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New York Times Case Study


Submitted By atrogisch
Words 3324
Pages 14
Case Study – New York Times

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Executive Summary
New York Times is a prominent daily newspaper in the United States. The organization has started its operations in 1851 in New York City and expanded its services to other states in the country over a period of time. With the headquarters located in New York, the organization has circulation of 1.8 million. Recently, New York Times has been facing wide-variety of challenges which needs to be addressed with an immediate effect so that there would not be any major impact on the future growth prospects of the organization. Some of the major issues that New York Times facing are plummeting revenues, inability to sustain with business transformation and poor operating cash flow. The major reasons for these challenges are increasing operational costs, reduced print subscriptions, reducing advertising revenue, rapidly changing technologies, changing consumer behaviours, lack of revenue from digital platforms, and poor online financial strategy etc.
In order to address these challenges, it is recommended for the organization to follow two business strategies. They are Business Process Reengineering Strategy and Monetizing Digital Platforms. By implementing these strategies, New York Times can see improvement in speed of service provision, operational cost, quality of service and productivity. The paper also suggested a couple of change management models that help New York Times to successfully manage the change. These strategies include Lewin’s 3- Stage Model and Kotler’s 8-Stage Model. Finally, the paper analysed the financial data and concluded that New York Times is performing very poor in terms of revenue generation, cost of sales, return on investment capital etc. when compared to the industry giants such as Gannett Co Inc.

Problems Faced by New York Times

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