...Final Caption of Ethics Concept: Confront minority discrimination: openly set standards for minorities to have more control over their actions, and their own lives rather than members of a dominant or majority group. Importance: Allowing people to think they are less than they are has to come to a stalling point where they take actions and dominion over their lives. Unequal treatment and have less power, and being overweight must come to an end. Concept: Confront Racial Discrimination in a Melting Pot: A descendant of a Pilgrim is White, for example. But sometimes race is more ambiguous: People who are the children of an African American and Vietnamese American union are biracial or “mixed,” or whatever they come to be seen by others. Our recognition that race is socially constructed has sparked a renewed interest in what it means to be White in the United States. Two aspects of White as a race are useful to consider: the historical creation of Whiteness and how contemporary White people reflect on their racial identity. Importance: It should not matter the color of the parent to determine the future of a child. It is important that we allow children not to be categorized before opportunities reach them. Something should be done to allow all children to grow up rather mixed or anything else for that matter to get and gain the same respect as someone brought into a full white family. Concept: Recognizing Internal Colonialism: is the treatment of subordinate...
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...On May 2, 1808, residents of Madrid rebelled against the French military, who occupied the city. In response to this conflict Goya printed Los Desastres de la Guerra (‘The Disasters of War’), a sequence of 82 prints depicting the effects of war and starvation. One of the 82 prints that I am going to focus on is caption Unhappy Mother. The etching depicts the death of a mother who is being carried by three men. There is a little girl no younger than three with her hands wiping her tears away. If you look closely you can see one of the three men looking at the little girl as they carry the woman away. There is a person behind the men. The person seems to be dead because there seems to be a gunshot wound on her back. The eighty etchings present...
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...TUGAS PROYEK GRADIEN KELOMPOK VIII Disusun oleh : Adik Niko Heri Mukti Kusuma (5215122652) Asmara Yoga (5215122687) Lidya Setiawati (5215122680) Mochammad Aldi Mauludin (5215122659) Urfi Muthiah (5215122677) Yusuf Syani (5215122628) PENDIDIKAN TEKNIK ELEKTRONIKA FAKULTAS TEKNIK UNIVERSITAS NEGERI JAKARTA 2013/2014 27 Mei 2013 [M A T E M A T I K A II] KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa.Berkat rahmat, nikmat, serta limpahan karuniaNya Makalah Proyek Gradien ini dapat diselesaikan tepat pada waktunya Penulisan makalah proyek ini sebagai sarana pemenuhan tugas mata kuliah pendidikan matematika II, pendidikan teknik elektronika semester 098 tahun pelajaran 2013/2014 Dalam penyelesaian makalah proyek ini penulis banyak mengalami kesulitan karena kurangnya materi yang diperoleh.Namun berkat bantuan dari berbagai pihak,akhirnya makalah ini dapat diselesaikan.Oleh karena itu, penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada 1. Dr.Ir.Rusmono sebagai Dosen Pembimbing Matematika II 2. Tim sebagai pencari informasi tambahan Penulis menyadari makalah proyek ini masih jauh dari sempurna.Oleh karena itu,penulis meminta kritik dan saran yang membangun makalah proyek ini menjadi lebih baik. Semoga makalah ini dapat bermanfaat bagi yang membaca , khususnya penulis. Jakarta,27 mei 2013 PENULIS GRADIEN ii 27 Mei 2013 [M A T E M A T I K A II] DAFTAR ISI Cover..................
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...cover album cover album cover AdChoices Cloudy Leicester / 13°C Edit Settings NEWS ENTERTAINMENT SPORT MONEY LIFESTYLE HEALTH & FITNESS FOOD & DRINK TRAVEL CARS VIDEO TOP STORIES new caption PM: Farage's call to scrap race laws 'deeply concerning' The Independent Australia's 'Jihadi Jake' In Suicide Attack Sky News new caption Two police officers shot in Ferguson Sky News new caption Who could replace Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear? Motoring Research CAR CRASH CLARKSON: 5m viewers, 214 countries, three Stigs: Top Gear in numbers Motoring Research BBC faces multimillion-pound bill from Jeremy Clarkson suspension The Guardian Jeremy Clarkson is 'huge talent' says Cameron Sky News new caption Gigi Hadid: Who is fashion's newest 'It' girl? PLUS-SIZED ANIMALS new caption Massive 13ft alligator spotted on Florida golf course The Independent new caption Giant lobster ancestor was once Earth's biggest animal The Verge new caption Chelsea branded '11 babies' and 'pathetic' after defeat The Telegraph MORE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE: Champions League in pics: Chelsea fan Clarkson spotted...
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...Leicester / 10°C Edit Settings NEWS ENTERTAINMENT SPORT MONEY LIFESTYLE HEALTH & FITNESS FOOD & DRINK TRAVEL CARS VIDEO BREAKING NEWS: Ex-TV weatherman Fred Talbot jailed for five years over historic child sex abuse new caption Male domestic violence victim: I never thought this would happen to me The Independent Iron man gives bionic arm to boy born with a missing limb Iron Man star Robert Downey Jr gives bionic arm to boy born with missing limb Sky News new caption Jeremy Clarkson 'alerted BBC bosses to fracas incident' The Guardian CAR CRASH CLARKSON: 'Clarkson threatened producer with dismissal' Sky News Who could replace Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear? Motoring Research 5m viewers, 214 countries, three Stigs: Top Gear in numbers Motoring Research new caption The Sound of Music: where are the stars now? Freaky Friday new caption Happy Friday the 13th! 13 superstitions and their origins new caption The weird world of phobias Ed Miliband in his kitchen Another PR opportunity... another PR disaster for Ed Miliband new caption Gentlemen, start your engines! F1 2015 season preview MORE ON FORMULA 1: Sauber team principal won't quit in row over number of signed drivers...
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...COURSE REGISTRATION SYSTEM PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:- The allotment of courses during the start of the academic year can consume more time when done by physical means. By implementing the registration of course online, it would be efficient for both college and students to add new course and register for course respectively. INTERFACES:- The whole system is divided into 5 levels. They are Ø Selecting User Ø Adding a course Ø Display Availability Ø Register Course Ø Generate order form SELECTING USER :- This module is to select the type of user accessing the project. By determining the user the authentication for the rest of the project is provided for safety concerns. ADDING A COURSE :- This module is used for the colleges. Adding course has three sub modules namely, Ø Login module Ø College selection Ø Slots according to the Quota LOGIN:- This module is used to store the information of the officer’s user name and password. COLLEGE SELECTION:- This module is to let the user to select which college does he want to add the seats for this academic year. SLOTS ACCOTDING TO THE QUOTA:- This module provides the user with the slots to fill the specified seats in the college according to the quota as category. DISPLAY AVAILABILITY:- This module is to display the students with the seats available for them to register. This again has 2 other modules, Ø Stream...
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...News Video Indexing and Retrieval System Using Feature-Based Indexing and Inserted-Caption Detection Retrieval 1 News Video Indexing and Retrieval System Using Feature-Based Indexing and InsertedCaption Detection Retrieval Akshay Kumar Singh, Soham Banerjee, Sonu Kumar and Asst. Prof. Mr. S. Ghatak Computer Science and Engineering, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Majitar, India. Abstract—Data compression coupled with the availability of high bandwidth networks and storage capacity have created the overwhelming production of multimedia content, this paper briefly describes techniques for content-based analysis, retrieval and filtering of News Videos and focuses on basic methods for extracting features and information that will enable indexing and search of any news video based on its content and semantics. The major themes covered by the study include shot segmentation, key frame extraction, feature extraction, clustering, indexing and video retrieval-by similarity, probabilistic, transformational, refinement and relevance feedback. A new caption text extraction algorithm that takes full advantage of the temporal information in a video sequence is developed. Keywords—Shot Boundaries Detection, Inserted Caption Detection, Machine Learning, Face Annotation, Edge/Field Detection. I. INTRODUCTION E ffective techniques for video indexing/searching are required for large visual information systems (such as video databases and video servers). In addition...
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...they show the readers what is going on in a story and then captions are used to provide context and back ground information to the stories. Photos allow readers to visualize and piece together through the use of quotes what is going on in a story. For example, In Wambsgans's article is a real-life documentation about a 10-year-old boy, Tavon Tanner, and his mother, Mellanie Washington, striving to put his life back together after he survived a devastating shooting in Chicago using black and white photos. In the first picture of Wambsgans's article, he shows a black and white picture of Tavon Tanner with his shirt lifted up showing his scar after he under went surgery and after the whole incident....
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...DriveComboBox1 FileListBox1 DirectoryListBox1 MediaPlayer1 ProgressBar1 Panel Image1 timer 1. Tambahkan 3 komponen panel (Panel1, Panel2, Panel3) dari Tab Standart kedalam form 2. 2 Komponen label (Label1, Label2) dari Tab Standart diletakkan diatas panel2 dan panel3. 3. 2 komponen speedbutton (speedbutton1, speedbutton2) dari Tab Additional diletakkan diatas Panel1. Desain dapat anda sesuaika dengan gambar tersebut 1 tarji_anto@yahoo.com Ubahlah property komponen masing-masing komponen tersebut seperti berikut KOMPONEN PROPERTY Panel1 Align = Altop Caption = kosong Panel2 Align = Altop Caption = kosong Name = Paudio Paniel3 Align = Altop Caption = kosong Name = Vaudio Label1 Caption = Audio Players Label2 Caption = Video Players Form1 Caption = MultiMedia Ontolohot Autosize = True Seedbutton1 Caption = Audio Players Groupindex = 1 Down = True AllowAllUp = True Seedbutton2 Caption = Video Players Groupindex = 2 Down = True AllowAllUp = True 2 tarji_anto@yahoo.com 4. Double klik komponen Seedbutton1, Kemudian ketikkan Prosedurnya seperti dibawah ini: procedure TForm1.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Paudio.Visible:=SpeedButton1.Down; end; 5. Double klik komponen Seedbutton2, Kemudian ketikkan Prosedurnya seperti dibawah ini: procedure TForm1.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Pvideo.Visible:=SpeedButton2.Down; end; 6. Dari applikasi sebelumnya, tambahkan komponen MediaPlayers1 dari Tab Sistem 7. Komponen Progressbar dari Tab Additional...
Words: 352 - Pages: 2
...processing strategy, this processing is faster. Processing can be seen as hierarchical. Some text areas missed because each method continues on the output of the previous method so if any method misses text area it will be missed in the final system output [8]. A color feature is used as if the total number of pixels with similar RGB color in one frame is within some thresholds; this frame is assumed as a candidate caption frame. And Roberts edge feature is used to filter out the wrong caption frames as the rectangle shape of the caption would bring some horizontal lines in the edge map. Then, the pre-processing which includes Converting colored image to grayscale, Bicubic interpolation to improve resolution of text characters and binarization is applied to the caption images assumes that image contains two classes of pixels text pixels and background pixels or bi-modal histogram, and then calculate the threshold that maximize the Intra-class variance and finally sent the result to the OCR system embedded in Microsoft Office Document Imaging tool in MS Office 2003 [4]. Caption is located by joining color, texture, and edge methods. Image is segmented into blocks. Uniform areas are ignored. Histogram of each block is computed. A block is classified as text block in case of no high value in its histogram. Image is decomposed using first level Haar wavelets. Text blocks are located if it have regular texture. Sobel map is generated. Horizontal and vertical line segments are detected. A...
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...Depending on the light conditions, the image luminance in each straw elements range $10-20\%$ of the maximum value. The illumination of the scene is far from optimal: the background is unevenly illuminated and the tarp presents several wrinkles which reflect light in some regions and cast shadows on others. Depending on the light conditions, the image luminance in each straw elements range $10-20\%$ of the maximum value. For each test, $n_t=40$ images with $4272\times2848 pixels$ resolution, $16bits$ depth, RGB images are acquired in multi-shooting mode at a $1 f.p.s$. These images are flipped (left to right) to have the $X$ axis direction from left to right. \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{Example.png} \caption{A typical snapshot image taken during the experiments. The background is dark in the center of the image, bright on the sides.}\label{Example}...
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...Research Paper Template for A4 Page Size J.Q. Author M.Tech. Student Centre for Computer Science & Technology Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (Punjab). Abstract— This document gives formatting instructions for authors preparing papers for publication in the proceedings of CAMA. The authors must follow the instructions given in the document for the papers to be published. You can use this document as both an instruction set and as a template into which you can type your own text. Keywords— Include at least 5 keywords or phrases I. Introduction This document is a template. An electronic copy can be downloaded from the conference website. For questions on paper guidelines, please contact the conference publications committee as indicated on the conference website. Information about final paper submission is available from the conference website. II. Page Layout An easy way to comply with the conference paper formatting requirements is to use this document as a template and simply type your text into it. A. Page Layout Your paper must use a page size corresponding to A4 which is 210mm (8.27") wide and 297mm (11.69") long. The margins must be set as follows: • Top = 19mm (0.75") • Bottom = 43mm (1.69") • Left = Right = 14.32mm (0.56") Your paper must be in two column format with a space of 4.22mm (0.17") between columns. III. Page Style All paragraphs must be indented. All paragraphs must be justified, i.e. both left-justified...
Words: 1776 - Pages: 8
...Sample IEEE Paper for A4 Page Size First Author #1, Second Author *2, Third Author #3 # First-Third Department, First-Third University Address Including Country Name 1 first.author@first-third.edu 3 third.author@first-third.edu * Second Company Address Including Country Name 2 second.author@second.com Abstract—For your paper to be published in the conference proceedings, you must use this document as both an instruction set and as a template into which you can type your own text. If your paper does not conform to the required format, you will be asked to fix it. I. Introduction This document is a template. An electronic copy can be downloaded from the conference website. For questions on paper guidelines, please contact the conference publications committee as indicated on the conference website. Information about final paper submission is available from the conference website. Before submitting your final paper, check that the format conforms to this template. Specifically, check the appearance of the title and author block, the appearance of section headings, document margins, column width, column spacing and other features. A. This Sub-Section for LaTeX Users Only If the appearance is different from what is shown in this template, then the cause may be the use of conflicting style files in your LaTeX document. An example of an incompatible style file is latex8.sty. You must remove all such conflicting style files. II. Page Layout ...
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...|Ex.No:4 |ONLINE TICKET RESERVATION SYSTEM | | | | PROBLEM STATEMENT: The “Any Where Any Time Advance Reservation” system is the online ticket reserving system where the passengers can reserve the tickets for their travel, cancel the reserved ticket and they can view the status of the ticket before travelling. The passenger who is reserving the ticket in AWATAR unless they are the member of AWATAR .The passenger can reserve the ticket by giving the required detail in the form and submit it for the processing .They can reserve for at the max for five members and a single ticket is provided for them. The administrator the AWATAR can control the ticket reservation and the accounts of the passengers who are signing up in AWATAR. The administrator can reset the seats, fares of the tickets, and generates the PNR number for the ticket that are reserved. The sole control of the system is handled by the administrator. The printer prints the tickets that are reserved by the passenger. The passenger can sign-up for only one time and he can sign in for any number of times for reserving, cancelling and viewing the tickets. The AWATAR system provides flexibility for the persons based on the age, the passengers are fared based on the age and the place of travelling...
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...explosions not only killed 11 BP personnel, but also unleashed over four million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico (Bryant 2011). The leak took three months to stop, despite a variety of attempts, before BP finally capped it off on July 15th, 2010 (Adams and Gabbert 2010). In response to the crisis BP launched a website to present itself and its responses in a positive manner. BP’s “Gulf of Mexico Restoration” website uses these three strategies to try to repair its reputation: BP uses vibrant images of beaches and aquatic habitats to visually demonstrate its progress toward restoring the environment affected by the Deepwater Horizon accident; chronicles its accomplishments of restoring the Gulf of Mexico using sizeable headliners and captions, and provides a timeline of expenditures to display its financial commitment to revamping the damaged region. BP uses stunning pictures of restored beaches and enhanced aquatic habitats to express its commitment to rectifying all damages the oil spill had on people and their communities. BP scattered pictures of gorgeous shorelines, stunning sea creatures, and appetizing assortments of freshly caught seafood throughout its website to provide visual evidence that BP is, in fact, revamping the Gulf’s natural resources. Based on the pictures, the region now looks suitable for tourism, commercial...
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