手持POS终端 我司方案: 1、WX5004双机热备份 2、150多台WA2220、 WA2620 3、iMC实现有线无线统一管理 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 #


我司方案: 1、核心:7506E 2、接入:5120-PWR *21 3、AC:WX5004 4、AP:WA2612 *70 5、iMC:平台+WSM 6、安全:F100-A

银泰百货在浙江省已营业的百货店和购物中心达24家, 实现了无线收银和无线上网服务等业务 武林店单店以1亿2000多万元的业绩,百货店单店单日销售名列前茅。 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 #


收银网络: 1、核心:7506E 2、接入:3100-EI 办公网络: 1、核心:9512E FW+IPS+ACG插卡 2、接入:5120-EI/3600-EI 3、服务器区: 5800-32F
北京大悦城是中粮集团商业地产板块战略部署精心打造的“国际 4、出口:SR66 化青年城市综合体”,其定位为时尚、流行、性感、潮流等多重 5、iMC:平台 年轻风格,是现代大型Shopping Mall的杰出代表作。

+WSM+EAD+UAM 6、安全:F1000-S PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 §


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零售业概述 百货、购物中心无线解决方案 超市无线解决方案 案例 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 #


1、基本货物管理:进货 、出货、定期盘点、分拣 ,通过无线终端(手持或机 载),货物信息实时计入后 台数据库,不仅提高效率 ,更减少出错。

入库 出库

永辉超市南屿物流中心 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建


产品 出口路由器 核心交换机 接入交换机 无线控制器 11b/g AP 11n AP 网管软件 推荐产品 MSR50 S5500EI S5120EI/S3100EI WX3024/WX5004 WA1208E WA2610E iMC 一般总店部署 加相关安全插卡 视预算考虑千兆/百兆,如有AP 接入,可选择PWR系列 视AP数目选择 优先考虑大功率AP+功分器+天 线的方案 备注 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建



n配送中心货品数量庞大,通过无线终端进行数据采集,传输到后台系统, 实现了高效率的出入库和盘点。 n物流配送中心环境要求AP信号传输距离远、覆盖效果好,H3C采用 500mW大功率AP外加多个天线的方式实现对物流中心的可靠和精细化覆盖, 并且能提供不小于600m的覆盖范围,确保物流园无线应用的实现 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 #



n在冷链配送中心的冷藏库,冷冻库稳定工作, 效果良好 n采用了适合于仓储环境的增强型和室外型设备 n与MOTO终端配合良好 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 #



nH3C在AP下面部署全向吸顶天线的方式,把无线AP的无线辐射通过吸顶天线集中 到AP的下方,即使部署高度达到7、8米,也能确保无线网络的优良覆盖,满足无线 PDA、无线语音终端的性能要求。 n仓储中心环境复杂,H3C通过工堪与测试,在不同区域分别部署室内AP、室外型 双频AP,确保网络可靠,业务运转。 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 #



n 对门店、仓库等场所进行无线覆盖,用于无线盘点等库存管理

n 用Symbo MC3000条码进行无线扫描,用于库存管理及ERP应用等 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 #


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零售业概述 百货、购物中心无线解决方案 超市无线解决方案 H3C无线方案部署 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 #


• 重业务、轻网络,网管人员普遍专业能力有限,偏好简单易用的产品 和快速有效的支持服务,FIT AP及PoE供电成为实际需求 • 无线收银及无线库管等业务,是行业生产业务,需要安全、稳定、不 间断的网络服务 • 促销等季节性因素影响,需要充分考虑突发流量需要,因此需要高性 能网络设备的支持 • 安装便捷、外型美观、具有较强的抗干扰能力和信号覆盖范围十分重 要 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 #



P oE交换机

S3100EI-PWR:8/16/24口PoE交换机,因为 PoE供电的有效传输距离不超过100米,小端 口密度的设备形态是主流 WX5004:4个千兆Combo接口,管理 64~256个AP,软件管理AP许可配置


WX3024E:千兆、PoE交换机,管理24~ 60个AP,接入、管理11n AP,楼层、店 面无线控制器


S7506E:商场购物中心核心交换机,收银网 办公网各需一台。 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 ÿ


门 店

WA2220-AG:普通室内应用环境,综合 功能区独立放装,双频

门 店

WA2610i-AGN:802.11n,单频AP,直 接室内吸顶部署,普通PoE交换机供电


配送 中心

大功率500MW单频双模 适用于室内分布系统布置场景 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 ÿ



天线型号 频率范围(MHz) 带宽(MHz) 增益(dBi) 驻波比 输入阻抗(Ω) 极化方式 最大功率(W) 接头型号 天线尺寸(mm) 天线重量(kg) 工作温度(℃) 安装方式

ANT-2503C-M3 2400 ~ 2483 83 2.5 ≤1.8 50 垂直 50 RPSMA-J 178×84×25 0.34 -40℃~+60℃ 天花安装

5150 5850 700 4 ≤2.5

商场常用:11n 室内 吸顶 3天线 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建


天线型号 频率范围(MHz) 带宽(MHz) 增益(dBi) 水平面波瓣宽度(度) 垂直面波瓣宽度(度) 驻波比 输入阻抗(Ω) 极化方式 最大功率(W) 接头型号 天线尺寸(mm) 天线重量(kg) 工作温度(℃) 安装方式 ANT-2503C 2400 ~ 2500 100 2.5 360 50 ≤2.0 50 垂直 50 N-型阴头 φ124×47 0.15 -40℃~+60℃ 螺母紧固

5150 5850 700 4.5

增益:2.5dBi(2.4G) 4.5dBi(5.8G) 工作在2.4/5.8G频段 室内有天花板的环境吸顶使用 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建






•首先考虑AP与无线终端之间无线信号的有效交互,其次是接入用户的有效带宽 •在多个AP部署时,应考虑AP间信道的划分以及双射频AP的选择 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建


电源 普通交换机 本地供电,不方便取电,电源线外露不美观
POE 供电盒

POE供电盒,不需要取电,但故障点增多,无法网管 普通交换机

•POE供电使得零售企业在现有环境的设备改造中施工便捷,适合商场装修明线不外露的部署要求 •同时面向未来保证IP电话甚至IP监控方面的扩展引用 27

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主AC 心跳线 备AC

主CAPWAP隧道 接入/汇聚层网络 备CAPWAP隧道






•不同AP的主备AC可以不同,两台AC之间可以既是负载分担关系又是备份关系。 •毫秒级的切换速度,业界最短的切换时间,业务丝毫不会受到影响。 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 ð


无线控制器会控制AP自动切换到合适的工作 信道以规避干扰信号


无线控制器会根据AP的邻居关系动态调整AP 工作的信道和发射功率



无线控制器会自动调整相邻的AP的发射功 率以消除黑洞区域


•功率的调整和智能的切换,保证零售收银MIS系统在无线覆盖范围内的访问不会中断 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 ¦




AC可以要求指定区域的AP在指定 时间开启或者关闭某个SSID的接 入服务

隧道报文 数据报文

•晚上11点上午9:00关 闭AP射频口

•晚上10点后关 闭访客SSID, 但保留其他 SSID正常工作

AC可以要求AP按指定时间打开或 者关闭AP射频以节约能耗,降低 辐射。



PoE交换机远程控制AP受电时间, PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建

确保无人值守时间,无供电明火 30


选择WPA/WPA2加密认证,结合MAC地址认证,选择 高安全性无线AP/AC,关键还要选择能支持高安全等 级的无线网卡以及无线POS机/PDA,

安全是一个整体的需求,不仅仅是无线涉及的物理层/ 链路层,需要从L1~L7的安全规划,结合无线EAD,可 以实现更全面的业务安全保证 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 ï


Internet AAA平台

AAA:无线用户认证、动态授权功能 非法设备监控、定位和告警,设备信道调整告警 有线无线安全策略在无线控制器统一部署 AC和AP间的CAPWAP隧道:流量限速

核心交换机 无线控制器

无线安全插卡:提供SSL/IPSEC VPN 身份认证:802.1x/PSK/MAC/Portal多种认证方式 防攻击:防ARP攻击和DHCP Server外挂,ARP Proxy




空口加解密:WEP/WPA/WPA2/WAPI WIDS:非法AP检测、无线协议攻击防御、黑白名单 空口带宽的管理:智能带宽限速




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企业专网 Internet


分类:多SSID区分生产用 户、办公用户、租户、顾客

认证:不同类别SSID利用 不同的认证、加密技术


授权:利用IP ACL控制不同 类用户访问权限 SSID:顾客网

PWR 交换机

控制零售企业内部不同部门 的合法访问权限,防止其它 非法访客的无线入侵 SSID:租户网 SSID:生产网 SSID:办公网 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建














选择双频AP,利用5.8GHz频段扩展工作信道 合理规划信道及功率控制,可以减少甚至避免AP间的 干扰 延长POS机无线网卡选择 无线AP及天线合理布放,尤其对于移动POS终端覆盖 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 ï



信号强度并不等同于信号质量,对于笔记本等无线 终端接收,更重要的是信号质量,例如信噪比SNR 等,有时候,信号强度大,但是连接并不好,甚至 连接不上,因此,不要过度关注信号强度问题,关 键要看规模部署的效果。 1、信号强度大,但是信号质量不一定好,SNR小, 无线终端无法连接,一些山寨AP及SOHO级AP容易 产生此类问题,即能收到信号,但是连接效果差 2、信号强度大,在规模部署时,可能会对远处其他 AP的信号造成干扰,反而影响网络可用性,因此需 要企业级AP的智能功率调节。 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 ï



采用H3C的Fit AP方案,众多的AP都由AC统一智能 管理,AP零配置。 另外,H3C拥有全球领先的有线无线统一管理平台, 这种同一管理的方式可以让您轻松的定位网络中可能 出现的问题。 当您的一个AP无法工作时,通常可能是中间的某个 交换机出了问题,不能统一管理就会给您带来很大不 便。 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 ï


AC 设备 有 线 终 端 FAT AP设 AP设 备 有线 接入 交换 机 FIT AP设 AP设 备 无 线 终 端



非法AP管理 非法AP管理



RF覆盖仿真 RF覆盖仿真


好管理,易管理 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建



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...I. Computer Dynamics Computer Dynamics is a microcomputer software development company that has a 300-computer network. The company is located in three adjacent five-story buildings in an office park, with about 100 computers in each building. Each building is approximately 90 feet long by 50 feet wide. They are set about 100 feet apart. The current network is poorly design for its current needs and must be completely replaced. Describe the network you would recommend and how it would be configured with the goal of building a new network that will support the company’s needs for the next 3 years with few additional investments. Figure 11.16 provides a list of equipment and costs you can use to build your network. You will need to make some assumptions, so be sure to document your assumptions and explain why you have designed the network in this way. We need 5 switches has 24 ports each in each floor to create the access layer of the network and also we need 100 Cat 5 cables in each floor to connect the computer to the switches. All the switches in the four floors are connected to core layer 3 switch using fiber optic cable to handle this huge number of connection. creating Vlans on each access layer switches to give privileges to each group of users can reduce the process in the core switches. then we can create a link between the core switch and the router. The router have T3 wan interface and connection with ISP pop to provide 44.370 Mbps can be pretty good for 300 users...

Words: 271 - Pages: 2

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...NT1210 FINAL PROJECT INTRO TO NETWORKING Computer lab design Item | Qty | Description | Price | Item code | Total | HP All-in-One PC | 32 | 18-5110 (G4B05AA#ABA) AMD Dual-Core Processor E1-2500 (1.40GHz) 4GB DDR3 500GB HDD 18.5" Windows 8.1 | $309.99 | Item#: N82E16883280514 | $9,919.68 | Tri-Band Gigabit Wireless Router | 1 | NETGEAR R8000-100NAS Nighthawk X6 AC3200 | $299.99 | Item#: N82E16833122611 | $299.99 | Laser Printer | 2 | Samsung SL-C1860FW/XAA Up to 19 ppm Color Wireless 802.11b/g/n | $224.99 | Item#: N82E16828112551 | $250.00 | 48-Port Fast Ethernet Smart Switch | 1 | NETGEAR ProSAFE FS750T2NA w/ 2 Gigabit Ports 10/100 Mbps | $214.50 | Item#: N82E16833122082 | $214.50 | Pivot-Plug Surge Protector | 3 | BELKIN BP112230-08 8 Feet 12 Outlets 4320 Joules | $33.99 | Item#: N82E16812107131 | $101.97 | Printer/Fax Stand | 1 | Safco 5206BL Under desk, 1-Shelf, 19w x 16d x 13-1/2h, Black | $56.99 | Item#: N82E16848045141 | $56.99 | Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo - Black | 32 | Logitech MK520 2.4GHz | $39.95 | Item #: N82E16823126192 | $1278.40 | Black Cat 6 Network Cable | 8 | Link Depot C6M-25-BKB 25 FT | $7.99 | Item #: N82E16812189032 | $63.92 | | | | | Total | 12,185.45 | Labor charge | $22.00 | 5 Technical assemblers | 20 hrs. | | $2,200 | | | | | Total | 14,385.45 | taxes | $.07 | | | | $.07 | | | | | Total | 15,392.432 | Justification for product necessity. In order to turn this classroom into a computer...

Words: 538 - Pages: 3

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Computer Networking

...Varna Free University “Chernorizec Hrabar” ------------------------------------------------------------------------Institute of Technology Introduction to Computer Networking Prof. Teodora Bakardjieva 1 1.0 Introduction The purpose of the networking guidelines are as follows:  to assist students in understanding the benefits of networking  to help students place in context their current stage of networking development in their school.  to assist students in planning the next stage of network development in their school.  to provide standard networking ‘models’ and best practice to students that will assist students in their network planning. This document includes information under the following main headings:  Introduction to Networking  Advantages of Networking  Types of Networks  Models of networking appropriate to students  NCTE recommendation to students  Some relevant terms. 1.1. Basic of Networking A computer network consists of a collection of computers, printers and other equipment that is connected together so that they can communicate with each other. Fig 1 gives an example of a network in a school comprising of a local area network or LAN connecting computers with each other, the internet, and various servers. 2 File and Print Server CD or Multimedia Servers Access to: Internet content & learning resources, Scoilnet etc Email communication Users computers Cache, Proxy, Filtering, Firewall Server ...

Words: 4611 - Pages: 19

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Business Networking

...Business networking is a socioeconomic business activity by which groups of like-minded businesspeople recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities. A business network is a type of business social network whose reason for existing is business activity. There are several prominent business networking organizations that create models of business networking activity that, when followed, allow the business person to build new business relationships and generate business opportunities at the same time. A professional network service is an implementation of information technology in support of business networking. Many business people contend business networking is a more cost-effective method of generating new business than advertising or public relations efforts. This is because business networking is a low-cost activity that involves more personal commitment than company money. Country-specific examples of informal networking are guanxi in China, blat in Russia, and Good ol' boy network(US)/Old boy network(UK). In the case of a formal business network, its members may agree to meet weekly or monthly with the purpose of exchanging business leads and referrals with fellow members. To complement this business activity, members often meet outside this circle, on their own time, and build their own one-to-one business relationship with the fellow member. Business networking can be conducted in a local business community, or on a larger scale via the Internet. Business networking...

Words: 297 - Pages: 2

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Wireless Networking

...WIRELESS NETWORKING Introduction A wireless network is any type of computer network that uses wireless data connections for connecting network nodes .Wireless networking is a method by which homes, telecommunications networks and enterprise (business).Installations avoid the costly process of introducing cables into a building, or as a connection between various equipment locations. Wireless telecommunications networks are generally implemented and administered using radio communication. This implementation takes place at the physical level (layer) of the OSI model  network structure. Examples of wireless networks include cell phone networks, Wi-Fi local networks and terrestrial microwave networks. Wireless network made up of There are two kinds of wireless networks: * An ad-hoc, or peer-to-peer wireless network * Access point Ad-hoc or peer-to-peer wireless network It consists of a number of computers each equipped with a wireless networking interface card. Each computer can communicate directly with all of the other wireless enabled computers. They can share files and printers this way, but may not be able to access wired LAN resources, unless one of the computers acts as a bridge to the wired LAN using special software. (This is called "bridging") Each computer with a wireless interface can communicate directly with all of the others. Access point or base station A wireless network can also use an access point...

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Ip Networking

...Wiring a LAN * * * Task 1: Communicating on a star topology Procedure 1. Disconnect your lab computer from the ITT LAN and plug in your network cable to the ITT lab computer. 2. Connect the other end of your network cable to the hub provided by the instructor. Answer the following questions: a. What is the purpose of the hub? b. What is the topology you are creating? 3. Turn on the hub and verify that a link light is illuminated both on the computer’s network interface card (NIC) and the network hub. If not, check with the instructor. Answer the question: a. What does the link light indicate? 4. On the workstation, open a command prompt by clicking START> RUN and type CMD. 5. Next, type the IPCONFIG/ALL command to determine current TCP/IP settings for clients on a network. Record the following: a. Your computer’s IP address b. Classmate’s IP address connected with your hub 6. Next, use the PING command to verify network connectivity between clients. Type PING XX.XX.XX.XX at the command prompt where XX.XX.XX.XX is the IP address that you recorded in Step 5b. 7. You will receive ICMP replies from your classmate’s computer illustrating that your computers are connected and communicating. If not, you can check with your instructor. 8. Now, unplug your network cable from the hub and repeat Step 6. What was the result? 9. Unplug your cable from the ITT computer. Replace the ITT UTP cable to the ITT computer...

Words: 401 - Pages: 2

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Social Networking

...Social networking sites are a part of everyday life and they have brought revolutionary changes in communication between people. These sites provide different resources such as email and instant messages in one place. Availability of these resources makes the communication easy and faster. When we look at the social impact of social networking sites, we find that these sites have both positive and negative effects. Because of this fact, it is necessary to analyze both advantage and drawbacks of social networking sites. Undoubtedly, social networking sites are advantageous to young generation. With the help of these sites, people can communicate and express themselves by exchanging messages and comments. Social networking sites help in establishing connection with people, friends and relatives. These sites can be accessed from any part of the globe. Therefore, a person can interact with any person from any place. For example a student can clear his doubts with the help of a teacher. People having different professions can make groups like doctors, lawyers, students, poets, writers, social workers etc. The most common disadvantage of social networking sites is addiction. Often users of these sites get addicted to it. They spend hours using these sites and it harms their performance in other fields. It causes mental health problems and sometimes it harms their body too. Sometimes users provide their personal information to others which is insecure. We can see clearly...

Words: 297 - Pages: 2

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Social Networking

...Social Networking in our daily life Social network is a structured set of organisations between a set of dyadicties. The network provides a bundle of methods to manage the pattern of social enities. Some of the methods used in social entities are related to communication. Facebook, Viber, Skype and WhatsApp are the top communities used around the world. Social network works with the help of social networking service. Social networking service is a platform to build social relation among people who share their interests and activities. There are many types of social services as Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp, Tango, WeChat, Skype and Instagram. They allow you to share your photos, feelings and other activities with your friends, by clicking a few keys on your mobile phone or PC. There are many advantages and disadvantages of social netorking. If we take a look at these communities we see many benefits crawling towards us. The most appealing benefit is that they make the way to communicate with our family and friends much more easier. We can share photos, videos and talk to them. If we even take a closer look, we see many harmful effects coming towards us. The most harm done is that our eye sight gets weak. We waste a lot of time in talking which we have to consume in our schedule to study. The final decision which comes after this whole discussion is that social networking is useful in some ways. It should be used when needed and not to spend extra time on these...

Words: 258 - Pages: 2

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Networking Labs for Unit 6

...Brandon Hellbach Unit 6 Labs Lab 6.1: Wireless Broadcast Domains Exercise 6.1.1 – A Basic Service Set does exactly what its name says; basic wireless service, one and only one AP creates the wireless LAN. Extended Service Set extends the wireless functions of a Basic Service Set. The difference is that in a BBS uses one AP to create one wireless LAN while an ESS uses more than one AP to create one wireless LAN. Exercise 6.1.2 – IEEE 802.11 Standards Standard | Frequency (GHz) | Maximum Transmission Rate (Mbps) | Standard Indoor Transmission Range (m) | Standard Outdoor Transmission Range (m) | 802.11a | 5 | 54 | 40 | 100 | 802.11b | 2.4 | 11 | 70 | 150 | 802.11g | 2.4 | 54 | 38 | 140 | 802.11n | 2.4 or 2.5 | 600 | 75 | | Lab 6.1 Review 1. It uses a beacon like transmission to find other devices on IBSS mode and on the same SSID to connect and share. 2. Infrared has a very short range and cannot penetrate walls and other objects making radio frequency superior. 3. Although WLANs have a lower speed they are more convenient than wired LANs. So the trade-off is speed for convenience of not having wires everywhere which is why WLANs are more common in households. Lab 6.2: Identifying WLANs Exercise 6.2.1 - What information about the wireless networks is available using the utility? The utility provides the name, signal strength, and MAC address of the available wireless networks. What information is given on the wireless networks with the Windows...

Words: 574 - Pages: 3

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Computing Trends - Networking Proposal for Rubha Reidh

...Networking Proposal for Rubha Reidh Name Institution Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 5 Overview of Satellite Link Technology 7 Overview of Fibre Optics Link Technology 9 Choice of Satellite over Fibre Internet Connection 10 Wireless Networking Design 12 Mesh Network Backbone 13 802.11 Access Points 15 Intranet Services 16 Challenges 16 Proposed System Design 17 Phase I: Bed and breakfast building to include the private rooms, common area and lounge 17 Phase II: Extending to cover the lighthouse and associated surrounding area 18 Budget 18 Phase I Deployment 18 Phase II Deployment 19 References 21 Abstract The aim of the Rubha Reidh internet project is to construct a robust computer network to encompass the whole lighthouse area using a high speed and reliable internet connection. This has been determined as mesh networking technology. This network will deliver access to email, Web pages, and internet resources for users in the lighthouse area, using both laptops and desktops, as well as mobile devices with connectivity capability. By leveraging the usage of robust and inexpensive wireless network technology, this plan will substantially decrease expenditures for ensuring internet connectivity for the whole lighthouse area, as well as allow better elasticity in planning and expansion. Rubha Reidh is an automated lighthouse that is located in the Scottish remote western coast. Its remoteness stems from the fact that its nearest neighbour is Melvaig...

Words: 4859 - Pages: 20

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The Influence of Social Networking Website

...What is Social Networking Website? The definition of social networking is “the relationships that exist between network of people” (Walter & Ribiere, 2004). Today, when we talk about social networking, we think of social networking websites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter, which are the top three popular social networking sites in the United States (, 2010). These sites are defined as web-based platforms that allow individuals to build their own profiles and reflect social relations. The users of these sites are able to “articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system” (Boyd &Ellison, 2008). Within the system, the users are able to present themselves, articulate their social networks, and establish or maintain connections with others; moreover, these social networking websites can be oriented toward different fields like work-related, romantic relationship related, interest sharing related, or student community (Ellison, Steinfield & Lampe, 2008). Mostly, users participate in these sites for interaction with their friends or meet new people. With these sites, they provide various features such as profiles, comments, private messaging, photo-sharing, and video-sharing capabilities; moreover, with the improving technology, now users are capable of using mobile phones to achieve online interactions. How Popular are Social Networking Websites? According...

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