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New It Technolgies


Submitted By cenunez
Words 742
Pages 3
New IT Technologies
University of Phoenix
CMGT/583 – IS Intergration

New IT Technologies Technology is constantly changing and evolving which makes it hard for users to keep up. As new developments in technology arise, old ones either stay behind or are incorporated to supplement new ones. This is called convergence. Technological convergence is defined as the combining of two or more different technologies or services to create a new product (). Nowadays, technology convergence has been very successful acting as a stepping stone. Convergence has allowed consumers to enjoy the convenience of incorporating the best features to enjoy a better product. The truth is that technology convergence offers convenience, efficiency and new opportunities to both the consumer and provider (). As consumers, we are constantly looking to buy the latest technological invention or upgrade to the newest technological discovery. It almost seems like a race or competition, consumers are so quick to jump into the newest advance or discovery and often do so without being informed or conducting research. Often, consumers rely on other opinions to help them decide what product they should buy. The Iphone 5 is an excellent example, it’s such a popular item, people are buying it without even testing it out. They don’t know if there are any glitches that need to be fixed. However, consumers are buying based on reviews, opinions and previous experiences. Unfortunately, when investing in technology, as consumers we don’t tend to make asserted choices. We let popularity and looks take over function. With emerging technology comes innovations and one of the new technologies that has grown in popularity is Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing is a model for delivering information technology

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