...Application………………………………………………………………………9 Conclusion…………………………………………………….…………………………………..9 Bibliography………………………………………………………………………………………9 Introduction Theology is defined as the systematic study of the nature of God and the nature of religious belief and truth. Given the broad history of Christianity, one can imagine the difficulty in summarizing the basics of Christian theology. Though the scope of this paper is not to inform the reader of historical data and information regarding theological foundations, a foundation must be laid down in order to fully understand the content within. An in depth definition and brief history of pastoral theology will be presented in order to provide clarification for the topic of this paper. Among Christians, mainly from the realm of seminary and other educational settings, Charles H. Spurgeon is commonly known as the “Prince of Preachers.” The impact that C.H. Spurgeon has had on modern day Christianity is legendary and all aspects of his pastoral ministry should be studied and fully understood. It is the intent of this research paper to educate, investigate and solidify the question that still remains, what was the specific theological foundation for Charles H....
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...Position Paper Introduction Looking back over the past two hundred and seven years, every session of the United States Senate has been opened with a prayer. Doing so has reaffirmed the Senates faith that God is the Sovereign Lord of our Nation. Barry C. Black currently serves as the spiritual advisor and counselor for the United States Senate with the title of Chaplin. Over the years, this position has ranged from part time, to now a full time position (United States Senate, 2011). Ever since Engel v. Vitale, people have been upset that God has been kicked out of the classroom. Engle v. Vitale was a landmark Supreme Court case, in which it was ruled that the public school could not be started or concluded with a formal reciting of a non-denominational prayer (Bill of Rights Institute, 2010). The following information will show both sides of the argument of if prayer should be allowed in schools. Background information will be given on the history of prayer in school and prayer in congress, and my personal thoughts on this important position. Argument There are many different viewpoints on the argument of prayer in schools. We will begin with the argument of allowing prayer in schools. The United States Constitution protects religious freedom under the First Amendment. The First Amendment states that Congress should not make any law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise of religion (U.S. Constitution Online, 2010)...
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...The Past Present and Future: An analysis into using Biblical Perspectives in Choosing Christian Education Curriculum Development A Paper Presented to Dr. Doug Powell Dallas Baptist University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of MACE 6301 by Timothy E. Fitten, II December 5, 2010 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Identified Methodology for Implementation 3 Intended Outcome of the Process 5 Planning Steps 5 Leadership Needs 6 Communication Methods 6 Needed Resources 7 Scheduling Considerations 7 Mobilization Methods 8 Anticipated Challenges and Barriers 8 Conclusion 9 Bibliography 11 Introduction Curriculum development within Christian Education (CE) is not an easy task to undertake. However, in order to impact the lives of Christians, such development is a vital part of expediting the growth of within the family of faith. The Christian church is established based upon the five founding principles (evangelism, education, fellowship, service and worship) and the curriculum that is chosen by the church should accurately reflect these principles. Today more than ever the mandate given to us by Jesus the Christ, which calls for us to continue not only educating ourselves but educating others, is a challenge. Of the five founding principles, education may be the hardest principle to fully implement. Throughout history the method of teaching parishioners has changed. From teaching and learning extensively...
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...LIBERTY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY “Unreached People Group: Kazakhs of Mongolia” A Paper Submitted to Dr. Neal H. Creecy in partial fulfillment of the requirements for completion of GLST 500 Global Studies Survey By Ryann S. Ruckman Dec. 9, 2013 Table of Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………..3 Kazakhs of Mongolia Background Information………………………………..4 History………………………………………………………………………4 Language…………………………………………………………………..5 Social Structure……………………………………………………………6 Culture………………………………………………………………………7 Economy……………………………………………………………………7 Religion……………………………………………………………………..8 Survey of Missions Work……………………………………………………….11 Church Status………………………………………………………….....11 Known Believers………………………………………………………….12 Challenges……………………………………………………………......13 Present Strategies…………………………………………………....….14 Proposed Strategy………………………………………………………..…….15 Accessing the Country…………………………………………………..15 Discipleship and Church Planting Strategy…………………………...16 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………....18 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………......20 Figures – Physical Map of Bayan-Ulgii, Mongolia…………………………..3 Introduction The Kazakhs of Mongolia are a people untouched by the gospel fire and the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. The Kazakh’s of Mongolia are the largest ethnic minority group in Mongolia, numbering over 100,000 and mainly live in the western province of Bayan Ulgii. These nomadic people migrated from their homeland of Kazakhstan and are a people rooted...
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...Calgary Funeral Services Cooperative Business Plan DRAFT AUGUST 8, 2011 Contents 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1 1.1 Executive Summary 1 1.2 Comparative Cooperative Model 2 1.3 Feasibility Study and Background Research 3 2.0 Business Description 5 2.1 Corporate Structure 5 2.2 Business Objectives 7 2.3 Market Assessment 7 2.4 Products & Services 8 2.5 Location 10 2.6 Human Resources 11 2.7 Regulatory Issues 12 3.0 MARKETING STRATEGY 13 3.1 Pricing Strategy 15 3.2 Customer Service 16 4.0 FINANCIAL PLAN 17 4.1 Capitalization Strategy 17 4.2 Sales & Income Projections 18 4.3 Critical Factors 19 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1.1 Executive Summary The Calgary Cooperative Funeral Service seeks to create a cooperative enterprise to provide funeral services that are modestly priced and environmentally friendly within the Calgary market. Based on an initial membership the founding organizations - cooperatives in Calgary, Calgary Legions, Churches and individual Calgarians, with a combined member share/loan offering and bank loan for a combined total of $525,000, this business plan calls for the enterprise to reach positive cash flow toward the end of the 3rd year of operation. The business model seeks to establish funeral/crematoria services which is centrally located and would service the members of the founding organizations as well as the funeral needs...
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...Online Business Expansion Proposal Gilda Nunley-Jackson Western Governors University Abstract This paper continues with the exploration of developing an online business expansion proposal for Cornerstone Christian School (CCS). The investigation validated by Oracle’s (2011) white paper offers the necessary criteria to consider before investing in an E-Commerce solution. The paper also discusses Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and optimization strategies, their importance and the benefits to both the customer and the company. Another very important reflection was the International consideration aspect and how it’s important to become familiar with each facet of the market to create a viable business. Lastly, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool was selected to provide the highest level of interaction with customers and deliver a tracking mechanism for CCS as well as enhance their overall marketing abilities while effectively managing the business in order to be represented as a leader in the industry. Online Business Expansion Proposal Based on Cornerstone Christian School’s (CCS) lack of an E-Commerce solution, an underdeveloped website, lack of International consideration and absence of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool, it is necessary to implement these guiding factors to expand their business into a more competitive leader in the private school industry. In the near future, it is imperative for CCS to add several tools, review their...
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...Michigan Columbus Credit Union Lisa Flanigan Courtney Johnson Mary Smith-Biles Todd Buchanan Madonna University MKT 6210 Table of Contents Introduction Page 3 Brand Building Page 8 The Numbers Page 11 Conclusion and Marketing Ideas Page 22 Bibliography Page 24 Introduction by Lisa Flanigan Credit Unions are not-for-profit financial institutions that are owned by all of its members. The focus of the credit union is to help its members save, borrow, and receive affordable financial services. One way is by offering higher interest rates on savings accounts which can be important to people in general but also to the young population who are just starting to save for college or some other long term item such as a car. Typically, credit unions charge lower fees compared to banks and provide credit at competitive rates. Like any other business, Credit Unions must have enough income/ assets to cover expenses related to running a business or risk the possibility of becoming insolvent. Lending money to members is a source of income for credit unions. When borrowers default on this lent money, this puts a credit union at risk and causes tougher rules on responsible lending. They are also known for providing service at the personal level by helping their members plan for the future. The first credit union was founded in southern Germany in the year 1864 by...
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...was soaked with tears during the scourging, and I felt like a softball was lodged in the back of my throat as the movie concluded. The nearest feeling that I can compare it to was an * Copyright © Frederick Mark Gedicks & Roger Hendrix. All rights reserved. This essay is based on a lecture delivered by Professor Gedicks at the St. John’s University College of Law on March 29, 2004, as part of the St. John’s Law Review Hono rarium Lecture Series. W e are grateful for the com ments and criticisms of Travis And erson , Jack Balkan, Lo u Bilionis, David D ominguez, Jim Faulco ner, B ill Marshall, John Orth, Doug Parker, and Jane Wise. We also benefitted from comments and criticisms at a workshop presentation of an earlier version of this paper to the...
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...Immaculate Cleaning Services Twenty River Rock Place North Little Rock, AR 72201 Telephone: (555) 555-5555 Facsimile: (555) 555-5555 www.immaculatecleaningservices.xyz John Doe Smith 2323 Maple Drive Little Rock, AR 72212 Cell: (501) 598-6572 johnsmith@immaculatecleaningservices.xyz Copy #1 Disclaimer: This is a sample plan only. The numbers and information contained are fictitious and should not be used as a resource. Table of Contents I. II. III. IV. Cover Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Financing Proposal Loan Amount Required Terms & Utilization Collateral Owner’s Equity Contribution 1 3 3 3 3 3 V. Company Description Company History & Mission Overview of Products & Services Business Location Legal Structure 3 3 3 3 4 VI. Industry Analysis Industry Description Occupational Outlook Barriers to Entry SWOT Analysis 4 4 4 5 5 VII. Products & Services Primary Services Distribution Channels Pricing Structure & Strategy Sources of Competitive Advantage 5 5 5 6 6 VIII. Market Analysis Service Customers Competition Location Marketing Strategy Customer Demand Forecast for Demand 6 6 7 7 9 10 12 12 IX. Management & Organization Management Responsibilities Advisory Team Employee Position Description 12 12 13 13 X. Operational Plan Methods of Service Delivery Credit Policies Personnel Equipment, Technology & Inventory Legal Exit Strategy 13 13 14 14 16 16 17 XI. Financial Plan & Projections ...
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...Version. Scripture quotations marked NASB are from the New American Standard Bible, copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Texts credited to NEB are from The New English Bible. © The Delegates of the Oxford University Press and the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press 1961, 1970. Reprinted by permission. Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Bible texts credited to RSV are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1946, 1952, 1971, by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Used by permission. Texts credited to RV are from The Holy Bible, Revised Version, Oxford University Press, 1911. Printed in U.S.A. 09 08 07 06 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 0-8280-1947-9 ISBN 0-8280-1948-7 hardcover paperback Printed and distributed by the Review and Herald® Publishing Association Hagerstown, Maryland 21740 Table of Contents Introduction ...................................................................................... xix Historical Development of the Seventh-day Adventist Church ... xix Historical Development of the Church Manual .......................... xix Content of the Church Manual...................................................... xxi Procedure for Changes in the Church Manual...
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...Exchange 37 (2008) 124-155 www.brill.nl/exch Ethiopian Traditional Values versus the Social Teaching of the Church Solomon Dejene Research Student, Nijmegen Institute for Mission Studies, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Email: S.Dejene@nim.ru.nl Abstract Even if the Roman Catholic Church does not have a very long history in Ethiopia and constitutes a small minority of the society, her social significance is great in part due to the structural development programs she runs through out the country. The main aim of this paper is to identify how much the Church1 has made use of traditional systems and values in reflecting and communicating pastorally particularly in regard the Social of the Church (henceforth CST). By analyzing four selected pastoral letters, this article tries to spell out the strengths and shortcomings of the Church in employing traditional systems and values in giving form to the CST. Keywords Catholic social teaching, human dignity, common good, solidarity, reconciliation and peace, contextualization, Ethiopian traditional values Introduction Most of the current national boundaries of Africa were drawn during the colonial period and do not reflect the socio-cultural, ethno-linguistic and religious compositions of the colonies. Although Ethiopia has successfully overcome European colonial power and survived as an independent state with the exception of a five year Italian occupation (1936-41), its contemporary national boarder is a result of the scramble for Africa....
Words: 14497 - Pages: 58
...paperback Printed and distributed by the Review and Herald® Publishing Association Hagerstown, Maryland 21740 Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 Why a Church Manual? ........................................................................17 Authority and Function of the Church Manual ..................................18 Making Changes ..............................................................................19 Where to Get Advice ......................................................................20 Terms Used in the Church Manual ....................................................20 Church..........................................................................................20 Conference, Mission, Section, Delegation, Field, Union of Churches ....20 Pastor and Minister ........................................................................20 Abbreviations ................................................................................21 Scripture Quotations ......................................................................21 CHAPTER 2 Church of the Living God ..................................................................22 No Wall of Partition ........................................................................22 Supreme Object of Christ’s...
Words: 75457 - Pages: 302
...but when one commits a sin it not only hurts that one person but the people and the Church.... [tags: Catholicism, What Catholics Believe, informative] 1922 words (5.5 pages) $14.95 [preview] Catholic religion - CATHOLIC RELIGION To belong to the church one must accept as factually true the gospel of Jesus as handed down in tradition and as interpreted by the bishops in union with the pope. The most important thing in this divine tradition is the Bible, its text determined and disseminated by the church. The church, according to the Roman Catholic catechism, is the only Christian body that is “one, holy, catholic (universal)”. The doctrine of apostolic succession is one of the key parts of the Catholic faith.... [tags: essays research papers] 748 words (2.1 pages) $14.95...
Words: 9141 - Pages: 37
...made stable democracy more likely. Statistically, the historic prevalence of Protestant missionaries explains about half the variation in democracy in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania and removes the impact of most variables that dominate current statistical research about democracy. The association between Protestant missions and democracy is consistent in different continents and subsamples, and it is robust to more than 50 controls and to instrumental variable analyses. ocial scientists tend to ignore religion in the processes of post-Enlightenment modernization. In individual cases and events, the role of religious actors is clear—especially in the primary documents. Yet in broad histories and comparative analyses, religious groups are pushed to the periphery, only to pop out like a jack-in-the-box from time to time to surprise and scare people and then shrink back into their box to let the important historical changes be directed by “secular” actors and forces (Butler 2004). Yet integrating religious actors and motivations into narratives about the rise and spread of both Western modernity and democracy helps solve perennial problems that plague current research. In fact, most research on democracy and other macro historical changes has...
Words: 26573 - Pages: 107
...a di v i si on of gospel for www.gfa.org a si a Re a de rs Re spo nd t o Revolution in World Missions “I have just read Revolution in World Missions. This book greatly ministered to me and stirred me in a way no book has ever done. How can we order more copies?” —Pastor J.P., Lakeside, Oregon “Your book stirred me to tears and drove me to prayer!” —Miss J.S., Towson, Maryland “I have read Revolution in World Missions twice, and now I am more convinced than ever that investing in national missionaries and Bridge of Hope children will yield better returns than silver or gold. Thank you for waking me up, Brother K.P.” —Mr. K.G., Calgary, Alberta “I read your book and think it is one of the most dynamic, down-to-earth books that I have ever read. I want to give a copy to our pastor, each board member and selected other people at our church.” —Mr. P.W., Santa Margarita, California “K.P. Yohannan’s book draws the Church back to the very heart of what Christ has called us to do. I would urge every Christian, and especially every pastor, to read this book with a humble heart before the Lord. I’m reading it through again, and it’s still a heart-stirring blessing.” —Pastor M.W., Worthing, England “We have been challenged and convicted by Revolution in World Missions. We believe that our Lord Jesus is offering us the chance to share in His work in Asia—a chance we don’t want to miss!” —Mr. and Mrs. M.D., Pacifica, California “We...
Words: 62016 - Pages: 249