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Nonmaleficence Argument Essay

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“What is the possibility of me overcoming this incurable disease, watching my loved ones suffer and worried for my state of condition” This patient name Erik is struggling of his disorder having this thoughts leads to the idea of dying with dignity on a sleep drug. This procedure is called autonomy a patient’s will to do what it is pleased for the outcome of their appearance. Erik has decided to take this action because his chances are low enough to give up on faith and watching his family have pity for him was the last tolerance. Autonomy is one of the fourth basic principles in medical ethics. As well as beneficence the goodness for the patients health care. An example of a benefit of a person would be encouraging the patient to stop smoking …show more content…
Nonmaleficence is a term for “No harm” on a patient medical. “No Harm” is the desire to not endanger a person in need of medical attention. A patient who needs a surgery as soon as possible that has not been practice on a person is a risk that doctors will not take for the health of a patients. In this case the physician will need to practice the technique of the surgery on a mannequin. When successfully outcome of the mannequin this procedure will be conducted at the patient. This process is not to be unstable of the patients health care but knowing the good conclusion of it.

The last principle is justice meaning to be fair in every case on the necesite person. Justice being act on a patient has to be dealt with equalness side with legal status and heart. All circumstances of all different patient will require different outcome with the best treatment for the patient.

This ordinance does not have to be dealt in a decision it can be based on a religious purpose. Jehovah's witness refused to allow blood transfusion according to their faith. This will be held either have confidence the patient's pulse continue. Abortion or difficult surgery are cases that are distributed in our daily life that are handle with ethics concerning the complaint of the

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