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No Child-Left Behind Act

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In 2002, President George W. Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act into law. It was instated as an education reform of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. The No Child Left Behind Act was supposed to ensure that every child received a quality education and that no child would be left behind. President Bush wanted to give every child the opportunity to learn and exceed. The No Child Left Behind Act had a specific goal to accomplish this: close the learning gap. The intentions of the reform were great, but fell short in meeting its goals. The resulting failures led to changes in teaching curriculum, low school funding, and negligence of children with learning disabilities. The No Child Left Behind Act failed to do what it was …show more content…
The accountability of schools was established as a way to measure how much funding a school would get. A school is responsible for how well their students are doing, so the better scores a school returns, the more funding that school receives. More flexibility of federal education funds means that the state may use the educational funds for any purpose accepted by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Giving parents the choice of where their child attends school ensures that students who are part of an unsatisfactory school may transfer to another school in their district. This provision safeguards a student’s right to receive quality education. Finally, the use of proven teaching curriculum means that only curriculum that has gone under extensive scientific research and has been proven to increase the quality of education (Husband and Hunt). These four clauses were put into effect to better the educational system, but unintentional consequences resulted in a failure to do …show more content…
One of these consequences is that teachers are being forced to “teach to the test” (Shoffner). Several studies have shown that standardized testing has caused teachers to change curriculum to achieve high standards. While people want their children to learn more than just how to pass a test, the No Child Left Behind Act restricts the opportunity to do so (Ladd). The Colorado Growth Model was a study conducted to measure the growth of teaching and learning, implemented to understand the way labels affect educational performance. The study revealed that standardized testing, which may give schools labels such as “adequate,” tend to shift the school’s focus from education to passing a test (Conn). The standardized tests focus mainly on science and math, so the teachers must change their curriculum to spend more time on the subjects being tested. This means that there is less time for students to spend learning other subjects like social studies, art, and music (Dee and

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