...target markets. There are many steps to proper market segmentation and a proper evaluation of the company’s product to be successful. A company must define the generic market and product markets in which they want to compete. Understanding the types of dimensions used to segment that market in which the product line consists. The company must know how to identify the segments and what segments to target. The idea of a hotline for parents is not a new idea. Gerber, Graco, Pampers, Huggies, and many other companies have designed their own hotlines. The only difference is, Johnson & Johnson is a company that has done business for over a hundred years. The generic market is not a concern for Johnson & Johnson, plus there is a tremendous need for this market. There are many dimensions that are covered with this call-in-hotline plus the online service. Many questions can be answered with this hotline and online service that is staffed or monitored by qualified people with proper backgrounds. There are many segments that need to be targeted, such as new parents, grandparents that have become babysitters, and the list goes on. The criteria used for this type of product in this style of market can be a tricky one. The criteria for this product is anyone that needs information and or help with a child, can call this hotline, or go online for information and or advice. Furthermore, this service is free for whosoever chooses to utilize it. The fact that it is for whosoever chooses to use...
Words: 337 - Pages: 2
...Donna Shirley Johnston Elementary School Woodstock, GA 55555 November 11, 2010 Robert and Deborah Roebuck 1594 Hendon Road Woodstock, GA 55555 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Roebuck: I want to take this opportunity to express my excitement about working with your daughter this year. We care deeply about each of our students. I believe students can grow and develop by examining the issues we cover in class. The main goal of our school’s courses is to improve each students skills. Recently I have become concerned with Hillary's performance at school. Both her classroom attendance and homework over the past 4 weeks have shown a marked decline in the high standard of work she usually produces. The reason for the detention warning was due to the fact that Hillary was off school for 2 days and didn’t have her homework done, thus I wanted to ask if you could shed any light on the possible reasons for this? . However, even making allowances for that, her work was of its usual high standard as soon as she returned school after being absent for 2 days, and it only started to decline about a week ago. I have spoken to Hillary directly and in private about this matter. However, she doesn’t seem to be able to come up with a justifiable reason as to why she’s suddenly slipped back and simply puts it down to the increase the volume of homework and the difficulty of class attendance. While this might be a valid explanation, I believe I have come to know Hillary very well over the...
Words: 360 - Pages: 2
...1. How is positive parenting different from negative parenting? Which do you think is more effective? Why? Positive parenting is different from negative parenting because in positive parenting the parent knows how to correctly tell their child no or not to do something again whereas the negative parenting the parent yells and shouts and the child and will probably make the child cry. I think positive parenting is more effective. Why? Because positive parenting is instilled in the child while negative parenting will have to be done constantly and all the time. Positive parenting takes a while for the child to get used to because the parent is being a bit more lenient versus a negative parenting parent being mean and loud with the little person. 2. Do you think children should have more rules or fewer rules in the home? Why? Children should have more rules inside compared to lots of rules outside because then the child will be more used to following rules at home and will inflict those same rules outside. It’s much easier to train a child at home versus in public. 3. How would you deal with a situation of biting? Do you think your approach would fit into a “positive parenting” framework? Why or why not? I would grab the child softly and tell the child not to do that. I will then tell the child why they should not bite and go from there. For each time the child bite after my first warning I would try things like time out, in the corner, little mini punishments but no yelling...
Words: 531 - Pages: 3
...primary years to negotiation, monitoring and supervision in early teens, both the mother and father play equal guiding roles in the development of children (Boyan, 2003). Introduction Children who have both parents feel successful, competent and happy, when both parents are involved in their lives (Markham et al, 2012). Conversely, children who live with a single parent are more likely to feel unhappy, depressed, and garner an awkward feeling (Schwartz, 2006). Additionally, couples involved in the divorce also experience a huge effect on their parenting practices and their daily lives as well (Sayer, 2006). This paper will investigate the negative effects divorce has on parenting practices and how it will affect the way the children are raised. Through this, I will analyze the evidence provided in the articles by Sayer (2006), Pruett (1998), Schwartz (2007), and other authors to determine whether parental abilities are below level or similar to those of uniform parents. The Most Commonly Known Impact of Divorce on Children Children are highly affected by the divorce of their parents because during the divorce struggle, parents tend to ignore their needs and mental stress (Bojuwoye et al, 2009). Since the divorce directly impacts the parenting abilities of the parents, it...
Words: 2799 - Pages: 12
...portrayed young boy, Laurie and his despicable behavior. Laurie was a kindergarten student and an older brother to an infant. Laurie was not relatively use to kindergarten. He had trouble adjusting to the new kindergarten environment. The first day of kindergarten Laurie came home with a senseless story of a young boy named Charles and his acts of insolence. Laurie’s parents were stunned after hearing the story. Despite Charles unacceptable behavior, Laurie’s parents became exceedingly vigilant to the stories about Charles that Laurie would tell. After Laurie’s parents heard the disappointing stories about Charles, Laurie’s mother became concerned about the influence the bad behavior would have on Laurie. Laurie’s mother thought that the “Charles boy sounds like such a bad influence” (Jackson, 346). The concern coming from Laurie’s mother was added when...
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...Divorce of Parents Harm Their Children? Each year the American society deals with divorce. Divorce introduces a massive change into children and adults life no matter what the age is. Divorce can be harmful to children if the parents continue to fight and argue and can never get along. Children can be made out to believe that the divorce between their parents was their fault or that they aren’t loved anymore. However, children can come out strong in divorce as long as their parents can be co-parents without conflict. Divorce in America now is more common than it was back in the 1960’s and 70’s. Many couples got divorced due to infidelity and abuse. Now, in this day and age, men and women get divorced due to their own personal happiness. Professor Tamara D. Afifi spoke on a TEDxTalk in 2012 and said that many children from families who divorced and fight have more trust issues and hurt more on the inside than from children whose parents get along and co-parent without conflict. (Afifi, 2012) Each year, over 1 million American children suffer the divorce of their parents; Half of American children born this year will witness divorce with their parents. Of that 50% another 50% will experience a second divorce. (Rector & Fagan, 2000) Many believe that divorce has a negative effect on children. Not only does it cause them to have trust issues and often have relationship difficulties later in life, but they tend to dwell on the divorce as their fault. Children of divorced parents perform...
Words: 2224 - Pages: 9
...Parent, Adult and Child The passion for truth is silenced by answers which have the weight of undisputed authority - Paul Tillion Early in his work in the development of Transactional Analysis, Berne observed that as you watch and listen to people, you can see them change before your eyes. It is a total kind of change. There are simultaneous changes in facial expression, vocabulary, gestures, posture and body functions, which may cause the face to flush, the heart to pound, or the breathing to become rapid. We can observe these abrupt changes in everyone: the little boy who bursts into tears when he can’t make a toy work, the teenage girl whose woeful face floods with excitement when the phone finally rings, the man who grows pale and trembles when he gets the news of a business failure, the father whose face “turns to stone” when his son disagrees with him. The individual who changes in these ways is till the same person in terms of bone structure, skin and clothes. So what changes inside him? He changes from what to what? This was the question which fascinated Berne in the early development of Transactional Analysis. A thirty – five – year – old lawyer, whom he was treating, said, I’m not really a lawyer, I’m just a little boy.” Away from the psychiatrist’s office he was, in fact, a successful lawyer, but in treatment he felt and acted like a little boy. Sometimes during the hour he would ask, “Are you talking to the lawyer or to the little boy?” Both Berne and his...
Words: 6645 - Pages: 27
...Parents should be punished when their child breaks the law. Do you agree? yes .. for example when a young person drinks to excessive and goes to the hospital .. the parents should pay. make a list of possible problems with children ... consider an age range, ... parental guidance and the limits ... and the consequences Abstract A “get tough” on juvenile crime perspective seems to dominate public opinion as school shooting incidents continue to occur across the nation and the media reports young children committing violent crimes. After virtually every incident, questions emerge about the juvenile's parents and what role they played (or should have played) in their child's life. Parental responsibility laws, varying greatly within and among the states, have appeared as one answer to these questions. Although these laws would seem to garner great public support under the new punitive attitude toward juveniles, no recent empirical studies have been conducted to determine if the public believes that parents should be held responsible and punished for their children's crimes. This dissertation organizes the different forms of parental responsibility laws into three separate categories. The first category is the civil liability imposed on parents when their children damage someone's property or inflict personal injury. The second category is the “contributing to the delinquency of a minor” statutes that apply to parents or other adults who encourage a juvenile in some way to break...
Words: 3193 - Pages: 13
...Paternal incarceration creates a temporary single-parenting system, in which the mother acts as sole guardian, but imprisonment tends to produce far worse effects on children than do other causes of parent-child separation (Lowenstein, 1986). Separation due to death or similar causes disrupt the family, yet these happen to provide a “focal concern around which the remaining members can rally and mitigate the impact of their loss”; quite to the contrary, separation due to imprisonment rarely elicits any such response because of the stigma with which it is associated (Fritsch & Burkhead, 1981, p. 84). Typically, a child faced with the social stigma of paternal incarceration will often also encounter embarrassment and shame, which may in turn further inhibit the ability of the child to adequately adjust to the anxieties resulting from the separation through incarceration (Hannon et al., 1984; Lowenstein, 1986). The deleterious effects on child behavior, of course, are that prolonged periods of shame and embarrassment may promote depression or behavior typical of withdrawal, such as an unwillingness to engage in social interactions. Unlike other causes for paternal separation, paternal absence due to imprisonment is a multi-dimensional phenomenon, which takes on different meaning depending on the manner in which the particular cause for the incarceration is perceived—either as being “normatively approved” or as “bearing a stigma” (Lowenstein, 1984). While there is a correlation...
Words: 1622 - Pages: 7
...There are many challenges that will flood her mind. Will she have the emotional and financial support from her partner and family? Will she be able to finish school and obtain a career that will support herself and a child? Who will take care of the child when she is at school, or work, and where will they live? Will her religious values and beliefs weigh in on her decision? She is really still a child herself. Adoption can be made to seem like an easy way out. But is it? When a teenage girl finds out that she is pregnant, it will consume her thoughts. She will start to realize that her entire life is going to drastically change. She has to tell her parents, but is unsure of how they will react. Telling her partner can also be a terrifying task. How is everyone going to take the news? After a girl shares the news of the pregnancy, she is then faced with many arduous decisions which need to be addressed in a small amount of time. Pregnancy is only a short nine months when compared to the 18+ years of raising a child, or the lifetime of emotional strain of placing a child for adoption. This determination is just the first in a long string of crucial, sometimes painful, choices. Parenting Choosing to give birth to, and then raising, the baby might seem like an easy decision to make. However, the financial strain that it can have on a teenager can be overwhelming. They are often forced to take on the help of state, and federal, government agencies for financial assistance...
Words: 708 - Pages: 3
...My group and I decided to use the topic of “Types of crazy sports parent” because the humor in this topic is light-hearted and is relatable to students our age. A majority of students participate in sports or even extracurricular activities and their parents take being a fan to a new extreme. We also knew that this topic would allow parents to recognize sometimes how excessive their actions can be. Our topic is a prime example of satire because it coincides with the definition of satire by being a problem that is happening at many children’s sporting events. We use many different devices of satire that help to get the point across. For example, we portray the parents that yell and insult the referees or umpires through the entire game this...
Words: 263 - Pages: 2
...workplace. I feel that my new topic fits me more since I am a teacher and work with all types of families on a daily basis. This topic is important to me because it disturbs me to see how some parents do not care or try to be involved in what is going on with their child and their child/children’s education. There are many parents in the United States who are not active or supportive members of helping their child to succeed in getting a good education. Parents must be on the same level with the teacher and the student in order for the parental involvement program to become a success. Parental involvement ensures that the teachers, principals, and students will work cooperatively to get total satisfaction on standardized test, homework, and many other school activities. Parental involvement will make a big difference in the community and in our children’s future. Parental involvement is a problem in the school and a problem in the home. It becomes a problem in the classroom when parents are not coming to the classroom to visit the teacher or peep through the door to see how their child is behaving in class and progressing in their school work. It becomes a problem at home when the child is having difficulty with their homework and they ask their parent’s for help and they get no response and no interest from the parent. The reason for the parent may be that they do not understand what their child is doing and they probably cannot read or write. Parents are grateful to have children...
Words: 441 - Pages: 2
...As new technology evolves, society continues to accept devices and applications as part of our daily lives. Television and radio further contribute to this by promoting what people have access to listen too or view. Our children are automatically exposed to these forms of technology, unless we instill some form of control. Even though technology amongst youngster can be used for educational or leisure purposes, parents should still ensure that there is adequate censorship in the usage of technology to curb negative and advanced information and images for their kids. Today’s youngsters live in a world that is heavily influenced by digital devices and online platforms. Among parents of 13- to 17-year-olds, 94% own a desktop or laptop computer; 76% own a smartphone; 72% use Facebook; and 84% go online at least occasionally using a smartphone, tablet or other mobile handheld device according to Pew Research Center studies, 2015). As can be determined from the highlighted statistics, it is practically norm for every household to have access to technology through these different devices. From these items, access to the worldwide web can be gained granting entrée to unsecured internet pages, and amongst many others, the great range of social media applications such as Instagram, SnapChat, YouTube, Netflix, Twitter and Pinterest. In many cases, parents provide their children with these tools (smart phones, tablets, computers etc.) for either educational purposes where necessary...
Words: 686 - Pages: 3
...Violence on the Sidelines in Youth Sports Violence on the Sidelines in Youth Sports Everyone agrees that parent involvement is a good thing. But when the parent behaves inappropriately it creates a poor environment for the children to learn and enjoy themselves. "Sideline rage" with parents behaving badly at youth sports events is such an epidemic, that 76% of respondents from 60 high school athletic associations said increased spectator interference is causing many officials to quit (Associated Press, 6/3/01). Parents are supposed to be role models, and the lessons they teach will determine their values and actions in the future. These days violence in children's sports is not limited to the playing field; overbearing parents are creating dangerous situations on the field. Involving your child in sports is important part of growing up. There are several benefits to children playing sports. The child will learn how to make friends outside of school, church, and family. It will help develop self-esteem and physical skills. They discover what it means to be a member of a team and how to win and lose with self-respect. Children also need to be active every day; exercise promotes growth and improves physical and emotional health. The Office of the Surgeon General states that active children are at less risk to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease as well as many cancers (Office of the Surgeon General, January 11, 2007). Growing up, my brothers participated...
Words: 2012 - Pages: 9
...Mobile applications have created a new way for not only businesses to expose themselves to new consumers,consumers; people even use the mobile application to help do their own personal business on the go. In the next few paragraphs, a particular mobile application that businesses and individuals have been using has gained popularity. The mobile application is School Connect. School Connect provides parents and students with the information they want and need from their school and district. It is an effective way to stay connected to the children school community. Where is your citation? Remember that a paragraph should be at least three sentences in length. It creates a network of school, parents, students, teachers to come together in an environment to stay connected within their community. Businesses around the district can advertise their products for parents to see. What parent most wants is his or hers children to be more productive in school and get good grades, and this application helps do this. The applications shows recent notifications and messages that parents need to know on the front first page. It has a page where parents and students can call or e-mail an emergency issue or problem with the school or district, which this to me is good to have. Where is your citation? Remember that a paragraph should be at least three sentences in length. The mobile application has a list of staff directories where a parent can email or call his or hers...
Words: 1050 - Pages: 5