...New Methods and Applications in Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Brandon Sanders UMUC BIOL 320 6380 Forensic Biology New Methods and Applications in Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Mitochondria are structures within cells that function as energy mediators. Each cell contains hundreds to thousands of mitochondria. We know from this class that DNA is bundled in chromosomes inside the nucleus, but mitochondria also include a very small amount of their own DNA. This genetic material is known as mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA. The use of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence analysis to identify biological evidence has been well documented. More than 50 laboratories worldwide are now applying mtDNA analysis in forensic casework; e.g., to help identify human remains or to help discover the source of a shed hair. In addition, the number of mtDNA sequences added to population databases has grown rapidly. Estimates find that there are greater than 5000 sequences which have been generated in forensic laboratories, and that an equal number will be generated in the next year or two. As a result, more is known about the genetics of mtDNA, as well as the power of the system as a forensic marker. Therefore, the analysis of mtDNA is in a strong position as we approach the next millennium. Using Mitochondrial...
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...human resource department. This paper is about to provide the importance of having a job analysis, which is usually implemented by the HR officers, who handle hiring these new candidates. Therefore, the paper will also identify the different methods of recruiting personnel and the importance of using the right method. The job analysis can provide companies with the necessary tools to hire new qualify people, and to retain them in the company, which helps to improve the company's growth. Job Analysis Job analysis is a tool manager's companies can use to interviewing, hiring, training, and promoting employees (Kelley, 2002). However, the job analysis has many functions, some of them include measure the employee's performance, reduce the risk of having physical injuries, and determine the qualifications an employee may have to perform certain jobs. In other words, job analysis is necessary to determine the amount of skills, levels, and time frame. All these aspects are part of the hiring processes and are more known as the strategic workforce planning process. The formal job analysis process consist of many different steps, for example, the human resources department must create a job analysis where they identify the employee's skills, knowledge, and aptitudes. However, this is not the end of the formal job analysis process; once the interviewee is selected, the job analysis starts playing a major role in the company. During the recruiting process, the human...
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...A SWOT Analysis view of the software development industry Georgios Kormaris Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands gkormari@cs.uu.nl WWW home page: http://www.cs.uu.nl/ Introduction I n the past twenty to thirty years many changes and developments have taken place in the software industry which started off during the 1960s mainly in the United States of America and experienced a revolutionary boom since the 1980s, Steinmueller, (1995). There are many different ways and methods of developing software and planning the strategy of a software development company, as we can derive from many recent research projects. Most of these projects are usually concerned with the way that software is developed and not with the way that the strategy of the company as a whole is planned, Cusumano, MacCormack, Kemerer, & Crandall, (2003). Another important factor is which techniques and methods are used to analyze company’s environment and how the strategy is formulated and implemented. In this paper we analyze a popular method for strategic planning which has been mostly used for product portfolio planning and strategic planning on an abstract level, as stated in a research paper by Houben, Lenie, & Vanhoof, (1999). We will focus our interest in the software industry and base our research on the case study of the Austrian software industry as it is presented by Bernroider, (2002). Additionally, certain guidelines are...
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...internal one. They want to expand their market and reach customers, as opposed to dealing with just businesses. For this reason, there is no problem they are trying to fix. They are simply trying to come up with a new idea, so problem-based concept generation is not ideal in this situation. One of the most popular methods for idea generation is brainstorming. There are several different options when brainstorming, which eventually lead to the same end result- a concept for a product. Some of the methods of brainstorming include the traditional brainstorming circle, brainsketching, speedstorming, electronic brainstorming, Phillips 66 groups, and the Delphi method of brainstorming. All methods have pros and cons associated with each. One of the most relevant cons associated with brainstorming is the bazooka effect. The bazooka effect occurs when an idea is presented during brainstorming, and someone else shoots it down without even considering it (142). This can cause the participants to not be as willing to share their ideas, therefor rendering the brainstorming exercise relatively pointless. Keeping in mind the possible bazooka effect, the best solution for generating an idea that can be developed into a viable product concept is a combination of the Delphi method and the traditional brainstorming circle. So that no ideas are affected by the bazooka effect,...
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... Introduction 3 1.1 Research context 3 1.2 Research aim & objectives 4 1.3 Research questions 4 1.4 Significance of the research 4 1.5 Structure of the dissertation 5 Literature review 6 2.1 Concept of marketing barrier 6 2.2 Concept and nature of green barriers 7 2.3 Influences of trade green barriers to international marketing 8 2.4 Reasons of encountering green marketing barriers 9 2.5 Strategies of overcoming national and industrial marketing & green barriers 10 Methodology 12 3.1 Justification of research method 12 3.2 Documentary analysis method 12 3.3 Case study analysis method 13 3.4 Ethical consideration in research methods 13 Conclusion 14 Introduction 1.1 Research context The sustainable development of social economy has become the world focus. With intensification of economic globalization and trade liberalization, the national and industrial barriers as the protection methods have been reduced. The major trade partners such as Europe, the US, Japan, Singapore have made stricter requirements and standards for market entry and imports. This has given rise to the product of marketing barriers or green barriers. In the meantime, the dependence on foreign trade and on the international market has strengthened the competition of different industries. Thus, the companies should construct the marketing strategies catering to its own features and characters to seek the dynamic balance of internal resource ability and external...
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...attention of stakeholders on the general information concerning methods used in data reduction. The research approaches this topic from a perspective where it creates a new method of clustering data. The basis of this approach is that similar and different forms of data are grouped in their own distinct sets. The level of similarity or difference is based on certain qualities in regard to the data collected. This could be in terms of distance or weight of the items in the data. The aim of this research is create new forms of clustering data that corrects some of the gaps that are created by the old existing methods data clustering. This research aims at ensuring that the miscalculations that were created by the old system of data collection are rectified. The research shows the ineffectiveness of the previous methods of data clustering through a comparative analysis of the new and the old data clustering method. Introduction Clustering of data is important for any process of data reduction. This is because classification of data allows research to have reduced data upon which they can make an analysis. Huge data that is not classified makes it difficult for researchers to handle data within a short period of time. There are various methods and formulas that are used in data reduction. These formulas are meant to correct certain inconsistencies that previous formulas had towards data reduction. In data analysis, it becomes difficult for researchers to analyze data because of...
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...a job analysis is that it is the process used to collect pertinent information about the duties, responsibilities, required skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job. A job analysis will require as much information as possible to craft a job description which is the typical byproduct of the job analysis. (Board, 2011) The following rhetoric will provide a brief but comprehensive definition of a job analysis process for an administrative assistant position. Describe the various methods for performing a job analysis for an administrative assistant position There are essentially five methods used to perform a successful job analysis and they are as follows: observation, interview, questionnaire, participant’s diary or log and a combination of methods. The observation method is an activity involving observing the tasks that are performed on a particular job from commencement to conclusion. This data is recorded and used as data for the job analysis. The interview method involves interviewing the employee to determine the processes and procedures (tasks) required to meet the expectations of the job. The questionnaire is a method which involves providing the employee with a series of pertinent questions regarding the tasks that need to be performed to meet the expectations of the job. The answers to the questions on the questionnaire is evaluated and incorporated into data to be used in the job analysis. The participant’s dairy or log is a method which...
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...find to improve sales and profit. Business Intelligence is used in the market all around the world in many different areas. Businesses are benefitted from the different types of BI methods all the time. Two of the BI methods that are beneficial are called the Market Basket Analysis (MBA) and the Decision Tree Analysis. These two BI methods are used throughout businesses in areas such as marketing, financing, Real estate, and accounting. Both of these methods help business similarly, but in their own different ways. They are two different types of methods that both help businesses make the best decisions to benefit their company. There are many methods or theories that people come up with to help with a business but these are the few that will be examined in this paper. The goal of the modeling technique market basket analysis is to find different relationships of activities that have been recorded with data through the performance of people. This method can be used on any situation where information can be recorded and identified (Pillai, 2011). The way to improve methods for discovering company patterns to increase business utility of an enterprise is by recognizing how the community reacts to certain sales or purchases (Pillai, 2011). One of the first steps in using the Market basket analysis method is finding a subject in the business. The subject should be made of a group rather than single person or one individual item. Also, the subject usually gives off a...
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...CHAPTER 5 HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING AND JOB ANALYSIS CHAPTER OVERVIEW The chapters begins by describing the intensive succession-plan for the new CEO at Quest Diagnostics. The process of human resource planning, and its connection to overall strategic organizational planning is described. Next, key notions are that a firm must know its mission and goals, and its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). Then human resources must describe jobs that will perform tasks necessary to meet the goals. Factors to consider, such as the skills of current employees, available tools, and management information systems, are presented in the discussion on how labor supply and demand are matched. Job analysis, which is used to determine the knowledge, skills and abilities required for each job, is described, and the importance of job analysis for almost all HRM activities is emphasized. Finally, current issues in human resource planning, which today must deal with downsizing and rightsizing, are presented. Additional Features of this Chapter Exhibit 5-2 is s sample replacement chart. Examples from various job analysis techniques are provided and Exhibit 5-4 outlines the steps in a job analysis. Exhibit 5-9 gives a sample job description for a benefits manager. “Ethical Issues in HRM” discusses various competitive intelligence activities and the difference between ethical vs. legal. ADDITIONAL LECTURE OR ACTIVITY SUGGESTIONS Environmental Scanning:...
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...practically in every industry there is a huge competition, so must be carry out a market analysis before proceeding to any movement. The analysis must be conducted in a fair manner and give to meaningful results that will take the right decision for the future. Many schools give a lot of methods of market analysis. In addition to the well-known SWAT and PEST analysis, there are many other approaches such as Value Chain Analysis, Porters Five forces, Core Competencies and Stakeholder Mapping that may be useful. This work will present two approaches of strategic analysis process such as Value Chain Management and Potters Five Forces. Those two methods seem to be the most authoritative and covering the largest range methods. The information and conclusions drawn from them give a clear view of the situation in which the company is located and whether the plans for the future have any chance of entry into force and to bring relevant results. The first section presents the method of analysis of the value chain, its advantages and disadvantages, and presented examples of its application in practice, as typified by several companies. In the next part in a similar manner presented the advantages and disadvantages of the Potters five forces, also supported by examples of application. Finally, a brief summary is presented. 2. Value Chain Analysis Value Chain Analysis is one of the methods of analysis of the strategic potential of the company, which is a "resource approach", which sources...
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...art&scienceresearch methods nursing standard: clinical · research · education Use of constant comparative analysis in qualitative research Hewitt-Taylor J (2001) Use of constant comparative analysis in qualitative research. Nursing Standard. 15, 42, 39-42. Date of acceptance: March 19 2001. Summary This article describes the application of constant comparative analysis, which is one method that can be used to analyse qualitative data. The need for data analysis to be congruent with the overall research design is highlighted. T HE AIM OF qualitative research is to portray the reality of the area under investigation, and to enhance understanding of the situation and the meanings and values attributed to this by individuals; it does not involve the quantification of facts (Rose 1994). Qualitative methods emphasise the value of individual experiences and views, as encountered in real-life situations. This type of investigation is often useful in nursing, as many issues concern the quality of the lived experience of individuals, which cannot be reduced to numerical values using statistical analysis. Sometimes a mixed methodology might be adopted, with elements of qualitative and quantitative enquiry being included in a study. The nature of qualitative enquiry means that volumes of ‘rich’, ‘deep’ data are produced, often from a variety of sources. While not seeking to reduce data to statistical evidence, qualitative data nevertheless requires systematic...
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...The Opportunity Costs of Systems Analysis and Design Date: 24 March, 2010 For a specific application, the first task is to decide which methodology is appropriate for its development. The structured system analysis and design (SSAD) method has been fine-tuned and used for many years in the real world. However, during the last several years, object-oriented approaches towards analysis and design (OOAD) have become increasingly more popular and more widely used in industrial organizations all around the world. The OOAD strategy approaches the problem from an object point of view as opposed to a functional perspective, which is the primary focus of the traditional structured development methodology. Over the years, the increasing use of OOAD over the traditional structured development methodology has spread significantly, throughout the many levels of production and in various projects. As newer and more sophisticated object-oriented languages are created, there appears to be an even greater need for an object-oriented approach to develop business applications. While the use of OOAD methodology is justified in many cases, in some cases it may be inappropriate and we should consider the use of the traditional structured analysis in the design and development of those information systems. This paper shall begin by outlining both the traditional structured and object-oriented approach towards systems analysis and design and then discuss how the object-oriented approach...
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...Solutions Architect Job Analysis Ricardo Fernandes Albertus Magnus BE 323M Solutions Architect Job Analysis For a company the size of Verizon, one of the largest network companies in the world, the responsibilities of the human resources department are extensive and ever changing. In order to meet shifting business needs, new business segments, divisions and jobs are under constant review. One of the main tools in determining varying tasks that make up a job and the skills, knowledge, abilities and responsibilities for one to be successful at performing said job is to conduct a job analysis. In the case of Verizon, human resources used the job analysis tools to create a new business segment necessary to drive business growth in the area of wireless data products and services. By conducting a job analysis, the human resources team was able to create job descriptions, and job specifications for the varying positions that make up the data sales teams that exist throughout the country today. In order to understand and appreciate the process used by Human Resources it makes sense to conduct a job analysis, review varying methods that can be used in conducting a job analysis and capture a summary of the results; which will eventually be used in carrying out a variety of human resource undertakings. In general, a job analysis helps identify the basic functions and responsibilities of a particular job within an organization. It uncovers the knowledge, skill, and ability...
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...ZhiQing | Student ID No.: | 22012511 | Unit Code & Name: | MNG91002 | Campus: | MDIS | Tutor’s Name: | Frankie-Lim | Assignment No: | 1 | Assignment Title: | Case Analysis Research – Striving for Best Academic Practice | Word Count: | 1193 | Due Date: | 21 Apr 2014 | Date submitted: | 20 Apr 2014 | Declaration: I declare that this assignment is my own original work and has not been submitted for assessment elsewhere. I acknowledge and irrevocably agree that the assessor of this assignment may, for the purpose of assessing this assignment: * Reproduce this assignment and provide a copy to another member of faculty for review and comment, including whether the work is an original work; and/or * Provide a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism checking service for review so that it may determine whether the assignment is an original work. The checking service may retain a copy of the assignment on its database for the purpose of future plagiarism checking. I have read and understand the Rules relating to Awards (Rule 3.17) as contained in the University Handbook. I understand the penalties that apply for plagiarism and agree to be bound by these rules. CHEN ZHIQING 20 Apr 2014 Signature (please type) Date Tutor's comments: Paper Title: Case Analysis Research –...
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...Program InterClean, Inc. is an International sanitation and cleaning company which is planning on increasing growth and market share at a fast pace. InterClean, Inc expects to a 40% increase in its sales profitability over the next year. In order to accommodate this aggressive sales goal, the company has decided to implement a new solutions-based selling approach which requires organizational restructuring and staffing initiatives practically with the Marketing and Sales areas. To accomplish the organizational initiatives, management has decided that a formal training and mentoring program needs to be implemented at InterClean, Inc that will support the acquisition and address the training needs of its growing employee base. The Human Resources department has been tasked with creating the new enhanced training system based and mentoring program. This paper will discuss the development of the training and mentoring program at InterClean, Inc. It will discuss new training and mentoring needs, training and mentoring program objectives, performance standards, delivery methods, training and mentoring content, time frame, evaluation methods, feedback, and alternative learning options. In order for InterClean to effectively create a successful training and mentoring program, the company must align training needs with organizational achievement goals and strategies. An effective training program has the following characteristics: Top management is committed to training...
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