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Submitted By sallen
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Sandra Allen
NewCorp Legal Scenarios
Trina Eaddy

Many legal issues can occur when hiring a new employee and not giving them all the information that is required by law. All information needs to be in clear detail and must be understood by the new employee. When a manager presents the information clearly, he or she is helping to prevent legal issues in the future. In this paper I will be talking about three different legal encounters. In each scenario I will be talking about what legal issues could happen in each one.
Legal Encounter 1 There are some liabilities and rights that both NewCorp and Pat have in this scenario. If Pat decides takes action against NewCorp for terminating him, he cannot use employee at-will. At-will employment means that companies and employees can break employment without liability under the American law. Pat looked at his personnel manual that deals with unsatisfactory employees. In this manual it states that that no employee can be terminated until they are notified of the deficiency and then placed on an action plan. However, since NewCorp personnel manual states this information NewCorp could be looking at a law suit from Pat for termination.
Legal Encounter 2 This scenario is shows sexual harassment is happening at NewCorp. This scenario is in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. When people work together he or she should not get involved with anyone he or she works with. Supervisors should not get involved with members in his or her department. Sam should have not got involved with Paula and Paula should not have got involved with Sam. Paula should have went to someone hire up them Sam and told them about the situation. Sam should have not stop Paula from transferring departments because Paula was not pregnant. Other managers and supervisors should of step in when Paula asked for a transfer. Sam

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