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New Heritage Doll Company Solution


Submitted By budianto4
Words 3437
Pages 14
2014,00 2010,00 Revenue Revenue Growth Production Costs Fixed Production Expense (excl depreciation) Variable Production Costs Depreciation Total Production Costs Selling, General & Administrative Total Operating Expenses 0,00 1250,00 1250,00 575,00 2035,00 152,20 2762,20 1155,00 3917,20 575,00 3403,80 152,20 4131,00 1735,00 5866,00 586,50 4290,60 152,20 5029,30 2102,20 7131,50 598,20 4669,00 152,20 5419,40 2270,30 7689,70 610,10 5078,40 164,40 5852,90 2452,00 8304,90 622,30 5521,30 177,50 6321,10 2648,10 8969,20 634,80 6000,30 191,70 6826,80 2860,00 9686,80 647,50 6518,50 207,10 7373,10 3088,80 10461,90 660,40 7078,80 223,60 7962,80 3335,90 11298,70 673,70 7684,70 241,50 8599,90 3602,80 12202,70 Operating Profit Operating Profit Operating Profit/Sales SG&A/Sales -1250,00 582,80 0,13 0,26 994,00 0,14 0,25 1277,30 0,15 0,25 1391,80 0,15 0,25 1503,10 0,15 0,25 1623,46 0,15 0,25 1753,27 0,15 0,25 1893,30 0,15 0,25 2045,00 0,15 0,25 2208,50 0,15 0,25 Working Capital Assumptions: Working Capital Assumptions: Minimum Cash Balance as % of Sales Days Sales Outstanding Inventory Turnover (prod. cost/ending inv.) Days Payable Outstanding (based on tot. op. exp.) NA NA NA 0,00 0,03 59,17 7,68 30,76 0,03 59,17 8,26 30,90 0,03 59,17 12,70 31,01 0,03 59,17 12,70 31,01 0,03 59,17 12,70 31,01 0,03 59,17 12,70 31,01 0,03 59,17 12,70 31,01 0,03 59,17 12,70 31,01 0,03 59,17 12,70 31,01 0,03 59,17 12,70 31,01 Minimum Cash Balance as % of Sales Days Sales Outstanding Inventory Turnover (prod. cost/ending inv.) Days Payable Outstanding (based on tot. op. exp.) 0,03 59,17 7,68 30,76 582,80 0,13 0,26 2011,00 4500,00 NA 2012,00 6860,00 0,52 2013,00 8408,80 0,23 2014,00 9081,50 0,08 2015,00 9808,00 0,08 2016,00 10592,66 0,08 2017,00 11440,07 0,08 2018,00 12355,20 0,08 2019,00 13343,70 0,08 2020,00 14411,20 0,08 Production Costs Fixed Production Expense (excl depreciation) Variable Production

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